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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. If you have figured out how to set the gradient tool to Transparency Mode, then try it out on a single layer image. Try it using the left mouse button and then with the right button just to see how it works in general. (Click and drag) Recognize that any transparency that is created will allow an image on a lower layer to show through. A blurred image for example.
  2. If I understand correctly what you mean by that, then, yes.
  3. For the gradients just use the standard gradient tool set to Transparency Mode in the toolbar. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/GradientTool.html
  4. dafmat71: Your Effects menu shows a sub-category of "Ed-gregious". This indicates that you may have some out-of-date plugin files in your Paint.NET/Effects folder. I suggest that you remove any Ed Harvey .dlls and replace them with a fresh set downloaded from the first post of this thread.
  5. The "Smooth/Pixelate" CommanderSozo refers to is a "Quality" toolbar option available when using the Move Selected Pixels tool to resize a selection.
  6. In that case do what Curmudgeon said, use the MagicWand while holding the Shift key down. ============= If you are using Madjik's gridmaker plugin you can set your secondary color's Transparency - Alpha to zero and it will give you a black and alpha grid.
  7. DtheArtist Your thread has been moved to General Discussion & Questions. Check link:
  8. Okay. This shows the difference between the two ways. See whether one of them looks suitable. http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/623/ ... ents01.jpg ========================================= Another method that might work well is Alpha Mask.
  9. Sure. What I suggested will give a gradual change between blurred and non-blurred. If you want the change between the two to be more rapid and distinct, then put the blurred duplicate a layer below the original, and cut the top section of the unblurred top layer away with rectangular select and Delete key. Then do a reflected transparent gradient at the cut edge. I'll post an example in a few minutes.
  10. siouxdax, You can try putting a blurred duplicate layer beneath your image then do a bit of a transparent linear gradient down from the top of the non blurry original.
  11. DtheArtist, Be sure to either delete, or remove the checkmark from, the default white background layer before flattening and saving your cut-out objects. I see that you are saving in PNG file format, which is also necessary to preserve transparency.
  12. I don't see why those buttons shouldn't work. Stick them on there and see how they look. You can always add a bit of color tint to the buttons if that will make them fit in better.
  13. jerry533482 Could you explain a bit further? What boxes, what kind of grid? Are you asking about a keyboard shortcut specifically or just want the easiest method of doing something? Can you post a screenshot showing what you're referring to?
  14. It sounds renaming the files to correct the extension may be all that's needed.
  15. Hi aml1954, If you have one of these won't-open files that is 256 KB or smaller, maybe you could post it here as an attachment. It may be easier to sort out what has gone wrong that way.
  16. Sure, you're welcome to it. I'll check out Prethemer to see what else you've done. Cheers. ===================================== P.S. Be sure to always download your plugin files from the plugin section of these forums, as this is the official source and will always have the most up-to-date files.
  17. This was done by making an elliptical selection around "palm", copying and pasting into a new layer, and applying PowerStretch here and there. Smudge was used around the edges to help it blend with the background. No cutting-out was needed. ================================== Working with a smaller piece may be less strain on things, and avoid the shutting down problem.
  18. If you cut-out the top part of the image at the division between the top of the base of the splash and the blue area that "palm" rests on, then try various distort effects on the text, it may give you what you want. I think the PowerStretch plugin applied at different areas and in differing directions might be good. After editing the top part, put its layer under the bottom part's layer for a clean blending of the two parts back together.
  19. Not really. If you can post a screenshot of the raindrop and the text you want to use, and just draw in free-hand roughly what you want the text to end up as, it will be a big help in generating more specific suggestions.
  20. Try installing .NET Framework3.5 SP1 first, if it isn't already installed. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=124150
  21. British_eh, If you set the Selection Mode to Add (Union) in the toolbar, you will be able to start where you left off with the lasso select after using the mouse scroll wheel or the scroll bars at the bottom and to the right of the canvas to reposition your view of the canvas. You can also use the Pan tool, for re-positioning, if you prefer that.
  22. goththeeevee It is against the rules of deviantart to hot link images from the deviantart site. You'll need to upload the image to a hosting site like ImageShack or PhotoBucket. Check this: How to Post Images
  23. New sigs. Especially like the top two. ================== I would like to see the stock images that go with this, if they are available. The link beneath the picture seems to be broken.
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