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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. attaliaa, You can probably use Hue / Saturation to do what you want to do. In the top menu Adjustments > Hue / Saturation. The hue adjustment can change the pink to blue, the saturation adjustment can change everything to greyscale.
  2. hsl, Please confirm whether you restarted your computer after changing the registry, and before trying to install PdN again. ================================== Please post any relevant information here, in this thread. In another thread, you wrote: Maybe you should run chkdsk, too. Try the command prompt method if your HDs don't show when you click the Computer shortcut. http://www.w7forums.com/use-chkdsk-check-disk-t448.html
  3. If you would, please do post that screenshot.
  4. For directions, just Google search, "chkdsk XP". ==================================== Also, in the Paint.NET program folder, check the properties of the application file to see whether it shows as v. 3.51 or the previous version. Pls. use regedit to navigate to: HKLM / Software / Paint.NET and get a screenshot.
  5. Rhiana, As a test, you might try saving as .dds from a clean boot. Just do a Google search using, "clean boot XP" (Or ...Vista etc. depending on your OS version)
  6. punkmama, Is there a Paint.NET folder in Program Files? It might be worthwhile to run a chkdsk scan. Malwarebytes and SUPERAntiSpyware scans would be good, too.
  7. hsl, Have you checked the registry keys cited in this post? ============================================ Please check to be sure that that registry key's SP value is set to 1, and the sub-directory SP value is set to 1, then reboot your computer and try to install Paint.NET again.
  8. The only effect used in the tutorial that isn't part of the basic Paint.NET program is Boltbait's Feather Object plugin. So, after you install that plugin, you can do what is shown. Just follow the video tutorial and use the pause button frequently, so that you can see what is being done. There is also a Text Effects tutorial section: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/23-text-effects/
  9. pbelb, The only Win7 registry problems I've noticed concern the NET Framework key that you have already checked. Since Paint.NET seems to have installed, sort of, I wonder whether running PdnRepair.exe might sort things out.
  10. Ctrl + X is the cut command. Here's a list of keyboard shortcuts, it might jog your memory. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/K ... mands.html
  11. Open Paint.NET. Make a new layer. (transparent) Delete the white default background layer. You now have one clear layer. Apply text, reduce opacity, save as .png.
  12. Before you close Paint.NET, click on Open Recent... and at the bottom click Clear This List.
  13. I don't recognize what you are describing. You could start with a single layer, patterned. Make a rectangular selection, then: Ctrl + C Ctrl + Shift + V This would copy the selection into a new layer.
  14. PdnRepair is an .exe file in the Paint.NET program folder. Just double-click on it.
  15. Okay. Just to be sure that I understand. PdN stopped opening while you still had the previous version. It was a sudden change, no error messages or other warning signs. The update installation to v. 3.51 gave every appearance of proceeding without problem. When you click on the desktop shortcut or start menu shortcut absolutely nothing happens? Have you tried double-clicking directly on the PaintDotNet.exe file in the program folder? Have you tried running PdnRepair?
  16. See if this does what you want. On a new layer make a long, fairly thin, elliptical selection, fill it with blue, deselect. Gaussian blur quite a bit, make a rectangular selection around it and squash it using the Move Selected Pixels tool on a middle node of a long side.
  17. Rhiana, Make a new folder on your desktop and see whether you can save a .dds file to the new (empty) folder.
  18. NiK N@K, After downloading, effects plugin files need to be copied-pasted into the Paint.NET/Effects folder. If you need additional help, please say what OS version you are using, (Vista, XP, etc.) and specifically which plugin or plugin pack you want to install first. Also, what have you tried so far that hasn't worked?
  19. PdN v.3.36 required only NETv.2.0. However, PdN v.3.36 is no longer supported.
  20. Have you tried running the repair on the NET framework? Go through Control Panel to Add or Remove Programs. Click the .NET Framework entry, then the Change/Remove button. After it loads, click OK with Repair ticked. (Should be that as default)
  21. Have you tried saving as PNG first, then saving from that PNG to DDS? This has helped for people who couldn't save as JPEG. Don't know if it will help with this.
  22. jfic On my XP system the PdN Open and Save dialogues always show as List, unless I use the My Pictures folder which came as part of the OS shell. I have the folder view for this set to Thumbnails and it shows that way using Paint.NET. I don't believe that anything can be done to change the default PdN list view in other locations.
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