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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. DaveD Could you add to your post: OS version (XP, Vista...?) OS Service Pack level & whether is fully current on Windows Updates. ====================== This doesn't reproduce for me. XP SP3 PdN 3.51
  2. Bjarni In the Paint.NET top menu: Utilities > View Plugin Load Errors Could you post what it says there?
  3. You might want to take a look at Layer Saver. Layer Saver
  4. Okay. That's this tutorial: The tutorial has you set your primary color to white and secondary to black. When you get to the point where you are going to add color to the text, you need to change your primary color to whatever color you want, and change your secondary color to white. If you leave the secondary color set to black it won't recolor the text. When you ran the repair, part of that process was closing and later reopening Paint.NET. Closing and reopening Paint.NET resets the secondary color to default white which allows you to recolor the white text layer in the tutorial. So, I think everything's OK. Cheers.
  5. Hi maxi, You might want to try out PdN's built-in Sharpen effect. Effects > Photo > Sharpen. Or Tanel's plugin Sharpen+.
  6. Hi prophet001, To fill with transparency using the Paintbucket: Expand your Colors window by clicking on More >>. Then set the primary color Transparency-Alpha to zero. Click on the Paintbucket icon, then in the toolbar, set the fill blending mode to Overwrite. You're all set to spread some Alpha.
  7. psm1963: It sounds like you can reproduce this problem at will. If so, please give some detailed and specific directions on how to do so. Include info on primary and secondary color settings at each step. Links to screenshots showing the process would be helpful. Your second post refers to using the recolor tool on a newly created layer. Usually the term new layer means transparent layer, which would have nothing on it to recolor. In any event, additional explanation would help in trying to reproduce the problem. Also, please include a link to the tutorial you make reference to.
  8. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.
  9. ewh0514: Re: Blue teeth Use Lasso select around the teeth, then reduce the Saturation and increase the Lightness with Hue/Saturation. Top menu --- Adjustments > Hue/Saturation
  10. emmaroxsox, Here's a download link for a PdnSetup folder if you want to use setupshim.exe as shown in the previous link. Link Removed
  11. punkmama: Info needed to begin with: What is your installed Service Pack level on XP and are you fully current with Windows Updates? Do you have the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed? Have you had a chance to look through this thread yet? If any error messages come up when you try to open PDN, please post screenshots.
  12. pbelb: Another possibility is a glitch in the in-built NET Framework 3.5 SP1. PdN v.3.36 actually requires only NET 2.0 although 3.5 SP1 was recommended. That could explain 3.36 working while 3.51 won't. If that is the case, then running sfc /scannow from an elevated command prompt might correct things.
  13. Pls. say what OS version you're using - XP, Vista...? Also your OS Service Pack level and whether you are fully current on Windows Updates.
  14. First thing to try is make a new folder inside the Paint.net program folder. Name it Effects. Download the Boltbait zipped pack to your Desktop, double-click it, then copy and paste the .dll files into your newly created Effects folder. Best to do this with the Paint.NET program closed. Let me know whether this works for you.
  15. Okay. Open the image in PdN and increase your canvas size (height) by 50 px, with the image anchored to the bottom, then fill in the top with the dark grey. In the top menu, Image > Canvas Size...
  16. Can you clarify this? Do you want to reduce the height of the light grey to make more room above it? Do you want to keep the light grey the same size, but move it down? Something else? If you can post the image, it will be helpful.
  17. If you have access to another PC, you could try this to see whether error messages are being suppressed. Link Removed.
  18. Have you had a chance to go through this thread yet?
  19. markt: Yes. At the bottom of this page, just below where the postreply button is, click on the link that says - Plugins - Publishing Only. On the new page are links to the various plugin main pages. The pyrochild entry is stickyed and near the top. ========================================= Also, please use the edit button at the bottom of your post to remove the live link to that other website. That way others won't mistakenly use it to get plugins and end up having problems with out of date files.
  20. honeybee123: Most likely the plugins you want to install are effects and should be copied into the Paint.NET\Effects folder. If you still need some help, please post again and say what OS version you are using (XP,Vista...) and name specifically which plugins and/or plugin packs you are trying to install. If you have no Effects folder, well, that's not usual and will need to be dealt with.
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