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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. Part of Simon Brown's Legacy plugin pack.
  2. WMRKameleon, After completing Step 5, press Ctrl+D to deselect. Then continue on to Step 6.
  3. On my XP system with PdN 3.5.2: The Save As... window initially shows the original filename without the extension showing in the File Name box. Clicking on a thumbnail results in a filename with extension showing in the File Name box. Using the example given, I then place the mouse cursor in the File Name box to the right of "somefile.jpg" and backspace four times. It now shows as "somefile" I can now save as PNG now without the warning notice. ==================== On my Vista system, the file extension doesn't show in the File Name box. To eliminate the error message, I have to remove the filename and re-type it or hit Cancel and do Save As again.
  4. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/ ... inters.jpg
  5. FatAdZ, If you use Shape3D to form the planet, be sure to put a checkmark next to Anti-Alias and raise the strength to 4 or 5. This will reduce the jaggy edges. Any use of the MagicWand or other selection tools on any layer is likely to add jaggies back to the outline of the planet. =================================== Basic starfield: Fill a layer with black. Add noise @ 100 0 2 Position it as the bottom layer in the Layers window and it will be behind the planet.
  6. damekarina, The Boltbait and Pyrochild folders shouldn't be installed in the Effects folder, only the files they contain.
  7. damekarina, Thanks for posting the images. Unfortunately, all I can see is Photobucket's thumbnail that says, "This image or video has been moved or deleted". So we can either wait and see whether Photobucket sorts things out, or you could re-upload them to ImageShack or another hosting site, and post the new links. Photobucket has been problematic for the last few days.
  8. damekarina, The current version of Paint.NET won't work as a portable app, so not running from the flash drive is normal. Look in Utilities in the top menu of Paint.NET. See if there are any plugin error reports. It would be helpful if you can post some screenshots. One showing the contents of your Paint.NET/Effects folder, with the full path showing in the Windows Explorer window. Another showing the Paint.NET Effects menu expanded. Another showing any plugin error reports. ================ How to Post Images http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/
  9. How to use CustomBrushesMini on a fully visible image and have the custom brushwork on its own transparent layer. =================================== Flatten the image, select all and copy, unflatten and paste into a new layer. Do the custom-brushing on the newly-made full-image layer, okay it, then make a new transparent layer and press Ctrl F. You now have your custom-brushwork on its own transparent layer.
  10. As a variation from the work-around suggested by Possum Roadkill. Flatten the image, select all and copy, unflatten and paste into a new layer. Do the custom-brushing on the newly-made full-image layer, okay it, then make a new layer and press Ctrl F. You now have your custom-brushwork on its own transparent layer.
  11. No. Pixel Size will always be in pixels, by definition. If you want the canvas size, as shown in the status bar at the bottom, to show as inches: In the top header toolbar, Units:, change pixels to inches.
  12. Neil Godin, Put your text on its own transparent layer, you'll be able to select and move it without affecting the background layer.
  13. RoushNitemare, Open your image in Paint.NET. In the top menu - Layers > Add New Layer... Use the Line / Curve tool in several segments on the new (transparent) layer to outline under the truck body. <!-- m -->http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/LineCurve.html<!-- m --> Be sure that the line is unbroken and extends to the edge of the canvas. Use the Magic Wand above the red line. In the Layers window, click on the Background layer. Then on your keyboard: Ctrl C Ctrl+Shift V This copies the selected area from the background and pastes into a new layer. The pasted image can be moved down using the Move Selected Pixels tool. In the Layers window, remove the checkmark from the red line layer.
  14. The link that you used is the official download link. There won't be another that is more complete. It installed OK on my XP system without internet connection. A screenshot, as suggested by Simon, may be helpful.
  15. Is this where you downloaded from? http://www.dotpdn.com/downloads/pdn.html
  16. It may be trying to install the NET framework. http://download.microsoft.com/download/ ... etfx35.exe If you don't already have Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 installed, install it first, then install Paint.NET.
  17. Itaya, Can you post one of these files here as an attachment?
  18. RoushNitemare, If you can post a link to the actual image you will be using, it will help towards getting the best specific suggestions. How to Post Images
  19. D24, Download again, open the zip by left-clicking. http://www.getpaint.net/download.html#download Let me know whether this solves things. ================================= Here are some other considerations: Are you working from an account with administrator's privelege? Try using a different web browser when downloading. Download to the Desktop or Downloads folder, not to Program Files.
  20. These are a good place to start:
  21. bokkie/Peter, Best to start over with the original full-sized image and leave resizing towards the end. Open the image in Paint.NET, and click the Rectangular Selection icon. In the toolbar change Normal to Fixed Ratio. Set Width to 7, and Height to 9. Make a rectangular selection. Position the selection with the Move Selection tool. The Move Selection tool can also be used on a corner adjustment node with the Shift key held down to resize the selection. When it looks right, Image > Crop to Selection. =================================== Resize. If you want 300 DPI print quality, set that and the inches dimension in the resizing window.
  22. dpat57, I've had good luck using Gadwin PrintScreen freeware. Be sure that your windows aren't set to translucent in Paint.NET. In the top menu - Window > Translucent http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/WindowMenu.html
  23. gardenchick, Open your image in Paint.NET, make a duplicate layer, then turn the top layer black-and-white. Use the eraser tool on the top B&W layer to let the colored layer below show through. ================================ Here's another way to get the same type of result :
  24. zwheeler, Always put your text on its own transparent layer. That way you will be able to change the text without affecting the rest of the image.
  25. Splicit, Here is a link to that wallpaper as a PNG file, in case you don't have it. http://www.LupiUpload.de/images/2010/01 ... 6df891.png
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