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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. jpenn, My suggestion is to not use an oversize canvas. Create your background image in the finished size that you want it to be. Open the background image in Paint.NET and duplicate it until you have ten layers. Import the text image, make ten layers of it, and place them in alternating order over the background layers. Remove checkmarks in the Layers window until only the bottom two layers are visible. Position the text and merge down. Make the next higher text layer visible and position it relative to the completed bottom layer, then make the background-type layer beneath it visible and merge. Work your way up the layer stack until you have ten finished layers representing the ten frames of your animation. Since you start out with as many copies of the text as you'll need, you can let the text be chopped off when it rolls out of the frame. At that point save out the ten images in whatever way is best for the animation utility you are using.
  2. Why would installing the WIA Automation Library help at all...? Because you are the same person that thinks using a older version of paint.net won't help, I'm going to ignore your question. EDIT: Alright, instead of being a *******, the error that i got when installing according to the temp file, was that it couldn't register WIAAUT.dll, because it isn't included in paint.net installer, so i had to manually install it.
  3. Cor'e =), Switching to a non-selection type tool after making a selection should remove the shading from the selected area.
  4. Gigabyte, Do you still have a Paint.NET program folder? If so, have you tried running PdnRepair? -------------------------------- Have you checked out this thread?
  5. br945, Open your image in Paint.NET. In the top menu - Layers > Add New Layer... Make a Rectangular selection in the size and shape you want your text to go onto. Use the Paintbucket tool with a right-click to fill it with white. Add and position your text, using the Text tool. Use the Move Selected Pixels tool to position your text panel over the background. Using the right mouse button lets you rotate your selection.
  6. Cor'e =). As a work-around, make a new layer and name it "Darken". Fill it with black, set its Opacity to 140 - 150. Keep this as a top layer and check or uncheck it in the Layers window, as needed. This will darken the image without darkening the selection outline, making the selection easier to discern.
  7. Just don't lighten them quite so much.
  8. See if these do what you want. You can make your own brushes in Paint.NET. They're just PNG files. Brushes.zip
  9. poetman, Zoom in, select the teeth using Lasso select tool. In the top menu, Adjustments > Hue / Saturation. Reduce Saturation and increase Lightness.
  10. VanRasmus, When you open Paint.NET, first make a new (transparent) layer. Next, delete the default white background layer. Make your red triangle on the transparent layer. Save as PNG.
  11. mcamp14, That test screen has no correlation to what you are working with. I suspect red and blue are used because they are the two extremes of the visible spectrum. They can also give info on Doppler shift. Easy is subjective, some might consider it to be easy. It will be easy for you too, once you've figured it out. =========================== Could you post links to grey-scale red and blue channel samples?
  12. robbertzzz, I agree, maybe it would be a nice option. A work-around is to use the Move Selection tool. Select the entire canvas. Ctrl + A The pixel count is shown at the bottom in the taskbar. Use a calculator to figure the pixel count at your desired percentage. Use the Move Selection tool on a corner adjusting node, with the shift key held down,to get as close as possible to your calculated (percentage) pixel count. The width and height will be shown in the taskbar, and can then be entered into the resizing window. Not convenient, but workable.
  13. mcamp14, This is the suggestion I was preparing prior to noticing that EER was making a plugin for you. -------------------------------- Preparing the faux-green channel. Open your blue-channel grey-scale image in Paint.NET. Import the red-channel grey-scale image. Set the top layer to multiply, merge. Duplicate the resulting layer, set the top layer to Additive, merge. Make a new layer, fill it with R-0, G-255, B-0. Set that green layer to Multiply, merge. This gives you a black-and-green image that can be combined with black-and-red and black-and-blue layers using Additive blend mode. Regardless of the method you use, the final result will probably need some color adjustment. The green channel is, after all, a fake green channel. ===================== Making the green channel this way takes into account differences in blue vs. red luminosities at any given pixel coordinate and will allow the "bluer' or 'redder" character to remain, somewhat. To the degree that the blue and red channels match, is the green channel added. (That sounds like Yoda-speak)
  14. So, the NET Frameworks should be uninstalled in descending numerical order. NET 3.5 SP1 first. NET 3.0 SP2 next. Then NET 2.0 SP2. And, reinstalled in ascending numerical order.
  15. dippydeppy, You're authorized for this one: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=28790
  16. eternalwonderer, I've never had to use it myself. If you right-click on the Paint.NET desktop shortcut, then click on Properties, click again to put the mouse cursor at the end of the text in the address box labeled Target. Then hit the spacebar once and type in: /disableDirectWrite Then, Apply, OK. I think that is correct, but can't guarantee it.
  17. McFads, Please use the button on the left, near the bottom of the page. newtopic Make a new thread for the problem you are having. Thx.
  18. ksmith, Vista seems to have diverted the plugin files, possibly to Virtual Store, not sure why. Could you navigate to the Paint.NET program folder and post a screenshot of the Windows Explorer window, showing the full path to your Paint.NET folder?
  19. ambertape, I'm not sure what happens when you click on "Change". To do the Repair option, click on the NET Framework listing, then on "Click here for support information." A window with a repair option should open up. ================ Uninstalling and re-installing may solve things, give it a try. ================ Also, try doing a command line chkdsk scan with the /f parameter, as described here: chkdsk with /f parameter Let it complete, then do a screenshot to post here.
  20. ayaaax, The winged font for that sig can be found here: http://www.dafont.com/el-font-gohtic.font
  21. nailik, Here's one way to make a line similar to your example. Use the Line / Curve tool to make a curved line on a new (transparent) layer. (Use the right mouse button on the adjustment nodes for a smoother Bezier curve.) Duplicate the layer. Use the Move Selected Pixels tool to move one of the lines up or down, and rotate it using the right mouse button. Merge layers and fill in between the lines using the Paintbucket tool and/or the Paintbrush tool.
  22. Does using the "/disableDirectWrite" parameter make the font show up in the drop-down menu?
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