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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. tonyadoran, It varies a bit depending on which browser you use. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sour ... 0&aql=&oq=
  2. Mar, To eliminate the white from the mesh image: Use Grim Color Reaper plugin, set to white. Save As... PNG. Grim Color Reaper HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS
  3. That is normal action for the Move Selection tool. The Move Selected Pixels tool will move whatever part of the image is inside the selection on the working layer.
  4. HP PSG's a proprietary .otf font that comes with Hewlett-Packard PCs.
  5. Kativs, These links should help: Grim Color Reaper plugin Grim Color Reaper HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS/General Plugin Troubleshooting Thread HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS
  6. Yes. Or the built-in Curves. In the top menu: Adjustments > Curves.
  7. Kativs, Rectangle Select around your signature. Crop to selection. Use Grim Color Reaper plugin, set to white. Save As... PNG. If that's not the result that you want, then a more detailed description of the desired result will help.
  8. hawkweight, Will this work? Open the image in Paint.NET. Make a new (transparent) layer. Make a rectangular selection around the text to be removed. Right-click with Paintbucket tool to fill selection with white. Use Text tool to add/position new digits. Flatten and save.
  9. mroy99, Clone Stamping from an undamaged area of the image to a new (transparent) layer over the damaged area is a commonly used method. Reducing the Transparency - Alpha of the Primary color (Colors window, click "More >>") will give a softer Clone Stamp effect. Also working from an undamaged area with the desired look: Copy/Paste into new layer, reposition, blur, adjust Opacity in Layer Properties. Put each incremental edit on its own layer, so that its Opacity, brightness, saturation, etc. can be adjusted separately without affecting the rest of the image. It is always helpful towards getting the best suggestions if you can post a link to the actual image you will be working on. ========================================= How to Post Images http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/ Welcome to the forums.
  10. ItsBob, If you want to make a compact reference to print up, import this image into Paint.NET and create your own captions/labels using the Text, Rounded Rectangle, and Line / Curve tools. If it doesn't need to be compact, then printing out this page may be good enough. Tools Window
  11. Garnetchan, Try running chkdsk, with the /f parameter, from the command line. chkdsk with /f parameter Then reboot the PC and install Paint.NET.
  12. Perhaps this could be used as the basis for a plugin. http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/dll-version/
  13. Okay. Do everything on its own transparent layer. So, if you draw the outline around the area you want to fill in with new color, do that on its own layer. Then you can Magic Wand inside the outline, switch to a new (transparent) layer and fill in the selection. In the Layers window remove the checkmark from the outline layer to make it not visible. The online Help file is a good aid towards figuring things out with the program. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/index.html You can access it from Paint.NET by pressing F1.
  14. pinkstangcloud, Have you changed the layer Blend mode to Color Burn? If you will post your current result, it will help get you better suggestions. How to Post Images http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/
  15. Hanni, This is quicker perhaps, but gives less control over the outcome: Introducing "Mosaic Maniac Collage Paint" plugin
  16. Arctic Giraffe, You can tighten up the sharpness a bit by by adjusting the contrast and brightness. Adjustments > Brightness / Contrast =========================================== Use the Color Picker tool (Eyedropper) to identify the colors. With the Color Picker a right-click on the degraded color and a left-click on the good color will set your secondary and primary colors respectively. Once set, you can use the Recolor tool to fix the degraded color.
  17. If you'd like to keep a copy with layers, for possible later editing then first: In the top menu - File > Save As... > PDN Next, - File > Save As... PNG Say yes to flattening the image, if prompted about that.
  18. Have you already extracted the Win 7 icon images? I don't have Windows 7 so can't help with that part. Alpha Mask Import plugin: Silhouette Plus:
  19. slimshady, You could try the Silhouette Plus plugin, set to default. (Black) Apply it to the existing image. Then, use it as an Alpha Mask with all boxes checkmarked in the Alpha Mask effect window; apply it to the new image.
  20. tonyadoran, 1. After you invert the selection, be sure that you are pressing the Delete key, not the backspace key. 2. There appears to be a step missing. After Magic Wanding the black box, use the Paintbucket tool with a right-click to turn the box white. Use the Move Selected Pixels tool on the selection adjustment nodes to expand the selection for your white border.
  21. Krammy, Threshold is part of Ed Harvey's plugin pack - HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS Once installed it will show here: Effects > Color > Threshold
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