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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. It looks like the entries are starting to wind down running up to the final hours of this weeks comp. We have some really great entries, and the most we have had in a long time. Good job Welshblue for picking an outstanding theme. Everyone needs to have a new theme in mind should you win. I have learned that in these comps, you just never know who has the winning entry, so everyone should be prepared to have a theme ready. I want to move the voting along, so make sure you vote as soon as I have the poll up. One other thing, please make sure that everyone on the forum knows we have this comp going and they need to take a look at the entries and place a vote. Thanks to everyone who entered ! Great job !
  2. "Messy orbs" is so beautiful ! I lost my breath the moment I saw it. Adding another favorite !
  3. Yes, like those pesky sea otters. They steal cookies you know..... I don't think you messed up at all. Sometimes we need to think outside the womb. I think it's a great theme and it's proven in the numbers and quality of the entries. I say well done! I am surprised that there weren't more people who did a landscape orientation magazine as it would be a pretty novel thing to do. I think Barbieq's is top notch and a pretty sharp looking magazine. Makes me wish I had done mine that way. My, I could have put a pretty big race car on the cover !
  4. Something I've been wanting to do for a while. Mahogany. My texture http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp41/PossumRoadkill/Possum%20Art/woodtexture2.png What I did with it.... http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp41/PossumRoadkill/Possum%20Art/TOTW_Floors2.png
  5. Have a cookie, it'll make you feel better. If you want to submit your's as a landscape, as I believe someone did, you can do that as well. I'm not going to disqualify any entries based on the orientation of the layout. Content maybe, but not orientation.
  6. You could if I printed them all out large enough. I have a really big printer. When WB gave me the theme idea, that is one of the first things I thought of was that magazines are usually portrait and not landscape. I could have said a magazine in landscape layout, but I thought that it would take away from the spirit of the theme. So I allowed it to proceed as he called it. In my opinion, the WOTW has become more like the Image of the Week anyway. If you worked in my office, you would understand why I say that. Most of the ladies I work with either have their kids/grandkids photos as their background, or one of the standard windows patterned wallpapers or photos like the big grassy hill or the big snow covered mountain etc. Other than when the Colts were going to the Superbowl, and everyone used the wallpapers I made for that event, does anyone really change them. I know that's the long way around the bush to chase the weasel, but I didn't see any harm in changing the format for this weeks theme. The winner will obviously choose the next theme and the theme rules and specifications that go with it. So with no further objections, all entries are allowed to proceed. (If someone does object, keep in mind that everyone who has already submitted an entry will hunt you down.......and flood your inbox with hateful smilies).
  7. Well someone had to break up this football lovefest..... Gentlemen start your engines ! Welcome to the Madhouse ! Bowman Gray Stadium. http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp41/PossumRoadkill/Possum%20Art/MadhouseWOTW.png
  8. Maybe the least "fractal-ized" entry of all ! http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp41/PossumRoadkill/Possum%20Art/AOTWNo1.png
  9. Nice floor tile texture. Is that Xor mode?
  10. No, it's just fine. Great job too ! I would have never thought of that. Very creative.
  11. I should have thought of this from the start. Sorry guys ! If you are like me, you create the texture and save it and then use it in another image. Not everyone does that, while I think it would help the entries to see the original texture, I wouldn't make it mandatory for this week's comp. I think it would be a good idea for future comps. I would however, let people decide if they want to on this week's comp. I think it would help me decide who to vote for and others as well.
  12. Outstanding piece ! Nope, it qualifies. Reminds me of some of the ones on DA.
  13. I have a suggestion. You might not be able to do it for this week's comp but I think it would be a good idea if people posted a link to the texture they created before it was added to the overall image. I refer to my post with the tile and the spider image. The submission would be in two parts, the first thumbnail would be the texture and the second would be the use of the texture. Does this make sense?
  14. Just look through your render menu in effects. Then compare the effects there to what you see on the Wikipedia page. There are a number of plugins that are based on fractals, and you have used some of them already.
  15. Yes you can ! Please read the competition rules first ! We would be happy to have your entry.
  16. I'd like to call your attention to the "nifty" banner at the top of the Comp and the Discussion threads. The winning entry will have their entry (or a part of) used as the next AOTW banner ! I was going to try to get Rick to give you a ride in his , but the logistics of driving a across the oceans of the world proved to be more expensive than I thought.
  17. It's not fractals, it's "fractalize". That means making something that looks like a fractal in Paint.net. I think a lot of your abstract work looks "fractalesque". Since there are so many kinds of fractals, it pretty much leaves it up to your imagination. Heck, even using the clouds plugin and then running it through the fire plugin could be considered a fractal. I would hope someone would go to more effort than that. Here are a couple of links for everyone to look at. Read through (and look at the pictures) the first link first ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal Then check out this "real" fractal page on DA. You will see that it's more open than you think it is. http://apophysis.deviantart.com/
  18. OK, Problem # 2. The rules clearly state that all entries must be submitted as a thumbnail link to the full size image. Problem # 3, I would expect that this would also be a given for the stock images, or using a link with the link button. Please edit your images to comply with the rules.
  19. OK I see we already have a problem. CSM, just because I don't state it in the rules does not mean you can enter a placeholder. I guess I will have to edit the official rules to state NO PLACEHOLDERS. You should have asked me first. Your post has been disallowed for now. DO NOT POST UNTIL YOU HAVE A FINISHED PRODUCT. NO WIPS ! Rule # 5. DO NOT ANGER THE POSSUM ! CSM PM me when you have your piece completed and I will reset your post.
  20. You posted before I had both the entry and discussion thread completed. You have to have one before you can link to the other. Kind of like two ships passing in the night. Try it now.
  21. Abstract of the Week Competition # 1 THEME IS: "Fractal-ized" ! Make an abstract that looks like a fractal. This is the first competition dedicated to Abstract Art created in Paint.Net. Since this is the first round, I want to keep it simple so here are the rules. 1. All entries must be 100% created in Paint.net, no stock photos or renders. 2. Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no maximum size. 3. All submissions must be entered as a thumbnail link to the full size image. 4. No images previously submitted will be allowed. DO NOT POST YOUR ENTRY HERE ! This thread is for discussion of this comp only ! Post all entries in the entry thread HERE The entry period for this competition run through Saturday night (April 17th, 2010) at midnight, Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All entries submitted up to that time will be accepted. A special thanks to Frontcannon who gave me the idea for the theme.
  22. Abstract of the Week Competition # 1 POLL IS UP Vote for the best Abstract ! View the entries below. Poll Closes Monday April 19, 2010 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time DST Winner is Sokagirl ! 2nd Place is a tie between Mayor McSteeze and Welshblue ! Congratulations Lady and Gentlemen ! Please check your message box (PMs) THEME IS: "Fractal-ized" ! Make an abstract that looks like a fractal. This is the first competition dedicated to Abstract Art created in Paint.Net. Since this is the first round, I want to keep it simple so here are the rules. 1. All entries must be 100% created in Paint.net, no stock photos or renders. 2. Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no maximum size. 3. All submissions must be entered as a thumbnail link to the full size image. 4. No images previously submitted will be allowed. This thread is for entries only ! If you want to discuss this comp, please go to the discussion thread HERE. The entry period for this competition run through Saturday night (April 17th, 2010) at midnight, Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All entries submitted up to that time will be accepted.
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