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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Hi Necrophine, welcome to the forum. Please take the time to read our Forum Rules, especially #6 - thread titles must be descriptive. You'll see that your thread title "Hello" is one of the ones that are specifically forbidden. The reason for this rule is that users use the thread title to find information on the forum. "Hello" tells us nothing about the content of the thread, so it's useless as a search term. Tell you what: I'll rename the thread title for you, IF you promise to read the rules. Deal?
  2. Be sure you're using it correctly. It is the CTRL key that sets the stamp location More >> http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20321-how-does-the-clone-stamp-tool-work/page__view__findpost__p__340447 The Help docs >> http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/CloneStamp.html
  3. Not a good idea to post your email in an open forum Ken, unless you want bags of spam in your inbox. Rick (paint.net developer) is working on a number of cool features for the next roll out of paint.net. He is very busy. I don't believe that a polygon tool is 1) too hard or that 2) Rick has something against it. Rather it is probably just not a priority just now. Remember that this software is provided free. You are welcome to comment on it and provide feedback, but whinging about a perceived lack of features is not going to endear you to anyone.
  4. You don't have to have had PS installed. You just need a third party PS filter to run this plugin with. In the first post in this thread there are links to two PS filters. This plugin has been tested with both of those filters. Try one of them.
  5. There is a plugin which will perform this green shift for you. Find it here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20643-night-vision-effect/
  6. Once you have removed Grey & white this plugin seems perfect for the job of fixing the gaps in the lines: Overliner To thicken the line you could use Outline Object If the image is as symmetrical as it first appears you might also try duplicating the red-web layer and simply rotating it. This might fill in quite a few of the gaps & you can repeat as needed.
  7. Use the ellipse select tool to select an area around one of the problem eyes. Make the selection fairly small to just encompass the overcolored iris. Hold down the CTRL key and make another selection around the second eye (the CTRL key allows you to ADD this second selection to the first). Now run the plugin or the built in effect.
  8. There is a plugin which allows you to re-edit text on a layer: Editable Text
  9. Press F5, F6 F7 & F8 to toggle the four windows off and on. Pressing them all together is a quick way of getting the windows out of the way when you're working on a large canvas (I call this the 'Rimmer' )
  10. I'll tell you what I think: It has nothing to do with this tutorial or paint.net. We call that spam.
  11. Sounds like you've downloaded the PDF file. This is intended as a lookup reference to what is available in the world of paint.net plugins. 1. Use the forum Plugin Index to locate the thread for the plugin you want (the name of the plugins are clickable - so should take you right to the thread). 2. From the correct thread, locate the link to the ZIP file (usually in the first post). Occasionally there is a link to an offsite URL where the plugin can be found. 3. Download the file. Now you need to unzip it and move it to the right location. This thread might help Alternatively (and possibly clearer because of more detail) is this page on BoltBait's site: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php
  12. Generally the two plugins used for this sort of background removal are AlphaSpace and Grim Color Reaper. I generally go for AlphaSpace. It does a very neat job of removing backgrounds.
  13. Try this plugin: Reverse Colors There are many more ways to accomplish what you're after. Here's a thread where I used Evan Olds' Conditional Hue & Saturation plugin to recolor a hallway: http://forums.getpai...post__p__348884 Other things to try: Adjustments > Curves
  14. Happy to. Should we sort out Cookies problem first?
  15. You can make a basic pair of wings by installing this font EL&Font Gohtic. Author of this font now states that it is "no longer free for personal use" (you can still download it - but read the licence before you use it). The characters that form the wings are the () brackets. These wings have been seen from time to time in sigs here on the forum.
  16. Biowulf, This thread is old, and therefore dead in terms of it's activity (dormant for almost 5 months.) Please restate your problem in a new thread - it helps to keep things current. Thanks.
  17. Actually, it means the quite the opposite. You are allowed to use stock photos and renders, but the majority of the work should be created by you using paint.net. If you wish to create something without using a premade image, that is welcomed too.
  18. Usually I am too, but you can tell when I'm in a hurry Fixed.
  19. 'Please' I can live with. It shows good manners after all. 'Help' requests can be purged IMHO. Now, is it actually possible?
  20. Hi gwertheim, Welcome to the forum. You have posted your question in the section of the forum reserved for the publishing of plugins. I'll move this thread to the General Discussion & Questions section for you. Note that you might have had some success if you searched (http://searchpaint.net/) first. This is a recommended action before you post on the forum to save you asking for stuff that has already been supplied. Yes there is a plugin:PDNWatermark . However this plugin is not longer supported (read: it may work or it may not). There is a fairly easy way to create your own watermarks which I have detailed here:
  21. That would be an improvement. We could quibble about the actual wording later. We could also lose the "Registration Benefits" box. I mean 'sign up and make new friends?' That's just a bit desperate.
  22. Agree about the pixelization. Apart from that, it's a very nice job.
  23. I don't think the size of the rules puts people off. Anyone willing to seek them out will spend a few minutes reading through them. I think that people just don't bother. I do like the idea of a prompt at login though. I wonder if we could publish a handful of the most transgressed rules on the login page with a link to the rest.
  24. We've had problems with users installing that pack for ever. You're doing the right thing by removing it completely and starting over. The only safe place to download plugins is from this forum.
  25. The problem is that forum users who do not read the rules will miss either version I have absolutely no objection to refining the rules, it's getting users to actually read them that we need a solution for.
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