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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Create the gradient on a single layer using this plugin: Multi-color Gradient Then render your clouds over the top on a second layer using the Clouds effect, or this plugin: Sepcot's Clouds Plugin
  2. It's difficult to help with the blending problem without seeing the image in question. Can you upload it? Alternatively, can you give us a link to a finished image with the effect you like so we can see what you're trying to create? This tutorial might give you some help/ideas for userbars: http://forums.getpai...erbar-tutorial/
  3. Use the Move tool , not the Move Selection tool
  4. Paste the image into a new layer. You can move & resize the whole layer. Alternatively, import the image as a new layer. Read more: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/LayersMenu.html
  5. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/11537-svgimport/ http://searchpaint.net/ is your friend
  6. I'm glad you got the problem sorted out anonandticked. Let's not ruin a prefectly good solution to your problem with a pointless bickering session. OK?
  7. This is the application of a gradient to a selection. Try this: 1. open your image 2. Select your gradient starting color as the primary color, and the end color as the secondary. 3. Use the magic wand tool with low tolerance to select only the areas that you want the gradient to fill (CTRL key allows you to add areas to original selection, SHIFT key selects all the areas in the image of a common color) 4. Select the Gradient Tool and pull a gradient from the top down. It will fill the selection with a smooth gradient from the Primary color to the Secondary. How does that work for you?
  8. Try altering the order the NET runtimes are listed. Here's how:
  9. Tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20119-creating-high-quality-rounded-corners/ Plugin: Rounding Corners Your plugins reside in two possible locations, the /Effects/ folder, and the /Filetypes/ folder. They should all be *.dll files (though there may be some support files as well).
  10. Hi Stonepeter, welcome to the Paint.net forum! You've posted your question in the Newbie Playground. This is a sub-forum of the Tutorials section, and as such is reserved for the publishing of tutorials. I'll move this thread to the General Discussion & Questions section for you. <moved>
  11. I've never heard of a way to change the location of the crash log. I suspect there isn't a way. Better you should figure out why you can't access your own desktop and fix that.
  12. Check your mouse settings. It sounds like you have a custom setup applied to the buttons. I suspect this beacuse you state that it "happens with all tools" and you're using a gaming mouse (therefore highly configurable). If there is a "standard' or 'default' setting, try that.
  13. Also: Tile Fill Addin "Fills the current image with a tiled version of another image (held in the clipboard)."
  14. No idea. Sorry. Changing your Start Button is not the sort of question covered in this forum. Try Google or Bing.
  15. Read posts numbered #65 to #68 above. @dpy is aware of the 64 character limitation and is actively canvasing for a more appropriate (larger) number of characters. I'm sure he will have an update out quite soon that will allow more characters to be used. Patience.....
  16. Really?? I've been labouring under the illusion that the Clouds effect was based on @Sepcot's Clouds Plugin. My mistake
  17. Found this: And this: So it looks like you need to save as an 8-bit BMP, and make the top left pixel the color you wish to be transparent. BUT it doesn't look like all applications support the transarency in BMPs (like FireFox). Q: Why BMP and not ICO file format? We have a plugin that does the ICO format Icon, Cursor & Animated Cursor Format
  18. Hi GalaxiBoy, welcome to the forum! You'll see that I've edited your post just a little. In accordance with Rule #29 I've replaced your images with clickable links. BoltBait has steered you to the Pleasantville effect, which is a great place to start. However, if you're after a quick fix - then there is a plugin which automates the process described in the tutorial: Extract Color v1.0.
  19. Hey, nice spaceship floorplan. Makes me want to play! Of course you're going to need more guns if you want to defeat the Space Nazi's with flame whips....., (thanks to Frontcannon: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21035-what-should-i-draw-in-pdn/ )
  20. Things you can try: 1. Reduce the number of installed fonts. 2. Reduce the number of plugins you load 3. Reduce the size (dimensions) of your image 4. Reduce the number of layers in your image 5. Upgrade your memory - more is better 6. A 64-bit version of Windows 7 7. Make sure you have plenty of hard drive space.
  21. Yes he does. But the suggestion must fit in with the plan of where Rick is taking PDN (read the blog). E.G Several third party plugins have been included as PDN effects - the 'Clouds' effect immediately springs to mind. Suggestions like porting PDN to Linux are rejected.
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