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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. To rename your thread, click on the EDIT button immediately under your post. Then click on the button USE FULL EDITOR. The full editor has a text box containing your post title. Click in that box and overtype the existing title (losing the bits that Rick mentioned).
  2. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/MagicWand.html Surely that is a reasonably simple explanation? Press F1 in Paint.net to be taken to these online help files. There you will find many helpful guides to the tools and effects that Paint.net has.
  3. I don't mind clipping the number of characters back even more. I'm not at my personal computer at this time so I don't recall if there is an option to 'repeat' the given text ("Hello" > "HelloHelloHello...."). Would this be an option? The bold above line is 172 characters including spaces, surely 256 would be enough?
  4. GIFs are limited to a palette of 256 colors. Using a gradient in your image sucks up a lot of the palette space because there are a lot of fine shades of the primary colors used. I suspect that you're reaching the limit of the palette and the dithering you're seeing is the GIF way of saying "there was more color info here, but I ran out of space to store it." The palette limitation is one of the reasons GIF's are usually very simple images. Try using PNG - they should not have this problem.
  5. PNG is a lossless format, so when you save you don't lose any data. JPEG is a lossy format, so if you save an image you lose data. If you cannot view a png file properly then it's time you upgraded your computer. The PNG format has been gaining currency and is now the de facto standard for the internet. Save yourself a template in the JPEG format. Double click on it to open it. Save will retain the original filename, Save As..., will default to the original file type (*.jpg)
  6. 1. if you open your original *.gif in your browser, is the animation showing? 2. Have you followed all the steps outlined above? If you're done everything correctly and it's still not working, try uploading your image here so we can have a look.
  7. First attempt: 1. Adjustments > Black and White 2. Effects > Color > Color to Alpha (Strength around 136 - everything else at defaults) Second attempt: 1. Effects > Artistic > Ink Sketch (Ink outline = 28, Coloring = 36 ( a nice option if you wish to retain some color information) Try those and madJik's suggeston and see if we're getting close with any.
  8. Give me a few hours and I'll see if I can come up with a simple, repeatable method of isolating the pattern. At first impression I'd be thinking of using the Isolate Lineart plugin on a greyscale version of the image.
  9. Hi Ed, Welcome to the forum! Are we talking about "peggy" squares (crochet in wool) or embroidery (fancy stitching on a backing fabric)? A pic of the square and one of a sample pattern would help us figure out if there is an easy transition from one to the other.
  10. RE: cats/skinning/ways. Quite so Glad you got it sorted to your satisfaction. Your rounded gradient frame looks rather nice!
  11. I suggest you take this to a an XP/Windows technical forum. It's really beyond my expertise to try and troubleshoot your PC problems over the internet. Sorry I couldn't help.
  12. A more basic plugin might be Mike Ryan's Brightness/Darkness to Alpha. What it does is change the dark bits of the first image to alpha (i.e. transparency). Then when you overlay the image onto a new background, the background will show past the transparent bits. Tanels plugin is a little more complex (as you found).
  13. This issue with your computer seems to be unrelated specifically to Paint.net. Try Googling "msiexec.exe has encountered a problem" and see what it comes up with.
  14. Tis part of KrisVDM's Plugin Pack, which is why it doesn't have an entry all to itself
  15. Interesting, it says VisualStudio8 setup error. Read this: http://forums.getpai...o-paintnet-351/ 1. Was VS open when you tried to install a] Paint.Net b] .NET 3.5? 2. Is your copy of VS 2008 fully patched and up to date? (see post #5)
  16. If we are to help you, you need to be more specific than "it said something failed". Consider if I asked you to fix my car because "something was wrong with it". Would you change the tyres, replace the exhaust system or charge the battery? Please post the actual wording of the error or a screenshot of the popup.
  17. Text written using the text tool is rendered using the currently selected Primary color. In the color window, click anywhere in the color wheel or on any color block in the palette to change the primary color. If you click on the More button you'll get even more options to change the primary color.
  18. Not from the paint.net online help files you didn't. Stop trawling the net for porn and I might believe you
  19. What is the status of the .NET framework on your system? You have .net 3.5? If so, try repairing 3.5: http://forums.getpai...post__p__351415
  20. we have to be sure that files redistributed through this forum are correctly attributed to the author and don't infringe copyright. Perhaps it would be best if you did ask, rather than just assuming?
  21. Yes we're here. No file was attached to the first post. The forum may not accept the file in it's uncompressed form, try zipping it then attaching it.
  22. There is no downloadable manual. Press F1 in Paint.net to access the online help files. Rest assured, they are completely safe
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