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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I didn't save it because I didn't like the colours. I'll try it again after you rework the tut - with step numbers
  2. How about uploading the photos and posting the links here so we can see what we're dealing with? It may be unnecessary to recolor the whole image if just the paint-sample-square is critical. Perhaps in this case the recolor tool would be sufficient?
  3. Are you talking about thumbnails within paint.net or in those shown when using your file explorer?
  4. You've made a very nice job of the displacement. Now that part of the image looks 100% part of the towel To clean up the edges, first I need to ask if you have the towel isolated on it's own layer (assuming a white background layer is used to produce the final image above)? If this is the case then try AA's Assistant from dpy's plugin pack. Running the plugin over the towel layer would be my first choice to smooth the edges. If the towel is on the same layer as the white background, then delete the white surround using the magic wand tool to select the white and press the delete key to remove it. Do this prior to using the plugin.
  5. Hi jakemoore, welcome to the paint.net forum! Try this plugin: Color Match. What it does is uses one image as a color template in order to recolor a second image. Sounds like just what you need! (don't forget to hit the DONATE button when you download the plugin package ) For information on installing plugins, try this thread: http://forums.getpai...roubleshooting/
  6. See how the towel has folds and ripples in it? These show up in your image as grey gradients. The label is flat and appears to be laid over the towel. My suggestion is to try matching the folds and ripples in the towel to the pink square. To do this, try using the Displacement and Alpha plugin.
  7. That plugin is a little difficult to find. Here's a link to the pack that contains it: MadJik's Plugin Pack <link added to first post in this thread>
  8. No we won't make it for you. That's one of the forum rules. We can help you make it yourself, but you haven't given us much insight as to what you actually want. The deadline is ...... optimistic. Perhaps you should find a graphic designer and pay them in order to reach that deadline?
  9. Very nice! Cool things happen with the exponent setting turned down low. Thanks (where did squirkle come from?)
  10. Lets' see, word association time....., China Great Wall (of) Tibet Population (dense) Asian Ancient (culture) Dragons History Human rights (abuses of) Economy (huge) Communism Tang Dynasty Beijing Tiananmen Square
  11. You won't need a plugin to make the white go away. Select the magic wand tool Click on the white area. Press Delete. The white area will disappear, and be replaced with the grey/white checkerboard pattern (Paint.net's way of denoting transparent areas). Now the oval part of the image is surrounded by transparent areas. In image terms we call this an object. If you need to soften the edges of the oval, try the AA's Assistant plugin from this pack: dpy's Pack. If you want to preserve the transparent areas, save as a PNG - not a JPG (as JPG's do not support transparency).
  12. I tried it. Numbering the steps would have been helpful It is not clear which layer Twist should be applied to, and if it should be merged down after Twist. I also had a problem with this line: "Use a color editor to make it a color you fancy." Not exactly step-by-step is it? How about setting the colors at the beginning of the tutorial?
  13. ROI = Rectangle of Interest (a number of grouped pixels) Really basically: Paint.net divides the effects 'work' into manageable hunks. Hunks = ROI. A dual core processor (for e.g.) may process two hunks simultaneously, so dividing up the work into chunks allows for faster processing on multi-core processors. Think of it like this: A builder has a brick wall to build containing 1000 bricks. He can do it all himself - but it takes 10 hours at 100 bricks an hour. If his mate helps, they can build the wall in 5 hours (combined speed of 200 bricks an hour). If all his mates help (20 of them) they can build the wall in 30 minutes. Now substitute pixels for bricks, and processing cores for mates and you'll begin to understand why passing the work in small units (ROI) can make the work much easier and faster.
  14. It didn't. @thibmo: That sort of image is inappropriate on this forum. Please do not post images of that nature again. We have a 'family friendly' policy here so all images posted must be suitable for a wide viewing audience. Thanks.
  15. Hi albeix, Welcome to the forum! Try downloading and installing Curves+. The reason I suggest this is that you can fiddle with the Colors/luminosity et al and then save the configuration for reuse as a preset color filter. Neat! Here's some more on the process of applying filters: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21783-vintage-effect-pack-for-curves/page__view__findpost__p__353980 Of course there are loads of other tools that will also help, depending on the photo and what you're trying to achieve. Please feel free to post a modestly sized image of what you're trying to recreate.
  16. Found this rather good tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15956-create-a-professional-looking-product-advertisment-mockup/ For reference, bookmark this link http://searchpaint.net/ it might assist you to find info related to Paint.net.
  17. The forum is not the place to do promotions. Be careful what you link to and be unobtrusive about it - Rule #23
  18. Read this for an explanation: http://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/overview.asp
  19. Monutnman is quite correct. Please see your previous thread for a link to the aforementioned sections of the forum.
  20. There are sections of the forum devoted to reforming and critiquing images. See my post here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22955-design-suggestionsconst-criticism-please/page__view__findpost__p__361906
  21. deserthunder: I've replaced three of your images with links. Please limit the maximum size of posted images to 800 pixels per side ( Rule #29), or post thumbnails. Thanks.
  22. Very similar now that you come to mention it.
  23. You've posted. Ergo, you've registered. Welcome to the forum!
  24. This is not a tutorial - so shouldn't be in the Distortions and Modifications section of the Tutorials - Publishing ONLY! forum. <moved to Paint.net Discussion & Questions>
  25. Windows Installer CleanUp utility seems to be the last tool in my kit. Sorry.
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