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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. It's not lying to you. You don't have enough memory. It sounds like the file is corrupted. Can you upload it to an image host and post the link here?
  2. Make sure you're using the latest version of Paint.NET (3.5.10) and the latest version of the plugin. Using older versions is the #1 cause of plugin errors.
  3. If anyone has a copy of the *.dll please let me know via PM. I'll replace the broken link once I have the file (I don't seem to).
  4. Open the *.pdf file for viewing on your PC. That's the first file attached. The second file is the Zipped MOBI file. That is labelled "Kindle Edition" as it is for viewing on a Kindle.
  5. Post #2 in this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/692-install-update-or-uninstall-trouble-read-this/ I thought by your first post you had run through the options given in that thread? Maybe I misinterpreted. The WIC utility is very powerful and should not be mishandled. In other words - be careful using it.
  6. Time to step in methinks. This tutorial is fairly simple, but does manage to chain together a number of steps in a nice flowing format. It does fall into the "posting a specific result & not a technique" category, but I do not consider this a fatal flaw. ChitoDog & Minners71 have different views on the tutorial. This is good and I appreciate your differing views. See how we can agree to disagree and still have an adult conversation about it? (this is one of the things I like very much about this forum!) EvGirl has put together a nice solid, simple tutorial. If we get the target audience right, they will benefit form reading it. So perhaps we just need to find the right audience? <Moved to Beginner Tutorials> (feel free to applaud)
  7. Oh. This shouldn't be in the tutorials section! <moved to Paint.NET Discussion & Questions>
  8. I was immediately struck by the similarity to Dents. Have you tried Effects | Distort | Dents?
  9. No, it's the chess set. EVERYBODY knows you can't play 13... c4 in the Obolonskivinsky Variation
  10. Yes you need to resize them then upload them again to photobucket. There is a plugin that simplifies the uploading - I use it regularly.
  11. BoltBait is a well respected ADMINISTRATOR on this forum who has been a member since 2005. You can trust him absolutely. Scouts honor.
  12. The changes should show up immediately. They don't, so something has not been set correctly. Did you physically change the size, or just the view size?
  13. It depends on the file format you're saving as. If the file format supports layers, then you won't be prompted to flatten. If the format does not support layers, then you will (always) be prompted. This is by design and tries to reduce the possibility of data loss. Workarounds: 1. Save in a file format that supports layers. 2. Delete the layer prior to saving as pdnnoob suggested. 3. I'm not sure if you still get the prompt if you hide every layer but one. Try it.
  14. This looks like multicolored fun! As usual, another well developed plugin. Thanks Red Ochre
  15. @EvGirl: Your images are too large. Please resize them so their maximum dimension is 800px or less. Thanks.
  16. 1. Write your text on a transparent layer. 2. Activate the Magic Wand tool and hold down the shift key while selecting the area that is not part of the letters. 3. Invert the selection with Ctrl + I 4. Select the gradient tool and drag a gradient over the letters. Step 4 is especially fun if you use the multicolor gradient plugin as careful use can color the characters individually.
  17. Back in February I made a suggestion that the User be able to input the default name for new layers (the alphanumeric string just before the new layer number) Rick didn't seem impressed with the idea at the time. Perhaps I didn't make a strong enough case for it.
  18. 1. Make your selection. 2. Copy it to the clipboard with Ctrl + C. 3. Press Ctrl + Alt + V (paste clipboard into new image) 4. Press Ctrl + S (Save).
  19. Hi Faxu, welcome to the forum. Pasting transparent letters is the same as deleting the same shape from a layer. Here's how I would do it: 1. Select the Magic Wand tool and wind the tolerance in the Toolbar down to around 10%. 2. Activate the layer with the text on it. 3. Hold down the shift key and click on the background (i.e. not on any of the letters). This selects everything but the letters. 4. Invert the selection with Ctrl + I. 5. Activate the layer you want to place the letters on. 6. Press Delete.
  20. 300mb of free space leaves little 'wriggle' room to stuff large files into. At the size you're working at, a handful of layers would break the 300mb that you have available (see Rick's post for the calculation). You can comfortably work from a USB if there is enough free space. Smaller images, fewer images or a larger USB would all lead to more space being available.
  21. I'm not sure if you want your light source as part of the image or is it provided by the game engine? I don't believe that there is a way to save the _LM image from Paint.NET. Scratch that. The _LM file is a .bmp right? According to this site: http://www.groundmaker.org/onlinehelp/Help/pages/other_textures.htm , you need to save the file as *_LM.bmp which needs to be an 8 bit *.bmp. Paint.NET has had the ability to save BMP’s at 8-bit color depth since version 3.30. What you need to do is use File > Save As..., Enter the filename and select the BMP extension from the dropdown list in the dialog. Press OK. A configuration dialog should open allowing you to set the number of bits. Easy. Note: You should first save a copy of the image as a *.pdn. This will preserve the layer structure and the full color palette (saving as 8-bit is going to reduce the number of colors to 256).
  22. Um.... why not use codelab to get it working and then port it to Visual Studio? I seem to recall BoltBait uses this development method. You can cut & paste the source from Codelab. Have you followed these steps? http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/2248-visual-studio-2005-effect-plugin-template/#entry21968
  23. @thalakos: You're welcome. Glad it worked out for you. @ Welshy: I'm pleased to have taught you something. Usually it's you who opens my eyes. I wrote somewhere that you (and others) showing your works in the Pictorium were teaching me things that I didn't even know I didn't know about Paint.NET
  24. Note that Version 3.3x is no longer supported. You need to be using the latest version of Paint.NET (3.5.10). Remember it's a free upgrade!
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