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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I hath the POWER! Thanks to Ed for fixing the lniks so quickly.
  2. What is the effect you're trying to make? Would you be willing to post the source?
  3. I'll sort out the topic title for you. In future all you need to do is return to the original post and edit it (using the full editor). This will give you an editable text box where you can retype the thread title.
  4. There are many color-to-alpha plugins available. Have a look through the Plugin Index
  5. To be honest, the atmosphere in your sample (linked) image is not pleasing my eye. It's more horseshoe shaped and has thick ends rather than a nice taper into nothing. Here's a quick method that springs to mind: 1. Activate the glow layer. 2. Select the Ellipse Select tool and ready your fingers over both mouse buttons. 3. Hold down the shift key as you drag out an ellipse with one mouse button. The shift key keeps the shape circular. 4. Keep holding down the first mouse button + as the size gets near the planet, also hold down the second mouse key. This lets you shift the ellipse (circle) selection around while still casting it. 5. Keep playing until you get something selected like this: 6. Press delete to erase the selection. 7. Now run the Alpha Blur plugin on the glow layer with a large size (I guessed 26). You'll notice that Alpha Blur also fades out the outside edge of the glow. Don't worry..., 8. Use the Move Tool to shift the glow layer up and left to move the faded edge of the glow off the planet. You should wind up with something like this: Helpful?
  6. No. Pixels don't change their size. Resizing uses more or less of them to convey the image information. Once the resize is done, the information held by the pixels DOES NOT change. Can you be more specific with your problem? Can you post links to images of before and after? Are you perhaps meaning the image DPI?
  7. I would rather Ed fixed his links, but if that isn't going to happen immediately then feel free to share. I'll PM Ed to let him know the links are broken.
  8. I take it that you're compiling the code, but cannot get it to show up in Paint.NET? The probable cause is that you have targeted .NET 4.0 when you need to target 3.5. In Visual Studio with your project open, go to the Solution Explorer double click Properties > Application tab. Under the target Framework heading, choose .NET 3.5 from the dropdown list. Save & rebuild. (Note: you may be prompted to close & reopen the project. Do so.) Please let me know if this fixes the problem.
  9. @cheatmaster18: Are you using Codelab to build the effect or Visual Studio?
  10. Are you unzipping the effect first? Once unzipped, the files with the extension *.dll need to be moved to the Paint.NET/Effects/ folder (unless they are of the filetype nature, when they go in the Paint.NET/filetypes/ folder). Restart Paint.NET once you have them moved into the correct location and you should be OK.
  11. Seen this plugin? CustomBrushesMini v1.0 It's the bees knees when you need any kind of custom brush. BTW: Nice signature!
  12. Yes it does. This thread might be of interest: http://forums.getpai...38-ora-attempt/ It details how the ORA filetype plugin was developed
  13. This has gone far enough. I don't think anyone should attempt to trump 'Elvish Presley'. <closed>
  14. You've had loads of high quality help in this thread. How about thanking them? The best way to get people to help you is to say please and thank you.
  15. Yes. Try this post for a quick min-tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/23648-filling-an-object-while-retaining-lines/#entry366186
  16. That'll teach me to skip-read posts! Sorry 'bout that 'noob.
  17. That's generally the technique posted on the forum, but there is no absolute requirement to do tutorials this way. Bear in mind that users with slow connections are probably never going to view the video. Why not add a text version of the different steps and a couple of screenshots (as per the Tutorial Posting Guidelines)? I think what your tutorial is really lacking is an example of the finished article. If users could see that, then they will know if they wish to investigate the tutorial.
  18. Thanks for the info Smiffa. Appreciate you posting the method that works for you.
  19. Most likely: As this is not a bug..., <Moved to Paint.NET Discussion and Questions>
  20. Try this: 1. Ctrl + Shift + F flattens the image. 2. Ctrl + Shift + S ( aka File > Save As..., ) no flatten prompt. 3. Ctrl + Z Undo last action (flatten). How's that?
  21. If you place your text on it's own layer then you can select it easily. That's why we recommend that text always goes on it's own layer. If you're rendering text directly to the map layer then you're going to have this problem endlessly. See the Paint.NET website, donate page: http://ww.getpaint.net/donate.html
  22. Hi Reed, welcome to the forum. This plugin is a filetype (it extends the type of files that Paint.NET can load and save). As it's a filetype, pop it in the /filetype/ folder, not the /effects/ folder Red Ochre is quite correct. it only shows up as more filetype extensions when you load or save/save as.
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