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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Hi Tina, Welcome to the forum! First: Your question is not really suited to this section of the forum (Troubleshooting and Bug reports). I'll move it to the Paint.NET Discussion & Questions section for you. Second: You can find a lot of information in the help files. Press F1 in Paint.NET to view the online documentation. Third (and finally answering your question): Paint.NET does not have a specific crop tool. Instead you need to make a selection and then you can crop to that. Try this: Click on the Rectangle Select tool and drag out a selection on your image. Next press Ctrl + Shift + X to crop the image to your selection (press Ctrl + Z to undo the crop it if you want to try again). For help with saving, read the online documentation. Note that if you crop an image and then save it you'll lose the cropped information! Better to use Save As.., and specify a new filename as this leaves the original image untouched.
  2. For more on how to use the plugin - post in the thread devoted to the Drop Shadow plugin.
  3. Added a Kindle version of the Plugin Index to the first post. It's zipped to allow it onto the forum. If this proves popular I may also add an Epub version. Please let me know if you find this useful.
  4. David's link fails because it pointed to the old forum (the post is three years old). This is the reason that we forbid responding to old posts. I believe that the link was directing you to the Layer Saver plugin: Found Here. As this thread is ancient - let's put it to bed like Rule #11 says. <closed>
  5. No need to chop up the image. All you need to do is constrain the Sharpen effect to a specific area. Try selecting one area with one of the selection tools and then running Sharpen. The effect will only affect the selection area.
  6. Please clarify if grayscale is considered monochromatic for the purposes of this competition?
  7. It's not a problem. We Mods generally clean such posts up as we find them.
  8. No there isn't, and yes this has been discussed before. The problem is that jpg is a lossy format (the compression loses quality with each save - even at 100%). This means that successive saves degrade your jpg image. PNG on the other hand is lossless. This means that quality is not lost when you save and resave. Paint.NET always defaults to a format that preserves data. This will not change.
  9. Let's not get all morbid! Rick's planning is so complete that I'm sure he has a succession plan in place should anything terrible happen. This is not really something that the user base need worry about.
  10. If it's one of yours there should be a delete button immediately under the post. This _may_ get disabled once replies to the post have been made. The alternative is to Edit the post (again a button immediately under the post) and remove the text manually.
  11. ^^ that probably needed to be explained better. 1. Open you image. 2. Select your new frame color as the secondary color in the Colors window (white in the example image - fortunately the default secondary color). 3. Go to Image | Canvas Size and enlarge the canvas by 110%. Anchor the exisiting image to the center. 4. Select new frame color as the secondary color (#190000 in the example image). 5. Go to Image | Canvas Size and enlarge the canvas this time by 140%. Again anchor the exisiting image to the center. Voila! Centered image in colored frames.
  12. Or you could sucessively increase the canvas size by a percentage amount (with a different secondary color each time you do it). Keep the image anchored to the center each time. STILL no plugin required!
  13. Before we get all technical, let's try a couple of simple effects that are built in to Paint.NET..., 1. Got to Adjustments | Invert colors (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + I). This inverts the colors so you get a black on white image. 2. Next, try Effects | Photo | Sharpen. Run Sharpen at the defaults to crisp those edges. Good enough or do you need more?
  14. You don't need the source unless you're a programmer. For help with installing plugins, try here:
  15. That's because they do not belong in the Effects folder with the plugin files.
  16. Zoom canvas to 100%: Ctrl + B or View | Zoom to window. At this setting the canvas will be maximized within the editing area (or at 1 image pixel = 1 pixel on your monitor if your image is smaller than the editing area at 100%). If you're only interested in zooming in on the image, there is a zoom function in the Tool Bar.
  17. That's just about the simplest frame to create yourself you know (hint Layers + Rectangle shape tool). Plugins are not always the answer when you arm yourself with a little knowledge...,
  18. This is not exactly a troubleshooting question - more a general Paint.NET question so I'll move this to the Paint.NET Discussion & Questions section of the forum for you. In answer to your question: 1. Opening Paint.NET defaults the blank canvas to 800 x 600 pixels. 2. If you mean restoring the original canvas size following a resize operation you can use the UNDO command (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL + Z or File menu | Undo) so long as you still have the image open. If you have saved and closed your image, then the original canvas size has been lost along with the other History items.
  19. Try here: http://forums.getpai...uble-read-this/ Post #10. There was a discussion recently on the same subject:
  20. Following the forum software upgrade the Donate button I so carefully crafted broke. I've fixed it.
  21. What file format are you trying to upload? Have you loaded the image onto an image hosting site?
  22. There is a plugin to export your image as a PDF, but it uses the RGB colorspace. I've previously used it successfully to supply artwork to commercial printers. Commercial printers are more in tune with the local market these days and can handle most file formats. I suggest you ask them if they can handle the artwork in that format (RGB PDF). Recommend you change printers if they can't! Plugin: Im(age)pdf
  23. Try again. We've just upgraded the forum software and you may have just had some bad timing.
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