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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. If you're not using them, simply move the plugins to another location. Paint.NET will start faster and you'll have fewer menus to navigate.
  2. My entry. An original cartoon character, sadly unnamed (actually an image I made for a different purpose a few months back). SAFE logo is from their website www.safe.org.nz. Font is Clarence.
  3. You are welcome klaxxon! Google translate does a good job
  4. There is a toggle in the Tool Bar when the gradient tool is active. The two options are Color mode and Transparent mode.
  5. Please repost your question in the "Image in Text" tutorial thread. That way we keep all the question s in one place
  6. We have enough stickied in this section. While it is a wonderful guide, it's not really a tutorial is it? Or is it ??
  7. English albeit with a slight spelling error. didactical adjective . 1. intended for instruction; instructive: didactic poetry. 2. inclined to teach or lecture others too much: a boring, didactic speaker. I think the poster is asking for an instruction manual. @Parisien: Welcome! Try this thread to see if it answers your questions: http://forums.getpai...-with-paintnet/
  8. Here's the formula: (W x H x 4) x (L + 2) Your linked image: (14307 x 1400 x 4) x (L + 2) Doing the math, you're looking at 80mb for the first layer and every additional layer. If your true image really is 50k pixels wide then its no wonder you're running out of memory! You need lots more memory and/or resize the image so it is MUCH smaller.
  9. If your frames are continuous around the area you wish to fill there should be no problem. Use the Paint Bucket tool in conjunction with the tolerance setting and the fill mode. Set the tolerance to maximize the fill in the frame without washing over the edges. Set the fill mode to Contiguous (not Global) so that the fill stays inside the frame. If your frame is not continuous around the area, you will need to make it so or the fill will 'leak' out of the gaps in the frame. You can also use the Magic Wand tool to select the area first. Again use the tolerance to fine tune how much of the area is selected before filling it with the paint bucket.
  10. I'm thinking you mean Step 6? This means: First activate the layer that has the text in it (by clicking on the layer in the layers window). Then Select the text with the Magic Wand. To do this you need to click on the text with the Shift key held down (that way the Magic Wand will select everything of that color in the layer). I usually use a tolerance setting for the Magic Wand of less than 30% - perhaps you have the tolerance dialed up too high?. An alternative method is to click on the transparent background (anywhere off the text but still on that layer) with the Shift key held down. Then invert the selection with Ctrl + I
  11. An image can have very high overheads if the image is large and/or has many layers. This thread details the formula you can use to work out how much memory Paint.NET will use to operate on an image: http://forums.getpai...ead-this-first/
  12. Tip: Don't type in the extension. Type in the filename and choose the extension from the dropdown list.
  13. Strangely, my Kindle doesn't want to download this file even though it's a .MOBI which the Kindle should recognize. If your Kindle doesn't want to download this file directly, then you can still download it with any other browser and transfer it to you Kindle. I will investigate this. Perhaps I need to make it an AZW or something..., Edit: No luck. Just download it and transfer
  14. I'm not relying on the ad clicks, but it seems to me that the link could be made more obvious or relocated to the main page (rather than the sidebar). Perhaps just make the link a nice friendly button titled "Download Paint.NET"?
  15. June Update One new effect this month; Gradients galore - @Red ochre Create a a wide variety of gradient effects. Many options including choice of shapes, transition methods, variable dithering, angle slider (rotation around canvas centre), HSV rainbows. I've uploaded the Kindle version to my website so it is available as a direct download .MOBI file. The forum required a ZIPped file which was just a pain to download Point your Kindle's browser to the link (bookmark it!) and it should download effortlessly straight to you Kindle. Of course you can Manually download the file and then transfer it. Kindle Edition: Click Here
  16. This may help explain the Conditional Hue & Saturation settings: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21134-how-can-i-create-a-shape-and-recolor-it/#entry348884
  17. If you're using a dual monitor setup, the Print Screen key will cleverly capture the contents of both screens and copy it to the clipboard. If you have multiple windows open, using Alt + Print Screen captures just the contents of the window that currently is active.
  18. Swapping faces and adding faeries is the same technique. You need to find a source image and then cut out the portion you wish to reuse. See this tutorial: Cutting out images the easy way. Once you have your source image cut out, open the destination image and add a new layer :AddNewLayer: and paste or import your source image into the layer. Generous use of AA's Assistant from this plugin pack might help blend them in: dpy's Pack. You might want to read through this thread, which covers much the same subject:
  19. Not gonna happen. If the plugin was buggy I might think about it, but many satisfied users are using this without problems. How about uploading the troublesome image and posting the link here so we can try and resolve the issue? Are you using the latest version of Paint.NET (3.5.10) and the latest version of the plugin?
  20. Question is: Whose blood is he drawing in? Seriously nice gallery Red Ochre. Evensong and noRules brought me a smile! Thanks.
  21. That's why you need to backfill a number of times for each element. You need to "fill" the holes to the left of the rightshifted element. These will be spaced across the image in strips the same width as the phase.
  22. Both BoltBait and MadJik have plugins that generate star shapes. BoltBait's Pack MadJik' all plugins There are also some nice star shapes in the Wingdings and Wingdings2 fonts. You can write these using the text tool if you know the correct code, or use the WhichSymbol+ plugin (link in my sig)
  23. @ScootCoot: Check out the Troubleshooting section of the forum, or use Search. Troubleshooting: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/3-troubleshooting-bug-reports/ Search: http://searchpaint.net/
  24. Sorry Nora. I took a punt on your OS - and guessed wrong. Glad you got it sorted!
  25. You have your file association for the PNG file type set to Paint.NET. That's all. It doesn't matter which program saved it, the file extension (the .png bit) is associated with one program = Paint.NET! If you wish to change it, see this article (which expands greatly on the subject): http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307859
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