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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. My advice: Don't wait for this change. Get better at writing the steps down if you wish to recreate your images
  2. Interesting idea. I don't know how useful this would be without the settings of the effect/adjustment and the layer that it was applied to. Methinks you would be better just writing it down as you do it.
  3. Can you post one of the custom palette files here? I'm wondering if they are in some way malformed. Is your installation of Paint.NET done to a default location (C:\Program Files\Paint.NET) or some other place?
  4. Select the White background with the Magic Wand tool and press delete - PROVIDED the spectacles are on their own layer.
  5. See? 100% of Mods responding to this thread recommend that tutorial
  6. Then you could buy the Codelab book - except that I can't convince BoltBait to write it
  7. I can see I'm going to become redundant if Ella keeps coming up with quality answers like this one. Nice job Ella. Thank you. Rep'd.
  8. If the example that Minners71 gave is close to the result you're looking for, then also have a look at the Toon Filter plugin: http://forums.getpai...71-toon-filter/ (nice subject choice Jim!)
  9. ....As does Dpy's Metalize plugin. Before using the effect, our friend Hougesen needs to make a base image. For that I'd recommend this tutorial: http://forums.getpai...planet-texture/
  10. I've been thinking about that one too. If it's good for the Effects, why not the Adjustments?
  11. Sorry Welshy. I was answering the follow-up question...
  12. What version? Are you using the latest 3.5.10?
  13. You have two main options: 1. Create your text twice as large as you need and resize it when you're finished. This reduces a lot of these sorts of problems. 2. AA's Assistant (plugin) is great for smoothing edges (there are many more plugins just as effective). Find it here: Dpy's Plugin Pack. I'm assuming you're using the Text tool with the antialiasing turned on?
  14. The actions of plugins are strictly governed. It's absolutely critical that they play nicely with the rest of Paint.NET. Messing with the History would be frought with problems (just ask Marty McFly!). If you're interested in what plugins can and cannot do read this: Plugin Guidelines
  15. You can relax ICIT2, you're in safe hands here on this forum First of all, welcome. It's good to have you here. Please don't be intimidated, the forum runs a particular way and you'll get used to it fairly quickly. You're in the correct section to learn starting principles (Beginner Tutorials), unfortunately this section is reserved for the publishing of tutorials. As your post is not a tutorial I'll move it to the correct section for you (Paint.NET Discussion & Questions). Try reading through some of the tutorials in the Beginners section. Ask questions in those threads if you don't understand a technique. You will certainly benefit form reading through the online help files (press F1 in Paint.NET) or go here: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest
  16. Drop Shadow with a wide blur radius would also get close. You would need the figure to be on his own layer....
  17. Arguably its an adjustment. Considered the Adjustments menu?
  18. Length of the line is shown on the left hand side of the Status Bar when drawing (between Offset and Angle). As Jim said, position your cursor using the coordinates on the extreme right of the Status Bar then just click and draw until the length is 100px.
  19. For those of us who don't have GIMP installed - can you post a link to a simple before and after screenshot?
  20. I'm not sure this is not going to work as plugin authors assign a directory when they create the plugin. Nice idea though.
  21. Olden is another term that should also yield results (from this forum).
  22. Relocate all of them. Find and return those you actually miss. Some are usefully named, some not so. What I do is have a sub folder in the Effects folder. I call this folder "'temp" (original huh?). Any plugin I'm not using regularly rarely gets flung in there.
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