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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I believe that The author of Drop Shadow (@KrisVDM) has some kind of built-in check performed to ensure you're using the latest version of the plugin. See the Drop Shadow thread - that might account for the internet connection. As for Shape3D, I'm at a loss to explain the requirement for an internet connection there. Question: Did you download the plugins from this forum or from somewhere else?
  2. Please read the Forum Rules, specifically number 6 concerning thread titles. Edit your post above then use the Full Editor option and type over the thread title to give this a new title that is descriptive.
  3. You need to completely remove the original installation before re-installing. Return to the thread that nanettealsop first gave you and thoroughtly read the second post. There you will find the how-to in the guise of the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. Be careful with this utility - it is very powerful and not to be used recklessly. Once the Windows Installer CleanUp utility has removed all traces of the original installation you should be good to download and re-install.
  4. Plugin Index wasn't showing this plugin. I've flagged a change for the next edition (February) ~ about two days time.
  5. It's funny - I took one look at the plugin UI and immediately thought "that's one of MadJik's" I'll check the Plugin Index is correctly showing both plugins.
  6. Hi celestialbound. Welcome to the forum! The short answer is no. The glare is present in the photo and is therefore not only obscuring but also replacing the parts of the image you want to see. There is no "system" used when dealing with this sort of image. The steps used are related to the actual image and are usually "try-it-and-see" method. The glare can probably be minimized - but you probably won't be happy with the results. Your best be is to retake the photo. Honestly.
  7. Do you want to see the clouds as individuals. or do you need the shape outlined?
  8. Print at 96dpi ~ that should be the same resolution as your monitor. Be warned: it will look awful.
  9. Do not. Ever. @barbieq25 - a well deserved pin.
  10. Delete will remove the selection. Cut removes the selection AND places a copy of it in the clipboard. Note that to preserve the transparent areas you must save the file that supports transparency like png (not jpg).
  11. It's an honor to be of assistance Dug As I said in a PM - I'm absolutely in awe of your work!
  12. You're safe Sasha. It does look like a spinning galaxy
  13. A 64-bit version of Windows will manage memory better than a 32-bit version. Aside from that - you should install more memory if you're going to simultaneously open multiple large/layered images.
  14. Absolute rubbish! The big buttons are ads which you blindly clicked on without first reading what you were installing. The Paint.NET download link is in the top right corner of the website page.
  15. My clipart comment was a joke. Forum Admin BoltBait has a beard like that. Try searching for the keywords swapping faces you want the second link that comes up.
  16. Stack the images as layers in a single image. Lower the opacity of each layer (press F4) until you can see each as a ghostly image. Press M to select the Move tool then the keyboard arrow keys will move the active layer one pixel at a time. Once the layers are lined up make a rectangular selection and press Ctrl+Shift+X to crop to that selection. Restore 100% opacity of each layer & save each lyer to a separate file.
  17. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13796-cutting-out-images/ and http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/24523-merged-photo-too-pixelated/?hl=%2Bwedding+%2Bphoto also http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12753-how-to-clone-yourself/
  18. Well said Nanette. @Sasha - I've never won anything on this forum, and I'm a Moderator Please keep posting your works. You have a great talent in the making. Use the experience of others here who are happy to provide assistance and direction.
  19. Read all of the posts above this. It is all explained there.
  20. The .cs file is not required, so you can delete it. The *.dll file goes in the /Effects/ folder. Restart Paint.NET and you'll find the effect in the Adjustments menu.
  21. <Moved to Paint.NET Discussion & Questions> See this post: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/25741-fake-download-links-on-httpgetpaintnet/
  22. The magic wand and paint bucket have two distinct modes of operation. Contiguous and Global. You can find these in the tool bar once the wand or bucket is activated. Contiguous adds pixels to the selection if they are within tolerance AND neighbors of pixels already in the selection. This means the selection will flood outwards from the starting point. Global mode selects ALL the pixels in the layer which satisfy the tolerance, regardless of their position. For your use you want the contiguous mode and a low tolerance. The area you want to select must be closed (i.e. surrounded by dissimilar pixels) or the selection will 'leak' out.
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