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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Follow the resize operation with Effects > Photo > Sharpen @ Amount of 1 or 2.
  2. You need to understand layers. Press F1 in Paint.NET and it will open the online documentation. Read up on using layers. The idea with layers is that you can use one layer for each element in your image. A layer can be manipulated independently of all the others. So you can move a single layer with an object on it without affecting the rest of the image.
  3. You are using Paint. This is a forum for Paint.NET. Different programs entirely. Paint.NET is vastly more powerful and has this nice forum
  4. That's because that is what you had selected. Try making a different shaped selection with the ellipse selection tool, magic wand or the lasso before deleting.
  5. Try searching this forum. You should get loads of tutorials and posts to read through. In short: select the pixels you want to make transparent and press Delete.
  6. I use that feature a lot in my downloads window. It's great for when I wish to examining the contents of a d/l'd zip and/or move it without unpacking it first.
  7. I AM NOT!!! Dpy has not released this plugin in it's own thread - therefore I'm only going to find it when I manually search through the plugin packs (which I'm actually doing). I've undertaken to manually download, unpack and examine every plugin and every plugin pack from every author. This is very time consuming, but worthwhile. The next revision of the Plugin Index will show dozens of effects not listed before. It will be the COMPLETE guide to EVERY plugin available. Slacking indeed.....
  8. I don't like your chances. I don't think it is the job of an image editor to masquerade as a file browser. Why not just open Explorer and switch to medium/large icon view?
  9. The bits of Paint.NET that plugins can access is limited - for a very good reason: the developer (Rick) doesn't want you poking around in there. It is not the job of plugins to alter how the program works - just to provide extra functionality from within the plugin framework.
  10. Probably many ways. There are lots of tools and plugins for Paint.NET. Try fiddling with the settings in each step to see if you can come up with a combination that you like.
  11. No, OnSetRender is not obsolete - but it's something that should be used from Visual Studio as CodeLab protects it (you can't access it from your code in CodeLab). Your best method of figuring out how it works is to use CodeLab to create a simple plugin then choose the option to "View Source" when you build it. CodeLab will automatically create and populate a simple OnSetRender function. Cut and Paste the entire source into the VS template and you should be able to figure out where and how OnSetRender works.
  12. My attempt: 1. Open your image (of a football player on a transparent background). 2. Duplicate the single layer twice. 3. Activate the center layer (of 3) and run Effects > Blur Surface Blur as Brad.Pike suggested. This removes a lot of the detail. 4. Activate the top layer and run the Metallize plugin with these settings: 0, 2, Grayscale=unchecked, Luminosity. This adds a slightly metallic sheen. 5. With the top layer still activated press F4 and lower the opacity to around 40. This step so the metallic sheen doesn't overpower the image. 6. Press Ctrl + Shift + F to flatten the image. 7. Duplicate the single layer. 8. Activate the top layer and press F4. 9. Change the Blend mode to Multiply and reduce the opacity until the overdark areas are toned down (I used 70-80 in the example image). 10 Repeat step 6. 11 Save.
  13. Good point 'noob. The title is hardly descriptive and dangerously close to one cited in the Forum Rules. I'll edit it. I am also assuming that our poster wants the hyper-real-slightly-metallic effect
  14. <moved to Paint.NET Discussion & Questions> Yes it is possible, but the techniques vary depending on the structure of your image. Is the imge one layer or many?
  15. Have a look at this list of what plugins can and cannot do: plugin limitations
  16. Be nice NMD. You don't actually link to the plugins or the guide to plugin installation. For a newb landing on this page it would be bewildering.
  17. Hi Niiganab & welcome. I'm pleased you have found my book illuminating and helpful. I too was a self-publisher (via Amazon if you get what I mean) and first time author. The process can be a bit intimidating at first. I recommend following the Amazon publishing guidelines - even if you don't intend releasing via Amazon. I started with the Smashwords guide and had to rewrite section and styles for Amazon. I wish I'd just done it the Amazon way first. Banked my first royalty cheque last week (the day job is safe). Edit: 'Noob - have you seen the first image in the chapter on blend modes? It relates to the quote in your sig
  18. Hello CindyLee73 - welcome! Have you seen this plugin? Extract Color? What it does is automate the Pleasantville effect(which is almost exactly the effect you're after). Read more here Pleasantville Effect.
  19. Hi Allex - welcome to the forum. Your question is worthy of it's own thread so I'm splitting your question out of the thread where you posted it. Here on the forum we have a rule about not replying to old threads (this one was last active back in 2009).
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