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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. A layer should always be movable. Did you use the Move Tool or perhaps accidentally select the Move Selection tool ? The difference is critical.
  2. Nope - a plugin cannot do that. Possibly it's as a result of the video capture software settings.
  3. Hi Altbo & welcome. Easiest way is to use two layers, one for each of the images. 1. On the folder layer, use the Magic Wand tool to select the area that surrounds the folder image (i.e. the transparent bit). 2. Change to the layer with the new image by clicking on this layer in the Layers Window. 3. Press the Delete key. NB Remember to also save the working file as a *.PDN so you can reedit the image if required. To preserve your transparency, save the final file as a PNG.
  4. Hi TheChildCody - welcome to the forum! Unfortunately, the color used behind the canvas is not able to be changed. Neither can the subtle canvas shadow be turned off. That's the way it is
  5. Unless you use this: Editable Text by @Simon Brown
  6. Another of my favorites: "If a man speaks while in a forest, and there is no woman to hear him, IS HE STILL WRONG?"
  7. Yes I am decided (as I also said ). Having decided, I am also willing to discuss, argue if necessary, and listen. That is the point of this thread. I've already got some great feedback and ideas. Don't be downcast because you have not got your request. You got to ask and I appreciate your input.
  8. The information is provided alphabetically & by-author - as well as the filetypes are listed. How else you do wish to filter or sort the information? When a new version is published.... The Plugin Index is updated on the first of each month. New entries are flagged as such in the index and noted in the thread. As a new feature I'll be adding the release date to the information provided. It takes you a lot of time to scan a 12 page pdf for new entries or read the latest post in the thread? It's going to take a lot longer than that to import a file to Excel and identify changes.
  9. Good idea. Sorry, this is not going to happen. The source is not available except in the formats I publish. There should be no reason you would need to load the data into Excel - except if you were reformatting it in some way in order to republish it. I can imagine dozens of reformatted Plugin Indexes popping up all over the Internet Imagine the malware that could be installed from bogus links. If someone has a genuine reason to look at the source I'm willing to discuss it - privately - as I did in helping @jxp with his website: http://freespace.virgin.net/jxp.72/
  10. That's likely a setting within the application you pasted the image into. BTW: this search tool is superior to the forum based one - I recommend you bookmark it http://www.getpaint.net/search.html
  11. Hi 6fthook - welcome to the forum! I've replaced your images with links as the images were larger that we allow in posts (800px maximum). Secondly, this section of the forum is reserved for the publishing of tutorials. I'll move this to the correct section for you. <moved to Paint.NET Discussion & Questions>
  12. Sample to show off the formatting thus far: Types: Effect Adjustment Filetype External Resource Plugin Pack Status: Active Depreciated Obsolete Unsupported Built In Circle Text - @dpy. Writes text into a circle, or on an angle. dpy's Pack Type: Effect | Released: 28 Sept 2009 | Status: Active | DLL Name: CircleText.dll | Menu: Effects > Text Formations *NEW* Clipwarp - @Red ochre. Deforms a clipboard image 'around' an object. Useful for creating glass and metallic effects. Type: Effect | Released: 07 Jan 2013 | Status: Active | DLL Name: ClipWarp.dll | Menu: Effects > Tools Clouds Plugin - @Sepcot. Creates cloud like effects using the Perlin Noise routine. Type: Effect | Released: 13 Sept 2006 | Status: Depreciated | DLL Name: CloudEffect.dll | Menu: Effects > Render CodeLab v1.8 - @Tom Jackson. Internal PDN tool for creating your own plugins. Code & apply your own effects on the fly. Updated and maintained by @BoltBait. Type: | Released: | Status: | DLL Name: | Menu: Color Aberration - @MadJik. Allows you to move separately RGB channels in % or in pixels. It could be a used to create 3D pictures. Type: | Released: | Status: | DLL Name: | Menu:
  13. Except that the word "menu" often crops up naturally in the thread. I want to be searching for something that won't be there unless it's deliberately typed in.
  14. ....Rotation Bilinear. Also have a look at Rotate Zoom+. Find these in the Plugin Index (link in my sig).
  15. Subpixels: not to my knowledge. Individual pixel precision is the only thing we can offer. Rotations: yes there is one I recall. Can't remember the name....
  16. How about PDN_Menu: Effects>Distort>Cats? I want a unique name to reduce the risk of it occurring naturally. You are too kind Already have this info from my scraper. Adding it to the listing is fairly easy - but is it actually useful? I find the topic number sufficient to indicate the plugin's approximate age. It could be done. Perhaps. Good idea. We can ask once the format is sorted. When I wrote WhichSymbol+ the text submenu didn't exist
  17. Sure can. Thats how we prefer it to be done
  18. @pyrochild. Thanks got it. See? Was trying to use the highlight tag, when I should have been using the background tag. I'm sure the list of tags I'm trying to use is out of date. Is there a list of tags on the forum? @superkingt: thanks for the suggestions. I like the second to last one best (I don't think the bullet points add value to the listing). I'm going to use the red color to denote *NEW* items too! Does anyone have an issue with the italics used for the description? Building on the keyword suggestion, this is the sort of thing I was thinking of to make parsing the plugin forum easier: Plugin_Name: AntiCat Plugin (Optional - for when there are multiple effects in a pack.) DLL_Name: Meowmeow.dll Installed_Location: Effects > Distort > Cats
  19. See? I don't know everything. Thanks to Pryochild I've learnt something new today!
  20. The date says it all. Since that post we've had a discussion on the number of competitions and the (relatively) low number of entrants. If you genuinely feel we need another competition - I'm sure we can set that up.
  21. Paint.NET remembers the size and units within any given session (i.e. while it remains open). When you close it it defaults back to inches. It has to default to something. You can bet your bottom dollar someone else will want to default to pixels, centimetres, cubits or Elvish Conuncles.
  22. Rotation: Place image on it's own layer. Press M to activate the move tool. Right click (& hold) + move the mouse. Adding the shift key constrains the rotation to 15 degree increments (you'll find the angle of rotation in the Staus Bar). Transparency: Activate the Magic Wand tool and click on the background color (you may need to fine tune the Tolerance in the Tool Bar to get the entire background selected). When it is selected, press Delete.
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