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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Changes that occur when resizing are to do with the resampling algorithm which intelligently fabricates (or interpolates) information for new pixels when you enlarge and "averages" neighboring pixels when you downsize. Different resampling methods have different results, so try the different options (Best Quality, Bicubic, Bilinear and Nearest Neighbor) in the resize dialog (look in the Resampling dropdown list).
  2. Paint.NET is not famous for stopping the installation of the .NET framework. Your problem is wider than this application. This was suggested by someone who knows a great deal about Paint.NET and Windows. Neither suggestion is related to Paint.NET, so I don't know how you justify getting miffed when I suggested seeking advice from another source. If this is your attitude to people taking the time to try and help you - then don't let the door hit you on your way out. <locked>
  3. Very nice! I've just today posted elsewhere on the forum for the need to have more effect templates. Thank you for making this available.
  4. Elsewhere, @midora said.... Having just had a long play with the VS Effect template - I'm convinced things would be a lot clearer if there were two templates. One for effects with IndirectUI controls and another for Winform/custom UI's (basically the existing template). Rather than trying to explain all about IndirectUI - I think cutting and pasting code from CodeLab is much easier (BoltBait has done a marvelous job with CodeLab's "show source" option). So I'm thinking the IndirectUI template would be a container for the Codelab source. Opinions?
  5. I think we have established that this is a system problem and not a Paint.NET issue. Perhaps you would be better to seek advice from a Tech support or Windows forum?
  6. Just as an aside: I think you're going to need to use a custom extension when saving. Otherwise the native PNG format is always going to overwrite your filetype. See how the Animated GIF/PNG plugin uses *.AGIF and *.APNG respectively to avoid this issue.
  7. <Closed due to authors inability to comply with image size request>
  8. Right click is the bezier curve mode. It allows complex curves to be formed including loops.
  9. You are referring to the anti-aliasing. This process uses pixels between shades to soften the borders between colors. The easy way to remove these is to not have them in the first place! There is a setting in the Tool Bar for many of the tools - this turns the anti-aliasing on and off In order to remove the pixels from your image I would suggest using the Recolor tool 1. Set the Primary color to the color that you want to leave in place of the extra pixels. I use the ColorPicker Tool and click on the color I want in the image. 2. Set the Secondary color to the color that will be replaced in the image (i.e. use the color Picker + right mouse button to select the shade you want to remove). 3. Adjust the brush width (make it fairly large to cover the existing image in a few strokes) and tolerance as required. This may take some trial and error. 4. "paint" over the existing image in broad strokes with the Recolor Tool.
  10. BoltBait recently released this plugin Remove Dust which could be useful if the built-in Reduce Noise or Median effect doesn't do the job (Effects > Noise > Reduce Noise or Effects > Noise > Median). Next I'd try the one of the two Dilate plugins: Basic Morphologic Operations or especially Erode/Dilate. See the sixth post in the Erode/Dilate thread for a comparison of it and Median.
  11. This feature is requested so often it has found it's way into the Popular Feature Requests.
  12. That's a file association issue. Here's how to change it (Win7/Vista - I guessed): http://www.winvistaclub.com/t19.html
  13. Trying to replicate an image drawn in chalk? Like these?
  14. Glad we got it sorted out for you. I hope you enjoy your stay here on the forum. There is a lot to learn so feel free to have a look around & ask more questions.
  15. Thanks Pixey (nice new name you have there). I'm particularly pleased with this plugin - several others of mine are... awful
  16. Hi there StekOks - welcome to the forum. Your text needs to be on a transparent layer in order for the plugin to find the edges. See the sample images are surrounded by the grey and white checkerboard pattern - this denotes transparency. Try removing the background (Magic Wand + click on background color & press Delete).
  17. No, it's still a plugin. @KrisVDM is the author. As Sasha correctly pointed out - the plugin is part of KrisVDM's plugin pack. @Scotty: Welcome to the forum! ps you can trust the installer. It's 100% safe You can find all the plugins listed in the Plugin Index - there is a link in my signature.
  18. The incomplete removal of the previous version has likely left remnants of the application on your system. These should be removed prior to re-installation. For help with the process, follow this link: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/692-install-update-or-uninstall-trouble-read-this/ In that thread read item #3 and then the second post where the Windows Installer CleanUp utility is mentioned. That is what you have to use to remove any bits of Paint.NET that still reside on your system. Be careful with this utility - it is very powerful. Following complete removal - try downloading a fresh version from here: http://www.dotpdn.com/downloads/pdn.html If you have further problems, please post here again.
  19. Follow this link: http://www.dotpdn.com/downloads/pdn.html Click on the blue link in the top right hand corner to start the download. While you're there, peruse the system requirements - just to make sure your system has what it takes Please report back if a new installation does not work properly.
  20. @Simon Brown wrote an excellent guide to Indirect UI rules. The guide should give you enough examples to figure out how the IndirectUI controls are implimented. Find the guide here. Good idea to add some examples to the template. I wll do that.
  21. The above three posts have been split from the original thread to make finding this recompiled version of the original barcode plugin easier.
  22. As DrewDale said, the forum requires descriptive thread titles. This is specifically covered in the Forum Rules (number 6). To change the thread title: Edit your post above then use the Full Editor option and type over the thread title to give this a new title that is descriptive.
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