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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I've renamed this thread so the title gives some indication of the tutorial content.
  2. Hi ak49! That's a neat username you have there I've split your post out from the thread where you originally posted it. It makes sense to have it's own thread where discussion can be restricted to your individual problem. I've also removed your posted email address. Posting your email in an open forum is an invitation to spammers to flood your inbox with rubbish.
  3. Yes you can and yes you should Images designed for web use should be optimized to avoid excessive bloat which slows page load. I would recommend having a look at the OptiPNG plugin if you intend to use PNG files.
  4. Thanks for making that change. I'll leave any further decision on the tutorial up to kaunas163.
  5. Thanks for the update Tommie and welcome to the forum. To keep things current we like to pretend that old topics are closed. The post above yours was dated 23 July 2011 so it qualifies as ancient. If you wish to rehash an old discussion, please just start a new topic on the subject. Thanks. <closed>
  6. I'd use a combination of both answers. I'm not trying to be difficult Here's my reasoning: I'd use the Canvas Size dialog on the open image to input the new dimensions (deselect Maintain Aspect Ratio) and anchor the image to the middle + right. This does away with the need to import the image and moving the image subsequent to the resize. Minners71 technique for extending the background is exactly how I would do it.
  7. Hold down the Ctrl key as you make multiple clicks on the sky. When you're finished making the selection(s) you can release the Ctrl key and press Delete. The Ctrl key is Paint.NET's way of saying "add this bit I'm clicking on to the current selection".
  8. When you add a post to the your gallery thread, the thread rises toward the top of the list of threads. Unread posts are flagged as such with a tiny icon beside the thread title in the list. A viewer can click the icon and be taken to the first unread post.
  9. Hello and welcome to the forum. You need to use the Magic Wand tool Select the tool, hold down the CTRL key and make multiple selections until the entire sky is selected (this is what the Ctrl key allows). You may need to reduce the Tolerance in the Tool Bar if the selections creep out of bounds. Press Delete. Remember to save the file in a format that supports transparency (i.e. PNG not JPG).
  10. Passed the 600th effect mark last night. I think the Plugin Index has doubled in the number of entries. Revision should be ready for the April update. Unfortunately the Forum post limit will not allow all the new information to be held in the posts. I intend to revert to a simpler listing on the forum and make everything else available in the PDF. Epub and Kindle versions will be updated the following month and won't be available this month.
  11. Hi there perlock. Welcome to the forum. This thread is two years old. This means that the discussion is over and has been for some time. If you wish to revive a topic, please just start a new thread. That way we keep things current. BTW you might like to have a look at this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20622-psfilterpdn-2012-05-18/ In particular, see post #11 <closed>
  12. Paint.NET uses the specified DPI to estimate the print size. That is all. Changing the DPI will not alter the image size (which is expressed in pixels). source: https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/help?topicId=A2J0TRG6OPX0VM Nowhere does it mention DPI. Save yourself the effort and just make the cover image 1000x1600 (ratio of 1.6). This size is specifically mentioned in the detailed KDP guide.
  13. DPI only works with printers. Amazon want you to provide an image 1600 x 1000 pixels for your Kindle cover. This is the only size you need be concerned with, so make your canvas that size and you'll be OK. Trust me - I'm a published Kindle author
  14. There are at least six plugins in the Heightfield / Normalmap category. Have a look in the Plugin Index (link in my signature).
  15. Hi div. Welcome to the forum To make the forum easily navigable, we insist on descriptive thread titles. I'll edit this one for you so that it accurately reflects your question. Other options: @dpy has a fantastic suite of text plugins that can be easily added to Paint.NET. Rotate Text is one that might help you angle the text to your liking. You can find these plugins: Dpy's plugin pack For help installing plugins, try this thread: HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS/General Plugin Troubleshooting Thread
  16. There's a plugin that might help: Anaglyphs (Stereo Pictures)
  17. Open the image with your browser to see if the corners are transparent
  18. ^^ He's too modest. CodeLab is developed and maintained by @BoltBait (free to download, donations welcomed). Damned fine piece of kit it is too! You'll find numerous excellent tutorials on BoltBait's website (link in his signature).
  19. I don't believe the poster was trying to take the credit for the video. However I think its less than polite not to credit the video author if it is not yourself. I would like to make it clear who is the author of the video and therefore this tutorial. I would be happy to close this thread if kaunas163 would like to repost their video link under their own username.
  20. That's nice of you to apologize Daniels. Looking forward to your result.
  21. Nope. I like this. It's well explained and thought out. Yes we have lots of very similar stuff but I think it is worthy. I do like the use of Levels to create a mask for the letter selection. Nice touch. Improvements/comments: 1. Mention that Outline Object and Drop Shadow are plugins that need to be installed as extras. 2. Place the letters on their own layer following Drop Shadow step. This would do away with the need to select the character - just select the whole layer. Performing this step would allow you to later play with the overlapping by adjusting the layer hierarchy. 3. Never delete a layer until the whole project has been saved as a *.pdn. Simply deselect the Visible checkbox in the Layers window to hide the layer.
  22. It's hard to give a definitive answer because the process differs depending on the source image. I would blend waves differently to clouds, bricks differently to sky, plants differently to hills, etc..., I think Red Ochre got is right when he suggested blending, blurring and transparent gradients. These three tools would do the bulk of the work in most cases.
  23. Just saying we're entering for enjoyment. Whichever form the entry takes. You get to vote to tell us which you like best.
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