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Everything posted by oma

  1. @salu have you done anything on verndewds sig tut before. I think you should attempt some of those you are really at the correct skill level to come up with some amazing work using that tut. your little tube is smart looking. OMA
  2. @madjik try the forumula for Fibonacci spirals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number
  3. thanks ncfan that's a pretty nice club to belong to. and I agree with cjmcguinness I made much the same remarks about the so many variances way back when I did some of these images in my gallery on DA. I give some hints in among the comments .... but concluded there was just so many variations of color and curves+ combo's it was near impossible to do a tut. http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... s-66500906 scroll down and read the comments http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... w-66515485 one of my favourites and I'm still trying to get just so nice of a water fall again. come close but never as fine as this one. http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... t-66520038 all 100% Paint.Net
  4. love working with textures this one is one I'm trying to get as a crochet work called Oma's quilt larger version this link to see the details http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o234 ... squilt.png note everything I do is 100% paint.net. no stock images ever .
  5. well ...... that face isn't one of your best works. not sure how to put this other than definitely not tut material. I think you are missing the point totally this is Paint.Net not mspaint. loose the old thinking and let your self feel the program. you've got great basic art sense and good foundation skills in using mspaint for so long.... but it is the fact you've used mspaint that's holding your work back from really taking off artistically with using a diferent style of program. My suggestion is to try something outside of your past experience for awhile until you get used to thinking Paint.Net and not thinking at all of conversion of mspaint processes. :wink: Go wild ...do some totally abstract things, use one or two effects daily pictures and no no no pencil for awhile. feel the art, don't think the art.
  6. I do declare salu I think you are always hungry. a cookie? now here is one I got so depressed from working on that skull this is just a plain old feel good piece to cheer me up. you need to clik on this link for larger version in order to see the amount of depth in this ball. . http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o234 ... weight.png
  7. @Wither :idea: perhaps work it in something along this line
  8. clay tile not sure how I'm going to work this one into the Indiana jones picture but I'm going to try. might need to darken it a bit more. :idea:
  9. is that you? you look so sad in this picture smile :wink: . actually I think you've done much better on the hair in this one. but what happened with the cheeks? did you run into a problem you need help with or were those dark areas from using curves+?
  10. thanks Aile not my favourite subject matter but what the heck if I'm going to test my skills I might as well try something difficult. like how it turned out. even though Orange is a color I absolutely hate. the color alone gives me the creeps.
  11. yes it is. want to see some prelim work sketches give me a sec and I'll up load a few.
  12. :wink: hope this one called evil in the night doesn't keep anyone awake.
  13. good how about a bit more contrast between the face and background and maybe just one more shade for the face would give a bit more depth. generally warm skin tones of the brown/reddish brown look best against cool colorbackgrounds makes them really pop!
  14. I think it is amazing! are you doing this with mouse or tablet? either way you certainly mastered the art form. the fur is exquisite and the eyes fierce
  15. I sometimes use this method rays and then the zoom rotate then work my picture in over this guide in the next layer. doesn't cover all perspective drawings but you can get a good straight on one focus perspective.
  16. looking good so far the hair shadow is a bit too vivid try just doing a small little groups of hair around the face on separate transparent layer under this main layer . Then do your shadows on that skimmpy layer of hair around the face and not on this main layer. you get the idea of shadow and the mind will fill in the rest. you might have to play with the placements for the best effect but that way you avoid the big massive face covering. are you going to go further with the contours? maybe some cheeks and a chin? check my facial contour basics in the tut section when I get back later today I'll put up a bit based on your picture if you PM me the PDN. to show you aprox placements and blurs etc.
  17. see your little princess hasn't been eating chocolate. she has such a nice skinny waist. very well done love it.
  18. One thing did come to mind as I was making dinner tonight, I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of recognition for when someone obiously tries to grow artistically by going outside of their comfort zone. We all know the ones that make consistenly good pictures but when you get down to the nitty gritty they are all just variations on a theme. Different color maybe a tweek here and small change there. Those people are stuck in a rut, and need to grow and broaden their genre. They should be recognized in the gallery when they break out of the shell with a real ambitious non comfort zone picture..
  19. That's the main reason for the Galleria Discussion, wherein all y'alls can suggest images for inclusion into the Galleria, along with why you feel it deserves the nomination (artistic merit, technical proficiency, notable artist improvement, et cetera). Granted, I'm certain not every image suggested will always make it in, but if there's a valid reason and/or a general consensus, it probably will. My personal idea for the Galleria is to be somewhat like ClubPaint.NET on deviantART, where the image is included along with a link to the original post, the reasons why it was considered, and possibly a personal message from the artist who made it. I know we could probably just make a Galleria of Ash, Ash, Ash, Ash, Ash... :wink: But we too want to avoid any perceived elitism. I'm hoping that having the public discussion will help keep things broad and diverse. then if we get to submit names for this galleria I'd say fine. other wise its just not a real representation of what can be achieved using Paint.Net. there are beginners with many fantastic ideas out there and I'd hate to see that talent stiffled by them feeling not up to the drawing ability of more mature artists (not speaking age wise here but ability wise) It should be a good cross ref , showing the uses of this program. some people only use it to edit pictures, others for backgrounds of pictures myself I mainly use it to solidify an idea in my head to picture form before I attempt to manually draw it. I say go with the separate forum it will grow, change and evolve over time just the same as everything else here.
  20. well I certainly like the pictourium ideas, believe me I think the galleria is good but just don't get too elitist over it. I'd like a good cross section of talent showcased. extremely well done pictures the best of the best, up and coming talent, pictures by those with innovative ideas and what exactly constitutes a great picture? I happen to prefer abstracts over pixel for pixel items. I like pictures that have original ideas and manipulations over the line went this curve in the original so mine must be the same sort of thing. I'm a Picasso type of person. as to the PDN being submitted idea that just doesn't cut it with me. my pictures are all 100% Paint.net and I've been PM'd several times by people that don't beleive they are that is why I've started to put up screen shots along the way in the Pictorium. there are many of my pictures that I start today and leave aside in a hold for further development, hold for new plugins etc. I'm not about to keep PDN's on all of those. so what happens if I come up with one super duper picture from one of them. I've got no PDN? just some ramblings from the old lady in the rocking chair.
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