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Everything posted by oma

  1. I present a medal for next years award show this award would go to the the person that just doesn't get it. they require constant mod input on the same darn thing. to qualify they would have had constant locked threads all dealing with the same subject matter. and if you don't get the idea behind this one you might just be in the running PS not sure its a great one to receive. so everyone watch out for the Bazooka award . don't make yourself a nominee.
  2. staris I used the plugin Madjik just put up for the spirals. this settings .02 2..75 .02 5000 51 50.53 1.02 .046 535.55 rotated layer more shading will be done on stairs as I put in the man. he has to be there for the shading first so I get the correct placements for lights and shadows. and back lighting.
  3. I've done a bit more work on my Indiana jones style picture. added the columns of the cave but tried to work it in as if they are hair to the skull in the background, turning it into a witch like figure does this look like its working to you all or should I rescrap that portion and start the columns over again. PS I finally got the stairs the way I wanted them.
  4. doesn't everyone? man that feather should just be a given wonder why people don't down load that one #1 its one of the most important tools to smooth looking work. but thanks to David for reminding me to use that turn off toggle more often on the AA.
  5. works on mine as i never leave the lines in they are disgarded at the very end, after i feather out the edges of each individual item.
  6. did you have this on two layers still or is it flattened? either way pixel art this in. or I generally keep things separate, her bodice on one layer the face on another and the hair on another etc. color each area then magic wand turn tolerance down to 0 touch wand to transparent portion of the layer outside figure contol i eye drop the color you want new transparent layer below your picture. and paint bucket your selection. merge this is done each portion before I merge the picture parts together.
  7. perhaps there are not so many tuts on basic drawing as the tut forum is for using the plugins effectively and to stimulate ideas. true artists don't usually follow draw your line here and this curve here and ta da! we have art. These plugins come about by requests from artistic people trying to acheive a specific idea within their picture. use 3d or not the tut still reafirms the use of basic shapes, circle, cylinder or box. a 3d triangle can be done with lightrays. I can not think of anyone on this board that doesn't at least realize that these shapes are in everydrawing. the best teacher of art is what your own two eyes observe. the easiest way to improve is practise practise practise.
  8. @kdegarn I didn't use 3d shape when I made that face basics I put in the tut section. that was straight line drawing and doing contours using gradiants, and gasiaun blurs look at these and then post your questions under my basic facial contours so all the answeres get kept in the one spot.
  9. Just use zoom and not rotate you won't get "from small to large" you know ASh I didn't realize that. but for this person they did not say if they wanted to keep same size image or just a pattern of the picture in the background. does this then do away with photo flood fill totally or should I still keep that in my effects folder.
  10. You didn't embarase me at all, they are not my formula's but did you find them incorrect? in what manner, I'm always trying to relearn skills I once had years ago. or did i point you in incorrect direction?
  11. layers rotate zoom works but your end up with perspective image goes from smaller to larger. depends on final image you want. you could use different plugins seamless texture maker or multi view wrap. if you have a set size image you just want to repeat over and over at the same size try the plug in photo flood fill. .
  12. Wow. That block of text single-handedly destroyed any confidence I may have had in my own mathematical abilities. :shock: Only kidding... but still :shock: Grandma got skillz! not my quote just copied from wikepedia but it does helps if you have an inkling of an idea first. I never went to university but picked up a smattering of this here and there when I was in the armed forces in the radar modification division. PS I'm not just another pretty face you know. getting off topic better get back to the basic tut request maybe you all should take it over to the other boards for effect development.
  13. ha wither that's not my explanation its from wikipedia. Way back in the days i went to school women were not encouraged to excel like today. Who knows maybe i could have been a rocket scientist if I'd had a chance. for now I'd be really happy to be able to remember 1/100 of what I've forgotten. this forum certainly gives my mind a workout, and always amazes me just how much the young ones know compared to when I was their age. :wink:
  14. @Madjik as I said been a real long time and I'm not sure but think we are looking at parametric equations in particular the chain rule 3rd paramater. but then again I'm so rusty at this I could be totally off the mark. been at least 35 to 40 years from math for me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derivative ... _functions In the formulation of calculus in terms of limits, the du symbol has been assigned various meanings by various authors. Some authors do not assign a meaning to du by itself, but only as part of the symbol du/dx. Others define "dx" as an independent variable, and define du by du = dx•f′ (x). In non-standard analysis du is defined as an infinitesimal. It is also interpreted as the exterior derivative du of a function u. See differential (infinitesimal) for further information.
  15. @salu much better now try the other tut where Vern shows some transparent and semi transparent layers. you will be really surprised at how fast forward you will become in your work from this point. @revenge I just love that little spacecraft. like I told a little just a little texture now. would spark it up just that tad more. @DC conviction check your PM'sl. sorry for taking so long to get back to you.
  16. yes great I'm not the best at explaining over the internet, but you have the idea now. experiment. let your imagination run wild. just remember strategic pattern placement is more pleasing to the eye.
  17. one thing you might try also is when you do your sketching use some of that real thin onion skin or tracing paper under your hand so you don't get oil from your skin onto your drawing. that sometimes picks up on the scanner.
  18. no problem I'd help you with the math but its been over 40 years since I've done any of this type of work. just barely remember any of it, get the odd snippet of inspiration once in awhile but the old noodle just doesn't function like it used to.
  19. actually although the two spirals are similar the original spiral example is more rounded along the back edge and doesn't just spiral outwards from the centre as in the archimedean spiral. its more like a tailors french curve. pyro if you take a long time to do this one is it possible to work in these alternatives? http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CornuSpiral.html
  20. back in the corner for you should have used the search button wand tolerance 0 take out the white and use (or use BoltBaits strip primary color plug in set primary at white!) then this plug in Pyrochild's Outline Objects plugin :wink:
  21. pyrochild is that a hmmm you don't think so or yes its possible to modify. if you do modify I'd like to be able to have longer branch ratio to trunk size. as it stands now using this method you get chunky results but fairly similar and oh so time consuming.
  22. actually its not too hard to do something almost like this already. use the tree gen plug in you'll need to do the end of each branch separately with twist but if you keep the number of branches low and just copy and move around on several layers then run conditional hue/saturation (like in ASH lava lamp tut) you could come up with something fairly similar. a bit more work to get the first set of curls done, but it would be your own work entirely not just a brush.
  23. very nice see you are starting to get a bit more familiar with using layers. now maybe try some gradients on this image. wand a section..... add a new transparent layer and pick one color semi opacity and second even a bit more transparent than the primary and do like a wash over the area. PS you can come out of the corner now you've been a real good boy. and you can start adding some patterns to areas, so they are not so flat looking. what about a wand of area new layer semi transparent colors and brush change the solid to a pattern using drop down box just to the right of where it says solid. this will give that soldier a sense of movement and added dynamics.
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