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Everything posted by oma

  1. My advice is 1st try your best to copy the original, and only 1 object at a time. Skull or Indy, take your pick. Copying is one of the best way to learn. ahem..*Glass tray* Once you get that down, you find it's much easier. One step at a time, if one trys to jump too far, usually won't make it to the other side.... thanks ASH I don't think I'm even in a class near the original artists ability to draw, what I'm going for is the overall feel, color, mood, style and composition arrangement. I'm close but there is something off, feel its in the jaws of the skull. this area seems too smooth for the rest of the picture, I'll keep going with this prelim drawing and see if it works itself out as more of the elements come into play. maybe someday I'll be able to draw it exactly as shown for now I think I'll be happy to come close to the tone of the original.
  2. yes their actual conclusions In conclusion, our simple algorithm can provide reasonably satisfactory results for the purposes of web page design. guess they covered their putties with that blanket statment.
  3. thanks salu but think he needs more teeth those look like chicklets chewing gum. that is my work up for Indiana Jones. this is the post in the forum that I got the inspiration to attempt this one. check it out viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22158 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22158&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a and this is the url I get when I right click his picture and properties http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s317 ... _72DPI.jpg edited :?: David I get a picture on my screen when I clik that link to the post. very first item in the post where the person asks if it is possible to make a picture such as the one he displays could someone explain to me the directions to link to a post again. I used to just click the post area and then copy but that doesn't seem to work any longer. thanks
  4. this is going to be a hard one to vote on. lots of great entries. i don't know Bolt Bait yours is pretty good but man you've got some real tough competition should I or shouldn't I freak the man out and vote him the best polar sig? :wink:
  5. i don't think this is going well maybe I better start over. :wink: if you look upper right thumb that's the original inspiration piece.
  6. @UFWHOA I do a bit of work with my photographs but mainly its family members at family celebrations. done up scrapbook style. not really stuff for sharing I can do up a plonker page...that's what digital scrapbookers call them and show you the backgrounds. you just insert your own photo's .
  7. @cee670 nice maybe some drop shadows might anchor some of the things down to the ground. your grass a bit tall. if you have the grass still on a separate layer try using the layers rotate zoom and tilt it back. that might help the perspective.
  8. http://www.stanford.edu/~ofidaner/psych ... roject.htm bottom of that page there is a download for the code.
  9. thanks salu but this is only step one of I'm thinking a 1/2 year project off and on work. have to figure out as I go. :wink: with no guarantee I'll even come close. but its the challenge to get something similar with out actually copying stroke for stroke the colors.
  10. well inspired by this post viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22158 I wondered if it was possible to get a background sort of similar to the skull. this is my humble attempt/start to working on an really hard piece. the first contour gassiaun blur to develop contours.
  11. the car was my first, the big old tank is just the biggest gun I could come up with to let you know I'm serious I better win! just joking. actually I think the next step from this competition which is just basic ms paint style would be to discuss how each of these pictures could be improved using certain effects. and don't confuse effects as being ta da we have plastic, or glass, or metal. most of the effects still require an artistic sense. if I was to draw a rounded curve by hand my lines would be naturally feathered, or I would draw in tones of shading by using various pressures of pencil, this is what is achieved on the computor thru the blurs. many of the effects are just the same as tools for drawing, and are put under effects as we can not change the tools bar. afterall this is Paint.Net and is a big leap forward from ms paint. :wink:
  12. swimmer here is a good site that makes drawing a car fairly straight forward. i drew one for the first time easy instructions http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/ ... -cars2.htm
  13. I could probably manage to do the person. then after I got him done I'd use tint orange tones drop in a layer or two behind with small bits of color gausian blurred to get that glow around him. and then just use inksketch and some film grain. you'd have to play with it for a bit but think it could be done.
  14. just want you all to know I'm not a good loser in contests. I don't win I might just have to bring out the big guns. Just joking all line and totally non cheat. :wink: you can tell its not aa want to use that feather.
  15. get more comfortable with using layers and you can go much faster drawing. because you don't have to go back and redo lines just delete the offending section layer out. only real thing I'd have liked to use feather a bit in this contest. would really help the images.
  16. OK I'll edit original post picture lucky I kept the PDN no background :wink:
  17. are you sure you have to those pic right way around. you want to go from square bevels to rounded? if you want rounded bevels use the rounded edge rectangle tool draw your shape on transparent layer. magic wand inside of round edge rect. go to next transparent layer leaving selection active and use the plug in render bevel irregular shapes i generally use both primary and secondary same color when doing this.
  18. It needs a better wet floor effect. I think you are not selecting where you want your reflection to go before running the effect. Look at the picture in step 3: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/reflections right o got the instructions from both you and cjmcguinness that's exactly what I'd been doing incorrectly. That is why I love the pictorium, great place to pick up tips and tricks. thanks all.
  19. oh trek that's great so far. . idea holding sword up in front of his visor straight upwards pointed. and this eyes looking heavenward as if he's saying a wee prayer before going into battle.
  20. certainley at least 5 or 6 layers if you really want to get into this.
  21. so I'm going to try the freehand drawing contest. this cheats a bit but its my practice car. any hints or advise before I start the actual car for the contest? the cheats are the rays coloring in the hubcaps and the reflection. everything else is tools only. based on this drawing tut http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/ ... -cars2.htm
  22. I'll try it but I've never drawn a car etc. so I just use the line/curve tool and gradients for coloring? what about gaussian blurs and different opacity's/transparency etc. because I'm going to use that even if you don't allow it. LOL!.
  23. Considering this might be cluttering up the pictorium I'm asking just who is going to decide which art falls into which catagory. I'd like your opinion is my art beginner level, intermediate or advanced? I think a bit of all three as I try out new items. The pictorium is where back ages ago I showed a bit of glass work, seems it sparked a lot of work in perfecting glass and transparencies, Verndewds tut for sigs came from that. I might not be the best at drawing but what I put up is the best of my ability. The pictorium is just that pictures, good, bad, in between. Maybe instead there should be just a showcase where the mods go thru once a week and pick several to showcase of different styles, color combinations that are pleasing to the eye, innovative work. Perhaps these can be in a separate file, but don't become elitist in a picture display area. This is the area of the forum that sparks some new beggining artists to continue and become better. OMA
  24. finally finished this one. from ages ago. this is close up of the dolphin picture in back ground of above room 100% paint.net did not use 3d for this I drew and colored same as the face contour basics in tut section.
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