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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. ghost_of_enterprise_by_andrewdavid007-db


    I could draw the enterprise a million timesB)


    5 hours ago, lynxster4 said:

    Well, that's impressive @AndrewDavid.   I'd very much like to see the final product.

    I had Star Trek Enterprise on my mind also....;)

    Not fully there yet - but I did make leaps and bounds getting there with this stage

    3 hours ago, Woodsy said:

    Nice @AndrewDavid! I like the contrast between the colors.

    Thank you @Woodsy

    On 06/10/2017 at 11:34 AM, LionsDragon said:

    Paint.Net, the final frontier....


    MUCH love for this one!

    Trekkie for life @LionsDragon Waiting for some good images of discovery so I can start again.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:

    I need extra validations from you all :)


    Hey @Rick Brewster
    Never really considered it an issue as in some folders the preview image would show and in others it wouldn't. My test case was looking in "recent files" under¨"quick access". 
    After installing your beta version - opening these "default Paint" icons and performing a save - the image reverted to the proper preview image.  Also after reboot they showed up too. I would consider the issue resolved for WIN10. B)




    Note2 - I thought the AGIFs were not associated with paint - but they are! Those thumbnail images are still not showing. The GIF that is showing was made in paint so they are OK. I bet you know the reason for this (Windows related I bet)

  3. Hi @SaidTheSea

    Welcome to the Forum

    Here:s the best tut I have found for making trees

    It should at least get you started on the concept. You can modify bits of it to get it to look like what you consider a "pine tree"


    Make a few different variations and save as individual PNG's. Then - on separate layers -  use :

    3-4 Layers should do it to give you that Forest effect

    Hope these help B)

    • Upvote 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Santiago said:

    every 29 would be a more thick line.

    @Santiago Welcome to the forum

    I think your math is a little off. If you need every 29th line to be thicker you need to incorporate that into the size of your image. The way you describe it gives you a 4X4 square grid. If you want every 29th to be thicker - add 4 more to the size of the image (120X120) and make those lines 2 pixel wide. If you still need thin lines to separate your squares smaller - you will also need to add more pixels to your image.


    As @welshblue suggested - Graph paper will work excellent to accomplish your task.

  5. Hi @toe_head2001

    Messages won't let me attach zip file




    Zip file contains both project file and exported shape to show problem rendering still exists. Before I correct it, I am sending you the files to see if you can determine why it is distorting when exported to the shape. When printing from the project file it renders correctly. At least this narrows it down. B)


    Note 2



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