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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. That's true. Edge, IE and Chrome are some examples. Reader as well, but it will be retired in the New Year.

    I am so used to Adobe I had to install the new version because the old version disappeared.  And the new version does work better than the old one.

    Just call me an old dog. B)'

  2. Probably no big deal but I thought I would mention it. After upgrading to Fall creators edition - I had to install a new version of Acrobat reader to read PDF files. What I just noticed is the icon in the task bar shows as Paint.Net.



    I looked at the .exe for Adobe but it does not display a change icon choice. In Explorer the proper Adobe icon is displayed for PDF images as well.

    Perplexed B)


    Edit  Figured it out by deleting existing shortcuts - creating new ones - rebooting. Not 100% fixed. Still shows Paint.net icon in start menu and it won't let me unpin. Treated as a WIN10 issue

  3. On 18/12/2017 at 7:12 PM, BoltBait said:

    They often contain bugs. 


    @Rick Brewster Pretty sure I found one.

    In rotate/zoom - when I try to enter my dimensions manually - they become superimposed (backwards). Pretty sure I used to be able to enter 45 with no problem.420bug.png.e2d4b04e58c8be8c3e8a3c32b960b09f.png


    I tested it in other plugins and when the field is highlighted it works correctly.


  4. Hello @heathersharmony


    In addition to Grid Maker v3.0 by BoltBait you have some other options;


    Grid Maker -  Draws grids, also checkerboard and dots. Found in Madjik's Magical Plugins Megapack.

    Gridlines - Draws a grid with horizontal and vertical lines. Part of Kris VDM's Plugin Pack.


    Also you may like Gradient Grid by pyrochild - fills the grid with colorful gradients


    If you would like just lines    
    Parallel Lines and Patterns - Draw parallel lines or patterns or fill a region with them. Like an enhanced paint.net Fill Style. (MartinOsieko)

    All can be found in 


  5. @IrishEyes7


    Now we are on the right track. You have many options.


    Simply open the logo (.pdn file)

    select the layer just the logo is on and copy all.

    Then select your new .pdn file - select the layer you added - then paste. voila - should work fine now.


    When you import a .pdn file - it imports all the layers - that's where the burgundy was coming from when you moved the logo. It imported more than just one layer.


    Hope this resovles your issue. It is quite the learning curve. B)

    • Like 1
  6. Hello @IrishEyes7

    Welcome to the Forum.


    20 minutes ago, IrishEyes7 said:

    I opened the background image


    When you say this - it must be a two layered image with the burgundy as a background layer and the stars and stripes on the top layer.

    When you import the image (your logo) you might have the stars layer selected that creates a window to the burgundy layer when you move it. It has to be getting the burgundy fill color from somewhere.


    29 minutes ago, IrishEyes7 said:

    I imported the logo image


    Terminology is very important too. Do you mean import from file?  What is the format of the file? When you use this function there is no need to create an additional layer before you run this function.- Import from file does this automatically.


    I know creating a new layer automatically makes it the active layer so you might just have to repeat the process again to further clarify a step that might be missing.

    We at the Forum love a challenge to help other users understand the functionality of this great piece of software. B)

  7. hi @pat71896

    Welcome to the forum

    Because you have 4 colors - pretty sure it was created with the gradient plugin from KrisVDM. 

    (Gradient: A four-color, non-linear "Gradient" effect, with high quality color dithering.)

    It is part of the pack @Ego Eram Reputo pointed to.

    If you have it already installed you can be sure that's what you used.


    Gradients galore doesn't really give you the 4 corner option like your pic demonstrates,

    So many gradient plugins can get confusing. B)

  8. On 26/09/2016 at 3:19 AM, Seerose said:

    Ps. How can I delete?


    I see this question remains unanswered.

    I'm finding it difficult to find how to delete my attachments.

    I am reaching my limit and want to clean up a few.

    I figured it out through my persistence.

    You must go to the original post and edit the post to allow you to delete the attachment. :smile:

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