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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. Hi @scryer52

    Your request seems simple to accomplish. It's the artistry of the drawing that is the challenge.

    If you just need to reverse engineer your art - converting it to black and white would be the first step. Then run Pencil Sketch to clearly define the outline of your image.

    Coloring books seems to me to have very intricate designs to make the coloring part as difficult as possible for the adult.

    Many small sections to make an intricate design is what makes the appeal (and challenge) to the non artist. I enjoy painting the starship enterprise quite a bit so I took the time to make a shape for it in "shapemaker". You can see it in my gallery. 

    If you have an image you can post - a few members will let you know their opinions on the best way to accomplish your goal. 

    These are my thoughts after googling "Adult coloring books".

    Hope this helps B)

  2. Just for clarification @Rick Brewster


    On 16/03/2018 at 3:41 PM, Rick Brewster said:

    This is supposed to be about figuring out a solution.

    You're making it sound like I am turning off Defender. This is not the case. I just don't need Defender to run a virus check on the 500 files in the effects folder every time I start paint. The tradeoff with loading time is worth it. I will be very careful adding any NEW files to the effects folder now that the exclusion rule is in effect. When I download files - I always use my download folder to allow defender to have a look before installing or moving any files to any other folder. B)

  3. @Rick Brewster


    I know too well this issue with Win10


    Could it be because these DLL's are not digitally signed by a certified source - Windows performs a series of validity checks on them before loading them into memory.


    I imagine each one is run through that antimalware app to ensure they don't contain anything damaging.


    The second execution of Paint.Net always loads immediately (within 2 Seconds).


    I see this as because they have already been checked or they still reside in memory.


    It is only the first time Paint.Net is started (after a fresh reboot or cold start) that this long loading process occurs.


    Also - due to the fact that when plugins are removed - Paint.Net loads immediately as well. Its not an issue with Paint.Net - It's an issue with the DLL's


    This should get things started in finding a solution B)

  4. @MJW and @Ego Eram Reputo


    One of Paint.Net's hidden treasures. 

    After using the MJWEdgeshader version plugin several times on my latest project I discovered this plugin has not been officially released but it has been mentioned in several threads as being very usefull.

    This would also explain why it can't be found in the index.

    Sorry to awaken after 3 years - but I think it's worth it.  B)

    • Like 1
  5. Hi @Patri444166


    2 Links to get you familiar with what you need to know.





    These will point you in the right direction of where you want to go. B)


    Hint - Create 1 layer for each color you would like to see after selecting "the wall" with the magic wand.

    Keep the selection alive while you add a new layer providing you with a blank canvas to paint any color you wish.


    • Like 1
  6. Hi @darxide 

    What you didn't mention were the type of files you were trying to "Edit"

    This led me to do some poking around and found an issue I thought I would mention. It's About "PNG" Files. It's probably a Windows10 issue as well.




    I am unable to associate a PNG file to edit in Paint.Net and open in Photo. Hope the screenshot shows you what I mean



    A very minor issue but still an issue.B)

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