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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. Hi @spamme

    Thanks for the insight you gave me of how to hack a DLL. Never would know where and what to change those numbers to. Followed your directions and successfully changed the limitations in circletext.dll. Not for the faint of heart though. I'm running win10 and had to change a few command line dirs to find what you were talking about. Never knew windows contained a decompiler for dlls. Another trick for an old dog. B)

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  2. Hey @BoltBait

    Nope - can't find the camera. I see the flash though. :evillaugh:


    Think of me of your Canadian counterpart.

    Although I prefer Chinese to sushi

    Apartment to a house.

    Poker and cats are a big part of my life as well.

    25 Years in the military (9 of them at sea) Traveled the world doing that stint. Allowed me to see Michael Jackson perform in Germany and San Diego.

    But my history with computers is really my calling in life. Missed the boat getting official recognition for my abilities. In the late 70's just picture a sailor bringing his own computer (8088) onboard the ship to convince others it was the future. Paradox and Access were the database apps I remember taking to like a fish to water. 10 Years ahead of the times. Attended a computer science course at the Officers College in the 80's and topped the course demonstrating the ability to program in Basic. Could get no more support in training in that field.  Tried to keep up with all the changes best I could without being employed in the industry.

    I hope your retirement sees you with a decent pension from Intel. I've heard of them once or twice. B)

  3. Thank you @lynxster4 for taking the time to show this old dog a new trick B)




    I tried it with a pattern I found on the internet rather than a shape. Took many liberties on getting the whole thing just right. My color shading didn't work as well as I hoped. Tried 3 different shades of red and you can only see two. I'm still very happy with the result. Tuts are so great to learn different plugins and methods. Saw many things during the process I hadn't seen before. Always learning. 

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  4. Hi @The_Falcon 

    Welcome to the forum

    You state that your pic is the closest you can get. Closest to what exactly.

    Can you post an image (cropped) of what you are trying to achieve?

    I think the best answer is to work in layers and draw borders around the different objects and use them as guides to where the gradients end up.

    Hope that helps B)

  5. On 26/07/2017 at 1:30 AM, welshblue said:

    Distort > Polar Inversion Plus

    This was a stand alone archive download. After looking at @MadJik's latest tutorial in which he mentioned it was a built in - I went looking for it.

    The link is broken (404). Does anyone have a zip file they can post?

  6. Thanks @lynxster4 @Pixey and @Woodsy for stopping by.

    @welshblue - Still a work in progress - just thought I would show it in its state now cause I thought it was looking pretty good. The wings are still in their original shape and only the layers bring out the pattern. Still a few more things I want to do and yes I'll try the shadow suggestion. It looses a lot when shrinking to Forum rules. Can you believe the horns were made with Shape3D? B)

  7. gatesofhell_by_andrewdavid007-dbqve6n.pn 


    Revision 2 (Playing with thumbnails to see how they work)




    B&W Stock image found on the internet. I thought would make a great project. Idle hands are the devils playground. Looks to me like a book cover. Hope you enjoy B)


    Project complete :biggrin:



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  8. Hi @KenM Welcome to the Forum.

    Although I am not one of the experts I can make a suggestion to get you on the right track.

    I don't think there is a one stop plugin that will do your work for you. Your task can be divided into 2 steps.

    The first step is to import your image into a layer.

    The second step would be to import your crochet pattern into a layer below your image. There are many ways of creating your own patterns or capturing one from another source image.

    It's just a pattern.

    Change your image layer to overlay and if your crochet pattern is black and white - you should get the effect you are looking for.

    Let us know if this works. Other members might have better suggestions than I. Hope this helps B)

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