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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. Hi @xod

    After making the change in the Version line of the CS file - when you hit build - you will see another place to edit the Version number with control buttons. It doesn't carry over.

    Manually change the number in your text box as well under Help Contents

    This is a best guess scenario and I'm sure I will be corrected if I'm wrong :lol:


  2. Hi @old banshee


    Welcome to the Forum
    In your second picture have you tried this?

    With tolerance at 20% select your river with the magic wand
    While selected - add a new layer keeping selection active
    Fill the selection with whatever color you like. Deselect
    Go back to the original layer and color select the color you would like the river to be.

    (I selected a 3 X 10 square of color from a straight area of the river and copied to the clipboard)
    Go back to the new layer and select the colored area again with the magic wand
    Select Effects/Selection/Paste from clipboard and set the image to tile.
    You can find that plugin here if you don't have it


    It should fill the selected area with the color you selected and come close to what you are looking for.

    After any adjustments merge the layer down and everything should be lined up
    Minor adjustments might be necessary - but I think its a step in the right direction.
    Let us know if this works or if you have other questions for clarification. B)

  3. Hi @Toraneko


    Welcome to the forum.

    I watched your video and saw 4.0.9 was being used, Paint has come a long way and if you recently installed the most up to date version 4.0.21, that effect is no longer available in that drop down. It has been renamed "object outline" and found in the effects/outline sub menu. It is now called object outline and is included in the pack @Ego Eram Reputo quoted.


    No worries @Ego Eram Reputo There are some videos I cant watch from my country either. :lol:


  4. BTW @BoltBait

    This is how I spent my Sun Afternoon

    After you updated your code I tried to rebuild the DLL

    This is one of those "Hard to Believe" Issues. This is the error message I kept getting



    I know the file does not exist on the desktop. I am building it. 
    I know the file is not in use - it hasn't been built yet. 
    Even trying to build under a different name results in the same error message.
    There are no other reported errors in the dialogue box
    At first I thought it might be Codelab 3.4 so I removed it and re installed 3.3
    This did not resolve the issue so I reinstalled 3.4 and still continue to get the error message. 
    I uninstalled paint and reinstalled with codelab 3.3 - still got the same error message
    Renamed an older dll and it worked fine. 
    Deleting the files and rebuilding still receives the error. Rebooting still receives the error.
    After building 30 plugins I thought I knew what I was doing. Just recently I was exporting a few to Visual Studio 2017 and recompiling them for the experience and everything was working fine. After trying to build this recent posted scipt from the forum - I consistently receive this error from Codelab.

    I find it hard to believe that it is only happening to me and has yet to be reported. I was quite reluctant to post this rant but thought you should know. Something very strange about this plugin. This was the first time I have ever used the Ctrl-I keystroke in Codelab.

    I was having the same problem with your other post about selecting and filling with color. After your update, I tried to rebuild, but all I got was this same error message.



  5. @xod

    Trouble after the build


    File: C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects\OutlinedGradientText.dll
          Name: OutlinedGradientTextEffect.OutlinedGradientTextEffectPlugin
          Version: 1.0.6623.16135
          Author: Copyright ©2018 by xod & BoltBait
          Copyright: Draws outlined, gradient filled text
          Website: http://www.getpaint.net/redirect/plugins.html
          Full error message: PaintDotNet.WorkerThreadException: Worker thread threw an exception ---> System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory.
       at System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush..ctor(Point point1, Point point2, Color color1, Color color2)
       at OutlinedGradientTextEffect.OutlinedGradientTextEffectPlugin.Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
       at OutlinedGradientTextEffect.OutlinedGradientTextEffectPlugin.OnRender(Rectangle[] rois, Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
       at PaintDotNet.Effects.Effect`1.Render(EffectConfigToken parameters, RenderArgs dstArgs, RenderArgs srcArgs, Rectangle[] rois, Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) in D:\src\pdn\src\Effects\Effect`1.cs:line 98
       at PaintDotNet.Effects.BackgroundEffectRenderer.RenderWithClipMask(Effect effect, EffectConfigToken token, RenderArgs dstArgs, RenderArgs srcArgs, Rectangle[] rois, IRenderer`1 clipMaskRenderer) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Effects\BackgroundEffectRenderer.cs:line 170
       at PaintDotNet.Effects.BackgroundEffectRenderer.RendererContext.RenderTile(EffectConfigToken token, Int32 tileIndex) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Effects\BackgroundEffectRenderer.cs:line 150
       at PaintDotNet.Effects.BackgroundEffectRenderer.RendererContext.RenderNextTile(EffectConfigToken token) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Effects\BackgroundEffectRenderer.cs:line 142
       at PaintDotNet.Effects.BackgroundEffectRenderer.ThreadFunction() in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Effects\BackgroundEffectRenderer.cs:line 239
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at PaintDotNet.Effects.BackgroundEffectRenderer.DrainExceptions() in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Effects\BackgroundEffectRenderer.cs:line 418
       at PaintDotNet.Effects.BackgroundEffectRenderer.Abort() in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Effects\BackgroundEffectRenderer.cs:line 374
       at PaintDotNet.Effects.BackgroundEffectRenderer.Start() in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Effects\BackgroundEffectRenderer.cs:line 320
       at PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.<>c__DisplayClass42_5.<RunEffectImpl>b__5() in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Menus\EffectMenuBase.cs:line 1032

  6. On 2/14/2018 at 11:04 AM, BoltBait said:

    read this page: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial5.php where it says "Finally, right-click"

    Not for the faint of heart.

    I had a go with your lesson 5 and found it very difficult to create a new project in Visual Studio 2017. I finally got it to work by using your 2010 template. Not a big deal but I thought I would mention it.

    The issue I was having was when I created a new project I couldn't link it to .net framework 4.7. It kept directing me to install. When I loaded your template - everything was linked fine.

    Also the icon procedure wasn't successful. It would compile and create the DLL but Paint.Net wouldn't load the DLL.


    Now if I could only understand the code....................B)

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