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Oma's gallery


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All I've got to say, Oma, is that you should be in the galleria (if you're not already) and your pictures should be used to advertise PDN and what people could do with it. Great, great job!


Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

PDN Fans--My DA

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All I've got to say, Oma, is that you should be in the galleria (if you're not already) and your pictures should be used to advertise PDN and what people could do with it. Great, great job!


thanks Helen that's so nice of you to say ... I've two items in the galleria and all you have to do to nominate any ones work for consideration is to hit that little exclamation (bottom right of each post) and tell Bolt Bait to look at the post because you reallly reallly reallly reallly like it, and think it is galleria worthy because....? . The team will take a look and say yay or nay. I'm not certain of the criteria but I imagine execution of picture, innovation and pleasure are factors. Bolt Bait I'm sure can advise on that.

Semi Realistic


This piece is amazing! It looks to me like some kind of flowerfield, so maybe to take it further you could develop it into that? Also, what kind of techniques did you use to make it - i'd love to know!? :P

well this is another of those do 5 things leave it for a couple of days and come back and push and pull buttons. here is what I started with (make sure you have a well shaded piece) I made these peaches/nectarines lots of shading gradient layers blended together using noise+ and blur.


shaped 3d and duplicated layer moved top layer over to the left side made it smaller changed the color to a yellow version using edharveys color filp/exchange

merged, somewhere along the line I know I did a seamless texture, I used a couple of distort>power stretches to pull it out a bit in some spots. then near the end I did a zoom rotate and as always somewhere along the line I did a polar inversion.

@Welshblue this is what I think kissing the ex wife would be like. you make the choice colorful or dull and grayish. ! but definitely an X not something to do! and definitely puts the mind in a confused spin.



ciao all hubby has promised to take me out to dinner and a show. I'm hoping to get in to see Indiana Jones .... just love that Harrison.

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sorry :cry: no party balloons.

here is a concept piece I'm working on for a slide show presentation I'm doing at the senior centre next week. I just have to pop in pictures 3 to 4 ratio on a top layer mats and then flatten . would make a great digital scrap book idea.


the paper is total digital made in paint.net (no scanns!) and yes I know the mats are a bit ragged and not finished looking this is still concept stage. think I need more embellishments to it yet.

actally here is the paper portion it makes a nice abstract that would be more than suitable for a card


cleaned up version for use at seniors home slide show.


now just 20 or 30 more variations to go. ouch. why oh why do I volunteer my time to so many projects? Oh I know its to keep the wee souls busy and feeling productive. We are working on making discs for them to give the family at Christmas.


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thanks Jannettsue its needing some clean up work and some embelishments. not sure what the digi crowd is into these days. will be checking some twopeas in a bucket pages out and see what I can work up from scratch to add.

ciao thanks for looking.

EDIT... done a clean up of the previous one and will be working on several variations on a theme tonight

didn't want to do too fancy its just a matter of scanning pictures from the senior ladies and cropping and pasting. just supervising that will be a task and a half, but the smiles of accomplishment on their faces will be a real pleasure.

ciao all

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I think in a lot of pieces a good title is essential, and I think "evolve" is an excellent one for this piece.

I like it overall, though I think it could use a higher contrast/brightness - it looks a bit desaturated.

I think if you made the noise or dither a little less intense (even though i know you like it) it would look even better!

Very good job overall, I like the concept of this piece.

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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Fancy. I like the sort of ripple...drill-ish thing that you did.

One suggestion about your PPT slides up there, if it's not too late: I suggest using solid, bright color for text. Right now, the grayish-pink makes it look kinda washed out and bland, which doesn't go well with the vibrant nature of the rest of the image. :| Just a thought. :wink:

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@Crimson, thanks for the heads up on the text. Always has been my soft area. I'll try to make that a bit more vibrant. luckly all the items are saved individual as Png images. makes it easy for the ladies (and one gent) to point out what they want on their discs. and then I can help them cut and paste together with the computor.

@nab thanks for the comment. perhaps you will like this abstract more no dithers) It's just some early morning playtime.


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You told me to post this question on your pictorium so you could show me old screenshots on your skull picture with Indiana Jones...

I just have one question? Which part did you start out with? This work is amazing, I have seen it before and faved it, but now I had to come back and review it :D

Just in case you forgot, I posted this question on your deviantart image.


deviantART | Paint.NET Gallery | bennettfrazier.com <-- (My new Website!)


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here as promised some more pictures from the making of the Indy picture

This picture was done over many months off and on between other work. Anyone who was on the forum during those months can testify at the struggle I had.

these two shots show just a few of the rejects and bits and pieces I kept.



I actually started with the skull outline. I went thru maybe 10 or 15 different versions. My first attempts were using a font at a very large size. I hope you all know that you can type in a larger number than the 288 that is in the drop down text box. This method can work for some masks you might want to make. But I soon abandoned that idea as I could draw better to what I wanted myself using the line tool .

This is one of the earlier rejects maybe around #5 or 6. I didn't really like the mouth or the way the jaw was just hanging there in space. so it was trashed. but I did like the teeth.


On this one I was liking the shape outline more and it is just about the outline I finally went with toputinfileatpaintnet.png

I liked it because of the teeth but not the empty nose portion. Mainly I used this one as it gave me loads of room to work the eye area. I wanted that to just about scream at you run in fear!

I had to learn to draw some convincing teeth. As you can see this is one of the first attempts. It was quickly discarded as it was way too cartoonish/halloween style. In the later attempts I figured out the teeth had to be done in two passes. As in top every other tooth on one layer and its shading done for roundness, then the other teeth to fill in the top. this was how I avoided the lines and gaps between teeth. Same for the bottom. Shading was done as per my basics faces tut on DA. Highlight white/light tan down the middle and along the edges with dark shade and blur.


As those drips in the face attempt (one of my rejects) made this absolutely gross looking I had to come up with a better flowing look to the texture. It didn't all go to waste though its how I made those few little drips that run off the skull in the Indy picture and run down the steps.


I dumped the fire background and developed a waxy look .

this is a close up of the waxy texture.


. Its been awhile since I've done any waxy work but it did have lots of blur and the use of majority. looking back at some old work there was a what looks like a multi gradiant bar in a polar involved. that's most likely the flowing motion part of this texture... Its how I used to make fire/flames in the older versions of this program.

the Eyes were major umph power to look at on the original. So l spent a long time on them. Mine are not the same as the inspiration piece but I like them a bit more.

In this next picture you will see the eyes beginning to have lots of depth. The veining was done with multigradiant bars, polar inverted. and bits and pieces cut and pasted. also this was done before we had bevels and such so they were drawn and shaded in by hand. there was releif or I think at that time I only had the plug in height to field. I can't remember as I didn't write it down but seems to me I used erode in there as well. I also had about 4 or 5 layers of different transparent circles for simulating the iris, and gave a small drop shadow behind the skull and over the ucky red insides. at the time I just painted a line around the eye on a layer underneath and gass blurred it. I wasn't used to using drop shadow at the time but that is what I'd use now on a duplicate layer. blurred a lot of course and dial down the transparency


At some point along the way I decided I didn't really like the hole for the nose so I made one from another section of the waxy fire texture and shaded like I did the nose notes for

Vista? on page 5 of this gallery. using the colors from the waxy texture instead of black and white.

This is what the skull looks like very few changes from this version to the finished picture with Indy, I put back on page 1 of this gallery. I did actually use the waxy version not this dithered one in the Indy picture. But this gives you a real close look at it. I did use zoom and rotate under layers to get the different perspective, and just painted in the bevel portion. now you could use the plugin outline by Pyrochild that gives an option for angle. At the time this wasn't avail.


hope that helps.



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Your 'Morning Play' is charming.

I was thinking the 'Evil Skull' would be great for Halloween. I remember when you were working on Indiana and how much work went into it over a period of time. The work showed and it turned into a great image. It was nice of you to take the time to share some of the effort that went into the 'Evil Skull' with us.


"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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Thanks Janettsue, I'm not the best at tut writing as many of my images take long and many many many steps. but I do take screenshots and can pass on some of the little tips I run across, and better yet some of my blunders so others know not every image has to be a winner/keeper, as long as you learn something in the making of it, you've a winner image. I really learn a lot of what not to do in mine, and trash a lot :lol::lol::lol: if you could all see my wastebin at the end of the day... trial and errors and lots of play. :lol:


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well I broke down and wrote an actual full fledged tut




It is supposed to be a Palm Tree Leaf. As I don't actually have one growing in my frosty northern backyard ... I've taken some artistic license. The tut is designed to be easy and easily converted to other shaped leaves.

anyways hope you like it ( I like how the shadows make it look raised off the paper. that wee small gap between the leaf tip and the shadow ---- drop shadow on duplicate layer uncheck retain image and then motion blur :idea: . ) If any of you or your mother or sister is into digital scrap booking, this is just the sort of background paper that would be great. and the leaf as a png. element would make them a lovely Christmas gift. hint hint hint you boys could earn some brownie points and less steam for the amount of time on the computor . LOL!


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work in progess shots.




not quite there but just about.



picture one the inspiration from a comment about pineapple leaves in my Palm tree tut.


picture two refining the skin texture.


on picture 3 work in progress shot... the leaves

I did not trace them people I use line tool and drew them out. If I had traced them they would be more accurate. :wink: but I think they are looking good so far. :lol:

note on these one's I'm not using the releif step as in my tut on palm leaf. this gives more of a painted feel to them similar to the way I've done the pineapple. I'm working towards an oil paint feel to the end picture.

NOTE on picture 4 work in progress shot. That skin is now too yellow and looking too smooth. that's what was the final area that needed more work.

I took a break, had a glass of wine and put my feet up to contemplate this one. So....

The glass of red wine paid off. I finally finished the pineapple.

It could possibly be a bit dark but think I'm going with this version it looks just a tad more realistic to me. .



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oma, i absolutely LOVE the pineapple so far. its awesome the background is great, the leaves are good, yeah the skin needs a bit o' work, but its all way better than what i could do! nice job!


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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oma, i absolutely LOVE the pineapple so far. its awesome the background is great, the leaves are good, yeah the skin needs a bit o' work, but its all way better than what i could do! nice job!

those leaves should be good I chopped those from the actual picture inspiration piece.! I'm going to draw my own before this is considered finished. :lol::lol: I'm still in the design stage on this one. jury is out on if this piece makes it beyond the trash. :lol:


have now replaced them with my own version

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oma, i absolutely LOVE the pineapple so far. its awesome the background is great, the leaves are good, yeah the skin needs a bit o' work, but its all way better than what i could do! nice job!

those leaves should be good I chopped those from the actual picture inspiration piece.! I'm going to draw my own before this is considered finished. :lol::lol: I'm still in the design stage on this one. jury is out on if this piece makes it beyond the trash. :lol:

i noticed about the second one. i meant the first one. lol.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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oma, i absolutely LOVE the pineapple so far. its awesome the background is great, the leaves are good, yeah the skin needs a bit o' work, but its all way better than what i could do! nice job!

those leaves should be good I chopped those from the actual picture inspiration piece.! I'm going to draw my own before this is considered finished. :lol::lol: I'm still in the design stage on this one. jury is out on if this piece makes it beyond the trash. :lol:

i noticed about the second one. i meant the first one. lol.

there now I've added some I started to draw myself now you can pat me on the back about them. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: these ones are mine. not traced but line drawn.

Lookin' good Oma, I especially like the palm tree leaf. Great job.

thanks for the comments on the gallery. drop by often I'm always adding things.

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Absolutely loving the texture of those pineapple leaves oma. Brilliant stuff.

*agrees* pineapple leaves are going brilliantly. can wait to see the end. you should make a tut on it when you're finished (or at least drop me how u did it)


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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