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Thanks----to----your-----Gradient Bars-----Plugin.

To give me a starting point :D

To answer oma's questions too. :)


I posted the fur (I called it Da Tiger)..... :(

But nobody seems to care or like it or know what it can do....

So I spent all day making this :)

Now my eyes are falling out......I better draw me a new pair with PDN :lol: and fast!!!


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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I call this...... Concentration



:mtdew: :mtdew: :mtdew::mtdew::mtdew:

Don't ask!


Hope you like it. Have a nice weekend!! 8)

I'm not asking, I'm begging, Please Please Please! (Do you at least have a halfway screenshot or a history screenshot, or something?)

It looks more like 3000% Paint.net.

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Thanks----to----your-----Gradient Bars-----Plugin.

To give me a starting point :D

To answer oma's questions too. :)

I posted the fur (I called it Da Tiger)..... :(

But nobody seems to care or like it or know what it can do....So I spent all day making this :)

Now my eyes are falling out......I better draw me a new pair with PDN :lol: and fast!!!

oh Ash so not true I was going to ask you but knew you just got home and would be (cross fingers and toes) making a tut, at least on the step after the gradiant bars. I can't get the curves correct. .

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I posted the fur (I called it Da Tiger)..... :(

But nobody seems to care or like it or know what it can do....

Ash, I did ask and you told me Gradient Bars Plug in!! Okay I scrolled back to look and I asked about the Wing or Tree, I realized DaTiger used the same technique to get the paint brush effect..(It was Da Tiger I just found my post) I just haven't had time to get on the computer at home where I have Paint.Net to figure it out yet...... not like I can but I could maybe try.

By the way I somehow missed an entire page of beautiful art work in the pictorum and wanted to tell you that that paint brush with the blue paint dripping was just totally amazing! I wish you could drip alittle bit of that talent my way!


My deviantART gallery

Paint.Net Gallery

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Happened to me once too....tell me how this happens and how to fix in case of next time :P

OK Ash. I officially hate you. Or idolize you. One of the two. :wink:

*bows lowly*

TT_TT don't hate me~~~

Ash, that's just... :shock: ...I mean...DAMN!!! :shock:


That took a lot outta me, don't expect me to do something like this every other day :P :P

I got stuck on the nose for quite a while :?


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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If you have a

tag, but for some reason you deleted or simply didn't put in (if typing manually) the
tag, things get messy.

ON the Post a reply page, right under all the formatting options (Bold, italic, underline, color, etc...) there is a handy Close Tags button that will close any tags you left open. It might not put them where you wanted them though...


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Actually, I was looking through the Pictorium earlier, and I encountered this exact same error on Page 3. The perpetrator? Me. v_v

What it is is an unended quote tag. If the ending tag is forgotten or, as was the case in zookey's post, accidentally changed into another opening quote tag (forgotten /), then it confuses the forum layout by adding in an extra block-level element somewhere. All brokie.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Why doesn't phpBB automatically close any open tags when you post? It might put them in the wrong place (at the end) but that's always, always better than breaking the layout.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Fix my quote tags? I am not seeing anything wrong with them. Did I fix them with the last edit (or did they correct themselves)? I looked and the open quote and end quote are both there.

I appologize for whatever it is/was doing.


My deviantART gallery

Paint.Net Gallery

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Fix my quote tags? I am not seeing anything wrong with them. Did I fix them with the last edit (or did they correct themselves)? I looked and the open quote and end quote are both there.

I appologize for whatever it is/was doing.

Crazy Man Dan fixed 'em.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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