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@ CMD: what's extraordinairre?

Extraordinairre is a derivative of extraordinary. An extraordinairre is someone who has extraordinary talent in a particular skill.

So, basically, I'm saying I rock. 8)

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Thanks ^_^


Yep, I'm 14. = )

It's awesome that I stumbled and found Paint.NET

= D


Great work, seriously!

They look so sleek and clean = )

http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/4135 ... bk8xr5.jpg

This layout I made a while back... 3 weeks maybe.

I'm not done the coding yet (aha, I hardly work on it) but it'll be used for sure for one of my fansites~



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Yeah it's abstract. I could easily make it again because I remember what I did to get it. Maybe a tutorial for making an abstract ocean scene? Or I could just get the sea floor and blue tint in the tutorial so people can be more creative.. Would you guys like to see either of those?

If you're not into numbers, call me Chris!

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I was going to make this a Bliss thing, but as you can see, there is no bliss.

GIS for 'airplane cockpit controls': http://www.airforce-technology.com/proj ... /lift2.jpg

I actually kept the pdn file this time. I usually forget to save as pdn and save straight to jpg.

5 layers all done in paint.net.

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