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Then explain this? You state in this thread that you used photoshop. Then you post your image saying you don't have photoshop. What?

The thread is called "how can i make little shinig dots ?" in GD&Q.

PS brushes come in two forms, one of them being .PNG's. :)

Meaning you can use PS brushes, just import the .PNG into PDN, select the image part of it, then copy and paste. Simple :)


*feels stupid :oops:

Thanks for explaining.


*fades away

Something I've been working on...

The circular PDN Logo :P :




Umm... thanks?

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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I call this one, More power! The detailing on the wheels could use alittle work, but its not to bad. enjoy!

If I'm going to be pernickety then having two cabs (speaker cabinets) won't give you more power, having a more powerful amplifier will give you more power & a more powerful amplifier won't necessarily look different to a less powerful one...

Anyway, I'll stop my nitpicking ;)

This post was meant in jest, please do not take it seriously.


Son, someday you will make a girl happy for a short period of time. Then she'll leave you & be with men that are ten times

better than you can imagine. These men are called musicians. :D

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thanks Diabolicus, yep all on pdn. just the pencil and the curves/lines tool, i used the checker board effect for the mesh but thats the only plugin.


Then explain this? You state in this thread that you used photoshop. Then you post your image saying you don't have photoshop. What?

The thread is called "how can i make little shinig dots ?" in GD&Q.

PS brushes come in two forms, one of them being .PNG's. :)

Meaning you can use PS brushes, just import the .PNG into PDN, select the image part of it, then copy and paste. Simple :)


*feels stupid :oops:

Thanks for explaining.


*fades away

Don't worry, I wouldn't know that either. :P

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Man, that is good! But now BoltBait, I WANT you to colour it. Remember, gradients are the best option in replicating vector images so good luck!


I can't color it. Maybe we can get oma to do it.

Come on BoltBait, you can do it. You've wrote plugins yet you can't colour it in - why?

Anyway, I'm gonna PM Oma to colour it in! Seriously!

Ha Ha Ha you guys are funny. got the PM let me think on how to do this one. I'm going to take my time. have to separate out the layers of background first.

back in a few days with a start for you all.


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here you go boys he is started.

I just took out the white with the magic wand (hold down the shift)

closed off the openings and changed the outline to brown, it works better for later shading and blending into skin tones.

this is him started now go to my facial contours tips and you will get the idea how he's done still working but here is you quick peek


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