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Quickie made without Shape 3D. 100% PdN


Sorry so small.

Looking good.

Would be even better if you add some icons on the screen, and PDN icon would be cool :) (we can dream, can't we) :D

Requesting tutorial !

@OMA could you please stop making that desings?

im almost hurt , im always falling of my chair because ts so good!



Dont know if BB00 checked ....


wear our signature and earn 50 studiocredits. pm me your username if you want to participate.

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3) DO NOT SHOUT. We can hear you just fine. Using all capitals is often interpeted as rude, so please don't.

15) Signature size requirements: They must not be wider than 500px, nor taller than 150px

Okay thats was the technical part :wink:


I'm watching closely your Art and i like it !


@sl33py , I dont know if you checked this, it can help you

@Pantera1395 , Nice coloring!

@kotakotakota , thats very good for an new person!

@Fire_Ants , do you draw the buildings in Pdn? anyway , good job!

@oma , you always do your best!


wear our signature and earn 50 studiocredits. pm me your username if you want to participate.

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lol, look what i did whit paint.net and unfreeze. :P


markusmhh8.th.png That is my name :D

two guys talked, The first one said:

- What would you do if the world ended in 5 minutes?

- I would kill everything that moved >:D, What would you do?

- I would stand perfectly still :O !

(Sorry for my bad english, If it was bad :P)

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