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Image Umbrella: Realistic Images


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WOW really nice. It looks really realistic.

I read the CHERUB series and theres a soon to come book and theres no officially released cover so i decided i'd try make one.

this is a sample of a real cover.


Bigger image

And this is my interpretation of the cover


Bigger image

I only used another cover for the barcode, phone thing and cover of the first book (there all down the bottom). The rest was done by me. Even the planet which was just a world map.

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Well, that's the status of the art of my w.i.p. "sea in a bottle" so far, I am stucked and have no idea how to make a realistic hole in the sand for the beach umbrella, not sure at all about shadows direction and still have to add a deck chair and more details, suggestions and comments will be really appreciated :wink: thanks!


@Mesa: Nice guitar!

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Looks good so far! :D I would say that most of the lighting would come from the sun, so just position the light source over where the sun is, and quite a bit back, so it looks like it's coming from behind. :wink:


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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@Oma, thanks, the flower is really nice and reminds me of those kind of books illustrations I like and here is how my beach image is (slowly) progressing, I like this umbrella more than the other one, I think also the parafoil is nice while the guy hanging there is quite lame :oops: and I still got to find settings for 3d shaping a decent deck chair (not easy) while the texture for it is ready (it is actually the beach red striped towel you see there :D ) and while messing with this I came up with this coffee table which I think is not bad (the object on top is just a test for reflection, it is something I made a while ago)...Please let me know your comments, thanks! :D



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@Topezia---I like how you're beach image is coming along. One suggestion: I think that in the area between the slanted part of the umbrella and the straight part of the umbrella, you should put in some sort of rounded nub. That way, it looks more conformed.


The beginnings of an interesting water texture. I can't think of anything to do with it though.....


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@Topezia---I like how you're beach image is coming along. One suggestion: I think that in the area between the slanted part of the umbrella and the straight part of the umbrella, you should put in some sort of rounded nub. That way, it looks more conformed.


The beginnings of an interesting water texture. I can't think of anything to do with it though.....


Make a fountain! :mrgreen:

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I made a iPod touch, its actually 65% Pdn and 35% Stocks because i needed to copy some buttons but the iPod touch is selfmade


Dont ask me for a tut , Its basicly gradients ;)


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