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Image Umbrella: Signatures, Avatars, Logos & Text


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I personally think the faint outlines on the objects in R3V's sig are very nice, they add a subtle effect.

Well, this is my second experiment with the Layered Text effect. The first one can be found under Abstract Images, because I posted it in the wrong section. :oops:


If you're wondering why I chose the letter 'g,' it is because I think it is a very beautiful letter when in serif form.

This one was 25 layers of text. I used all the serif fonts that I had at the time. It's a lot messier than the last one (more stray lines and such), but I think it looks crisper and sharper.

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Great! Lol, May i stop? I can't find anymore words to describe this great piece of art


wear our signature and earn 50 studiocredits. pm me your username if you want to participate.

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You know, this Image umbrella's title could be shortened down to SALT (Sigs, Av's, Logos and Text. Get it?) :wink:

@Xpired---nice PS tut conversion :) I like the glow effect that the text has.

So now I decided to take a short break from studying:


It's a mix of Jake 2k's 3D Text tut (just realized that I forgot to put in some glares :( ) some blending modes and lotsa layers. I was just experimenting here, because I don't really think I've got the hang of regular glass text yet. I'll do some more experimenting when I have more free time....

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Wow looks really good, i can actually see the glassyness of it, but.....I think to project the notion that your text is actually glass text without saying "Glass Text", you would need to brighten up the backround. And making the 3d part of the glass really dark doesnt make it look glassy. If you brighten that up it may look more realistic. But very good anyway. I lurve it. :D

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I wouldn't say its bad, but could do with some improvement. As its glass text, the background behind the text need to be slightly distorted. Also, try using a slightly higher opacity on the actual text, as it seems completely transparent, when glass isn't.

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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New sig for me...I don't know how I feel about it yet. :?

I like how you turned the treble* and bass* clefs* into hearts, very creative. :wink:


Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Nice Bubble texture ZizOiz :) However, before you think of making a tut for the bubbles, I think that there may have been a bubble tut already written. I don't mean that to be rude or anything, I'm just putting in my five cents worth :wink:

Well, this is one of my rarer occasions in which I actually use stock photos ( :shock: ) This is (IMHO) one example in which using the right stock(s) and photo manipulating your images in just the right way leads to a really good outcome :


This actually is one of the simplest pieces I ever did (excluding the part when I had to work on the subway train a bit to get the right effect). The white splotches aren't custom brushes either. In case you're wondering, I took the two stock photos myself, so if you want to compare:

http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll12 ... AG0203.jpg

http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll12 ... AG0154.jpg

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