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*Completed* SOTW #2 (Winner = barkbark00)

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SOTW Rules

1. Max sig dimensions are 500x100

2. No crude/offensive language, pics, etc.

3. Sig must follow the set theme.

4. Only one entry per person and you cant make any modifications after submitting your entry.

5. You must post any and all stock images used in your sig (just post the URL's ;) )

***This thread is for posting your entries only, if you want to talk about one of the entries you can do so here.***

If your entry breaks any of the rules it will be disqualified.

The theme is Sin City Style (black and white with one color) and the deadline is May 2nd so get started and have fun!


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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I haven't actually seen Sin City so my knowledge of it is very limited. I still wanted to participate so here is my entry. Gotta be in it to win it:


This is not my entry but is an old sig I made and it just so happens to fit the theme. I thought I'd post it here. Once again: this is not my entry!


The only outside image I used in my entry is:

http://www.edharriss.com/xsi/5point0_im ... y_city.jpg

The face and the cross-hair are symbols from a font I downloaded at http://www.dafont.com

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Voting starts now and ends the 7th.

please note that Silentman's entry has been disqualified for being too tall, also MadJik's, JELP's and verac the defiled's entry were not accompanied by links to there stock photos so they are disqualified aswell, sorry guys.

Remember this time around all votes need to be pm'ed to me ;)

Good luck to everyone!


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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Well here's mine. Think I've been listening to the new nine inch nails album too much...


Flag downloaded from here

Body outline

It hasn't left my CD player for a month. (nor my media player, etc)

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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I know that we are supposed to PM our votes to jake2k, but I suggest we posts our votes here as well....just to keep jake2k honest*.

*More like, just because I'm bored...


I voted for The_Lionhearted. Yay!


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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