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DrewDale's Images - Updated Dec 26. 2014


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Watching over me at the top of page #1 is really good, I like how you have to almost guess what the remains of the picture looks like, but going on minners idea of a pencil sketch background really makes it complete. I reminds me of some Murder / Mystery opening title credit. :)

I like the fan shaped image too, nice glow and strong colours. 

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" I really do have to watch my obsession with clipwarp  ;) Just created this one by removing the original image and adding a slight gradient backdrop. I don't think anyone is watching over me, but that's the only title myself and "stella" could come up with  :| "


Seems that siren Stella leads us to the same type of bird with her beer goggles ... http://i616.photobucket.com/albums/tt241/WelshsPlace/Jewellery/Cameo2smaller.png :lol:


2 very nice pieces.  Nice idea from Minners' ... it seems to give it that lil' bit 'more'

It's only an obsession when you want to clipwarp everything you see in front of you ... 


Thought she was a familiar face :D


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Nice image Weslhblue, well done mate, great metallic details and nice colour choice too.  I do think the result using minners71 idea works better than my original one. I must admit to thinking what my coffee mug would look like clip warped this morning, fortunately Stella had left the building by then so I refrained :lol:


Thanks Sasha, It does look like something from an old movie now that I look at it closer. I suppose it would even work with "home sweet home" as the text :)



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Cheers blackpenny, I'm sort of split between both images. I like the mystery of the original, but I do like what minners71 suggested also. Tough call to pick the best when its your own creation I guess :/

Clip warp has become an obsession with me too, I have to keep myself from using it everywhere :lol:



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ClipWarpers anonymous! - "my name is Red ochre and I'm a clipwarpaholic" :lol:

Dead End is brilliant - just works really well - could be the opening title scene for a 70's horror film. :star:

I think the first version of Cameo might work better with a slightly textured background instead of the straight black.
Try adding grey noise then splinter blur to it, to get a dark canvas feel?
The second version makes me think the background should be winter and the letters summer, but unless that's your mansion it could be difficult to get the photo!
- Both good images though.

(Blackpenny - love the new sig)


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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Thanks Red ochre, I'm pleased with dead end, it does look like a creepy hammer house movie title. Please include me in ClipWarpers anonymous membership :lol:


I'm going to make a few tweaks to the cameo one, I will try a texture and I could play around with the Chroma key plugin to remove some of the green and then add a new layer with white to simulate snow.

As for the house - yes it is mine, but it's not quite a mansion, it only has 14 rooms in total and stands in only 12 acres of land, I think mansions have more? :lol:



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I haven't seen "Watching Over Me" and I blame myself for it. This is awesome. It gives me a homely feeling. It's very nice and also somewhat mysterious.

Edited by HELEN

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Mansion? I should think it qualifies. :D

It certainly does in council tax :/  :lol:


Thanks for the feedback Helen, I'm still not real sure if I prefer the original one or the one on this page, but as mentioned, when its your own creation it is harder to be your own critic (I'm sure that's a famous quote, but not sure who quoted it)



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Thanks Sasha. The background was created by adding noise, then rotate/zoom to add some depth to it. I created it by hit and miss really, the text was from a tut that I had seen a long time back (3D engraved text I do believe) I just added my own twist to it ;)



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@ Pixey, good timing or what? ;) thanks for the comment. nice avie you have by the way.


@ blackpenny, thanks, I really like your gallery, I look forward to re-visiting soon ;)


@ welshblue, thanks mate, the arrow was a lucky fluke really, but a throw of a dice can give up a good end result. I do like dead end a lot, it just worked in everyway, there is nothing I could do (or want to) in order to enhance that one.

Edited by DrewDale



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Thanks Sasha -  Once again two more pictures just begging to be clipwarped ;)


Thanks dug - I Appreciate the feedback, it is an interesting plugin to say the least :)


Thanks Welshblue - I just made my new banner with another tube photo. I'm getting far too addicted to clipwarp again :lol:

Edited by DrewDale



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Thanks Helen - I have got clipwarp down to a fine art now (I think) So many possibilities. On the No Running image I used  Curves+ and one of These on the picture after I had used clipwarp, this gave me a vintage feel to it but managed to maintain the glossy/glassy roundel. The text was clipwarped from the modified (curves+ / vintage curves pack)


The second image was zoom / blurred, made B&W  after the clipwarp and then using Trail 3D on a duplicated layer gave a great result (just purely and experiment) 


My new banner was just a standard clipwarp creation :)

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