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Nemos gallery - UPDATE 22/10/09 SOTW entry + Murray!


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Yup, i best get finishing some more pieces :lol:

EDIT: heres some eyes that i did in pdn this morning for yy's challenge. I always start with the eyes when ATTEMPTING to draw faces. I really am naff at them :lol:. Opinions? obviously when coloured etc they will look completely different and probably terrible :wink:.


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:wink: those look promising. I would love to know the process you use to do your realistic images maybe a tut on one in the future? nothing too fancy though but something simple.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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Thanks :wink:

& pfft if you saw my first attempt you would of fallen off your chair laughing, this is the easy part. its the shading of people i struggle with..im prety poor with painting them on canvas so god knows how its going to turn out in pdn lol. I am more of a sketch / still life person.

@Chad: Hahah woot another Heroes fan :wink:!

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Thanks :)

Im not the best at explaining things but i think i will have a bash at making one for one of my next pieces.

_I never really got an answer to my questions, so I'm going to be looking for that some time in the future.

BTW, just to reiterate I wasn't accusing you. I was only trying to ask how you did it, but if you are unable to come up with an explanation (yeah their hard to make, sometimes I can't make up good ones myself :wink: ) I won't try to push it. I'm not the sort of guy who likes to push issues too far.

Best way to prove oneself is to use the mouse, not the mouth.

Trust is earned, not given.

If you are able to show more, others will believe.

If you can't, then most likely others were right.


I like that quote. Anyways, I'll be on the lookout for your work. Some of the other stuff (as I've said before) actually look quite good, and I'd like to see how that WIP works out for you.

Oh yeah, I'm a Heroes fan too :) Got the Symbol on a necklace and everything :lol:

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to say I apologize for not using a PM. I probably should have but I kinda got used to posting in threads more than writing PMs. But I don't think it was a crime to ask how something was done, was it?

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To be honest there was about 3 people saying the same thing so i just generalised the comments and only read the one. Although i have lost the pdn a few of the forums users have bits and pieces so i may just get them and make a failed attempt at a mini tut of how i got the shading and toning. But again, i would certainly put "not 100% pdn i also used ___" if that was the case. I have only used a render once ever and that was that pethetic attempt at the sig on one of the pages :shock:.

If you have any question just pm me and i shall endevour to answer

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@Oma: :wink:.. 'nuff said

@GF: Thanks Goon (just saying that makes me laugh), like i said in the post i am good at this part but with everyone being different and having their own uniqueness it will get tricky :shock:

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pg 3 of this gallery second post down is my message about the rose. i have one of the original pdn's

ciao OMA .

Really? You know, I would love to see this file. Do you mind forwarding the e-mail to me? With nemo's permission, of course.

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Yup, i best get finishing some more pieces :lol:

EDIT: heres some eyes that i did in pdn this morning for yy's challenge. I always start with the eyes when ATTEMPTING to draw faces. I really am naff at them :lol:. Opinions? obviously when coloured etc they will look completely different and probably terrible :wink:.


The right eye, (his right, our screen left) is looking too much inward and it makes the eyes a little crossed. Other than that, very nice ! Looking forward to seeing it a little farther along. I have never tried to do a person's face. People scare me.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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I have never tried to do a person's face. People scare me.

..I wonder how you get through life :lol: jk

How do you plan on creating it? If it;s smudging, I could offer some tips. Personally, I haven't used PdN's smudge. The undo is always too slow for me or something. I used GIMP for smudge painting, but the principle should be essentially the same.

And I find the lips to be the hardest part. Just something you should look out for :wink:

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The right eye, (his right, our screen left) is looking too much inward and it makes the eyes a little crossed..

I thought they looked a bit gimpy :lol:, ill have to change that.

And im alway happy to recieve tips because the whole reasoned i joined these forums was to further my knowledge of pdn.

EDIT: Here is the update of my eyes with a sketched in nose (the bottom part is cut off sorry :lol:). I know what your thinking, they look the same right? well i build up all my work in gradual stages like this..hopefully you can see the small changes i have made...at the moment i am looking at Ash's eye tut to hopefully get some colour etc in there. Hope you like


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Heres the next update of the eyes posted up due to the feedback i got via pms whilst creating this. Uhm, plan next is to soften up all that darkness around the eyes and hopefully get the nose back in :shock:


Hope you like so far :?

p.s - Ty to Ash for eye tutorial, was a great help

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