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Text on circle

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Did you try @dpy's circle text?  I did this on three layers and began with the Radius of 8, then increased it each time for a new circle.  You will have to type the text in anew in each, if you want different letters.




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The orientation of the letters is important to @Welsh Yellow Cheddar. Circle Text renders letters as if they are written from the center - different from the example image.

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I think he doesn't want it in grid fashion either. This requires knowledge of coding. If I were to do that, I would code a c++ program that creates SVG image, and then import to Paint.NET or Scribus or Inkscape. And that's a time consuming thing.


Perhaps @dpy can add a orientation fix option and this problem will be solved.


Problem: He last visited in 2016. So...

Edited by Reptillian

G'MIC Filter Developer


I am away from this forum for undetermined amount of time: If you really need anything related to my PDN plugin or my G'MIC filter within G'MIC plugin, then you can contact me via Paint.NET discord, and mention me.

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1 hour ago, Joshua Lamusga said:

This is what the Render tab is supposed to be for.


I guess 'Render' is for creating any kind of graphical object.

'Maker' would be more for stuff like Paper Kaleidocycles which create a complete page for printing.

BTW I hadn't in mind to propose an official 'Maker' category like 'Render'.


midoras signature.gif

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@Pixey Thanks for your answer, but as @Ego Eram Reputo said,the characters should not be turned.

@Ladybug Thanks too, I have used your link in the past. I just need something different.

@Reptillian Yeap, the circle text plugin could do it but it needs just one option. Too bad the author is away.

@midora I like your idea about a "maker" category where perhaps education tools (worksheet generators) could be  added. I like flexagones, I will try your Paper Kaleidocycles plugin.

@Ego Eram Reputo I think I will use your organigram plugin to create this type of activity. I noticed that the bubbles number is limited to 50, would it be possible to increase it?

Thanks to all of you. :)


Edited by Welsh Yellow Cheddar
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2 hours ago, Welsh Yellow Cheddar said:

organigram plugin to create this type of activity. I noticed that the bubbles number is limited to 50, would it be possible to increase it?


That shouldn't be a problem. Give me a day or two.....

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