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Color Cut


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Moderator Note: This plugin is incompatible with the latest versions of paint.net (beyond 4.0.10).


Please see a newer version 5/1/22 here: 


Hey guys!


Decided to try my hand at one of these here plugins. Sorry if I'm newbing it all up. 

This is similar to other "green screen" plugins, but it uses the secondary color and allows you to configure tolerances. Mainly what I was after in this plugin was the ability to control the "softness" of the effect which you can configure using the "Alpha Falloff" setting.


Source: https://github.com/DataDink/DinkPDN

Download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DataDink/DinkPDN/master/Binaries/ColorCut/Latest/ColorCut.dll

Developed on: PDN 4.0.6, NET 4.5.2, WIN 10


Version 1.0.3

  • BugFix: Shade threshold is now based off of "Brightness" (setting is now more meaningful)
  • Moved to new DinkPDN codebase (preparing to make moar stuff)


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Welcome to the Forums!


I haven't seen/tried your plugin yet, but I'm happy to see a new plugin developer sharing their plugins.  :)




Tip: it would be great if you could share some photos of your plugin. Such as the UI or some examples of what it does and how to use it. ;)

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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To be honest, with how the internet is today, I half expected nothing but flaming, trolling, raging, and hatred - so thanks for the warm welcome!


The TLDR is: This is another green-screen plugin.


Here's the long version:


First you'll want to set the secondary color to what you want removed. This can be done by right-clicking with the Color Picker tool:



Next you can adjust the color and shade sensitivities to grab the range of colors around your selected colors you wish to remove.




The Color Threshold will set the variance in color that will be removed

The Shade Threshold will set the variance in shade that will be removed

And (the reason I made this plugin) the Alpha Falloff will control the "hardness" of the effect.


So hopefully when you are done you have a nice cut-out with blending, non-jagged edges:




Green-screen is the simplest usage of this plugin. I created this to to cut objects out of detailed backgrounds that were not intended for cut-out. 




Edited by DataDink
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Thanks for taking the time to write and post explanations on how to use the plugin. Removing backgrounds is one of the most requested questions on the forum. Users have now another tool to try and use.


I have been around a couple of years already. I use Paint.net just for fun and have no programming skills. And people like you that contribute with their know how have made things easy and fun for us. The moderators of the forum are great and try to keep it clean and family friendly. There are great programmers as well and they are also very helpful creating effects and giving advice on how to do things.


Thanks again.

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Thank you so much for the explanation and pictures!

Your plugin does remind me quite a bit of plugins we already have, but so far every color removing plugin functions a bit differently and each one tends to give different results. Which color removing plugin works best varies greatly depending on the picture that is trying to be edited, so I personally like how we have a handful of this type of plugin to choose from.

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Another plugin to remove and/or replace colour and/or background. Thank you very much DataDink and welcome to the forum.


Regarding the placing of your plugin in the Adjustments menu, please read below my reply to another colour plugin, Color Replacer, published recently:


I can see the thinking behind your decision to put it under Adjustments, and I understand why. However, this is a plugin that does much the same job as a number of other plugins which are all found under Effects > Color. IMO, it makes more sense there. 


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Hello DataDink, and welcome to the Forums!


The increment of Alpha Falloff control doesn't work correctly for me.

I think the error is in this line:

control.SetPropertyControlValue(PropertyNames.AlphaFalloff, ControlInfoPropertyNames.UpDownIncrement, .001d);
Edited by ReMake
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Another plugin to remove and/or replace colour and/or background. Thank you very much DataDink and welcome to the forum.


Regarding the placing of your plugin in the Adjustments menu, please read below my reply to another colour plugin, Color Replacer, published recently:


The "Color" sub-menu isn't among the defaults listed by the "PaintDotNet.Effects.SubmenuNames" and I'm guessing is a fabricated sub-menu by the community. Knowing that this is an agreed upon / standardized name I agree that it would be better there and wonder if the Colors name should be added to the defaults in a future update/patch of PDN.


I would actually just rather get input on the proper way to depreciate this plugin all together. Is deleting the entire thread acceptable to the community?


The only reason why I made ColorCut is because (probably due to my inferior searching skills) I didn't find a plugin like "Color Replacer" to solve my problem. It would be better, in my opinion, to focus feature requests towards "Color Replacer".


Sorry for being so new to your community and thanks for the feedback! Knowing how active you guys are I'll be sure to just ask a question next time.





Edited by DataDink

- Cheers!

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Hello DataDink, and welcome to the Forums!


The increment of Alpha Falloff control doesn't work correctly for me.

I think the error is in this line:

control.SetPropertyControlValue(PropertyNames.AlphaFalloff, ControlInfoPropertyNames.UpDownIncrement, .001d);


Hi Remake,


I would be interested in seeing a full stack trace of the exception if you have one available. This would give me better context as to why this is failing for you and not for me.




Nvm - I understand what you are asking now. It appears the displayed precision is limited to displaying only 2 decimal places. This results in a higher precision being available with the up/down buttons, but you can't actually see the 3rd number after the decimal. I'll see if there is a way to display a higher precision. I really do think, however, anything this plugin has to offer could be accomplished with the "Color Replacer" mentioned earlier in this thread.





Edited by DataDink

- Cheers!

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...I understand what you are asking now. It appears the displayed precision is limited to displaying only 2 decimal places. This results in a higher precision being available with the up/down buttons, but you can't actually see the 3rd number after the decimal....


Just add a line

control.SetPropertyControlValue(PropertyNames.AlphaFalloff, ControlInfoPropertyNames.DecimalPlaces, 3);

before the line

return configUI; 
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Just add a line

control.SetPropertyControlValue(PropertyNames.AlphaFalloff, ControlInfoPropertyNames.DecimalPlaces, 3);

before the line

return configUI; 


Hi Remake,


This has already been taken care of and is ready for (re) download.

- Cheers!

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I would actually just rather get input on the proper way to depreciate this plugin all together. Is deleting the entire thread acceptable to the community?

 I would prefer to not see this thread deleted. Not all plugin developers update their plugins or continue to improve them, so it would be nice to see your plugin be kept as an open option. Also, which plugin a person prefers is an individual's preference too. And, as I said before, every color removing plugin functions a bit differently and each one tends to give different results. Which color removing plugin works best varies greatly depending on the picture that is trying to be edited.


Thank you for this plugin. I hope to see more plugins from you. :)

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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I would prefer to not see this thread deleted. Not all plugin developers update their plugins or continue to improve them, so it would be nice to see your plugin be kept as an open option.


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DataDink, thank you for the update. I hope you did not read my post in the wrong way. I only linked to the thread of the other plugin to make my point regarding the placing in the menu.


There are plenty of examples of plugins that offer similar actions/solutions, but each one works in a different way. Even in an extreme case where two plugins produce identical results, a different UI is enough to justify the presence of both. Therefore, I agree with Fuzzy and EER. Every plugin is useful, each in it's own right, in different situations and for different users.


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Sure, that's fine. I'm just trying to get in tune with the community here. We'll keep it going then :)


Also please note that this plugin is open sourced. What this means is if you've identified a fix or would like to add to the project you can do so yourself at https://github.com/DataDink/DinkPDN/tree/master#color-cut

I will accept any pull request that isn't too far off of the "intent" of the project.

Edited by DataDink

- Cheers!

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Your screenshot shows this as an Adjustment. I (eventually) found it under Effects > Color. I trusted you - and now the Plugin Index is wrong!!  :lol:


Would you be so kind as to *clearly state* where the plugin can be found (in the first post) and update the screenshot?  Thank you!

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Your screenshot shows this as an Adjustment. I (eventually) found it under Effects > Color. I trusted you - and now the Plugin Index is wrong!!  :lol:


Would you be so kind as to *clearly state* where the plugin can be found (in the first post) and update the screenshot?  Thank you!


Aaah! I have abused your trust!


Yes, it was originally under adjustments until I was informed of the "Color" submenu, standardized by the community. (The community around PDN is FANTASTIC btw). I have fixed the post with the offending lies and redirected it towards truth and light!

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Excellent. Thank you. No need to remain in your sackcloth, I have forgiven you :mrviolet:

When new plugins are published, we like for certain details to be made clear; Menu location (so we don't have to hunt for it among the many plugins we have installed), Compatibility (will it work with pdn 3.5.11 or the latest version or both?), basic usage (you covered this in a subsequent post).

Check out some of the other plugin authors & see how they announce a new plugin. @Martin Osieka probably has the most exhaustive information around http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28520-print-it-tools-effect/

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You're a really good moderator. Thanks for being so informative. I don't have compat info, but I did add the environment developed on for reference.


Question: What makes compat with old versions relevant? Is there something keeping a portion of the community from upgrading to latest versions?

- Cheers!

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Question: What makes compat with old versions relevant? Is there something keeping a portion of the community from upgrading to latest versions?


Some users may be using Windows Vista and would be unable to upgrade to Paint.NET 4.0 and later as it requires Windows 7 SP1 as the minimum OS.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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If you've developed with CodeLab 2.1 then the plugin is only compatible with pdn 4.0.6+ REF: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/880-codelab-v210-for-advanced-users-released-november-29-2015/?p=447010


Some authors recompile with the older version of pdn and CodeLab in order to support older systems. As people upgrade, this is becoming a less beneficial use of your time.

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Nope, just using the base PDN libraries. The plugins I'm making right now are simple automations of what I have been doing manually for years. I am only now just starting to explore building a library for myself to start streamlining some of my existing PDN workflows. With that said I am simply wanting to share what I make with the community in case someone else can benefit from it. So I don't mean to sound inconsiderate when I say I will probably not invest time in compat for an audience that will soon dwindle away due to natural technological progression.


I am, however, making every effort to ensure that these plugins are truly "open source" allowing anyone to make such contributions via well-established technologies such as those provided by the open-source community at github.com.


P,S, I do wish there was better "official" documentation on the PDN libraries. I'm currently reflecting into PDN libraries and tracing code paths with a fair amount of sadness.


(and I really do VERY much appreciate the community you guys have built around PDN. Bravo!)

- Cheers!

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