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Everything posted by DrewDale

  1. Well done Sasha and Eli. Thanks for the votes, again some high standards of entries here. Cheers for hosting Chimay
  2. I did set the blend mode to overlay Perhaps my gradient was wrong ? The leaf was a stock image, I'm not that creative
  3. Top class tute Goonfella, well explained, cheers Cool result nitenurse. Heres mine: Added some noise to the inner and outer parts and repeated the noise and radial blur a second time on the disc layer.
  4. I was going to say radioactive pineapples in wallnut shells But indeed two remarkable new images Sasha, I love the depth on the BoltBait plugin image, looks almost like gold, the TR plugin image is an excellent abstract that shows off your pdn skills, great to see you updating your gallery again
  5. Once again great tute, heres my take on it
  6. Great tute toe_head, this is bookmarked for later, nice work
  7. Well done Eli, clearly on a roll with the comps. Congratulations also to Pixey and the other runners up / entrants. Top class first time hosting Pixey, nice work
  8. A very impressive start to your gallery racerx, the animations are top class indeed
  9. Congratulations Eli a great entry. Well done also to Seerose and Pixey. Great entries from all involved. Cheers for the hosting Chimay
  10. From what I understand reading the fans forum, Pixey has again been unable to log in today and also barbieq25 has been unable to get on since Dec 31st
  11. Cool tute Xhin. Bookmarked for future use. Top class image Pixey
  12. I keep having to log back in every few minutes
  13. Using a duplicate of the original un modified image and some blend modes, thanks TR
  14. Yes indeed, to echo remake. Many thanks for your work here.
  15. Top work Red. Well done also to Pixey and Barbieq, a challenging topic with some great results, cheers for hosting Chimay
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