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Zagna last won the day on July 7

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About Zagna

  • Birthday 12/01/1985

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    Rovaniemi, Finland

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  1. Alt + I + H for Flip Horizontal Alt + I + V for Flip Vertical
  2. OpenRasterFileType.zip Try this latest version?
  3. https://github.com/Zagna/openraster_pdn
  4. Large drives may make a lot of noise, learned this when we upgraded from 4TB drives to 8TB in our small office NAS. It can make all the noise it wants in the networking rack. And that's a NVR Surveillance drive designed for sequential operation. The random operations of normal usage isn't meant for that HDD.
  5. Irfanview has a PDN plugin and can has a powerful batch conversion feature.
  6. What mouse do you have? And do you have control software for it similar to SteelSeries GG or Logitech G Hub?
  7. Are you rotating with Shift to lock to 15° intervals? Free rotating just few degrees lead to few transparent pixels, locked to 90°, no transparent pixels.
  8. Just do Ctrl+Alt+V on startup, it pastes from the clipboard and replaces the default canvas.
  9. The 60€ is just a fee for Godaddy's negotiation service. After paying that, the domains owner will respond and say that the domain itself will cost 200k$+.
  10. For 1), you can create your selection, Copy Selection Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C, erase what you want on that layer, switch layer, Paste Selection Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V. Rinse and repeat. You can even paste the selection to Notepad++.
  11. Ah, missed Image sampling. After toggling not working as intended, creating and canceling a selection fixed it.
  12. The color picker picks from the selected layer even if that layer is hidden.
  13. It keeps getting weirder. If I keep building the selection at 100% zoom, it slowly builds like in that video over minutes and I'm stuck with a certain amount of memory being used forever like that 9GiB->2GiB in my video. GC does nothing and so on. Another time it got stuck at 1.1GiB and after 5 or so minutes, started slowly 2-4MB/s dropping down to 910MB and stayed at that for 15 or so minutes. But if I build the selection at for example 150% zoom, memory consumption goes up way faster than at 100%. In maybe 2 minutes, I got to 13GiB of my 16GiB of RAM. And shortly after going over 13GiB, it most likely GC'd to 3.5GiB. After that I finalized the selection and paint.net dropped to a normal 200MB.
  14. This shouldn't be even low priority since it takes several minutes of pointless panning to pull this off?
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