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Everything posted by DrewDale

  1. Stepping in here on a temporary basis, until Chimay returns. The voting stage is now closed and it's time to announce the winners. First place with 15 Votes is Helen Second place with 13 Votes is Pixey Third place goes to Cc4FuzzyHuggles with 9 Votes. Fourth place is shared between myself and Skullbonz. with 8 Votes each. I Will send a PM to Helen for the next topic and unless anyone hears from Chimay I will launch the next comp on Sunday 20 July Well done to all who took part and to all who voted
  2. Seeing that I still have hosting privilege, I will announce the winners and if need be, run the next comp until Chimay returns.
  3. Are you using his latest pack for V4 ? I have just run his effects with no issues in V4.0.2. Nice work on the update Rick. Cheers
  4. Top class entries from all. Well done to Nai and RockandRoll for top place. congrats to all other placers and those who took part. Nice hosting by Daniels too
  5. Thanks for the update Martin, nice work
  6. Cheers for that Red, very helpful indeed. Thank you.
  7. On the screenshot of this plugin, which one of the codes provided by imgr would I need to Copy / Paste so that it's a thumbnail on this forum, but when someone clicks on it, takes them to the full size image ?
  8. Any chance of you giving people more information? What memory (RAM) is on your machine? What OS are you on? (Win7 or Win8) What part of it is slow? In my opinion I find it to be faster than 3.5.11 and I run it on a very old PC that started life out as a Vista machine and now runs Windows 8.1
  9. The third image down (Akai MPC3000 if I am right) Nice and clean and detailed, In-fact all of your images a highly detailed. Great start
  10. The Dusty Jacket Club

  11. Are we nearly there yet?

  12. Perhaps this plugin, if I have read your question right. - http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27814-trs-reverse-fisheye-v10/
  13. Perhaps this line from your crash log ? Exception details: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
  14. Nice work from all who took part, well done to Cc4FuzzyHuggles on your win, xod, Pixey and blackpenny on your placings. Cheers for the hosting chimay.
  15. Thanks for the find nitenurse, I was going to try this plugin, but I'm not prepared to sacrifice plugins that I rely on for one that I may occasionally use. +1 for you
  16. I always copy / paste the code as shown in the attached screenshot for my gallery or other forum related posts.
  17. Congratulations on the completion Rick and a big thanks to all plugin authors who continue to enhance this amazing program.
  18. Many thanks for this. Keep up the good work
  19. Sasha, your creation with the Tree Maker plugin is stunning, really nice colours and the texture you have used for the ground is spot on, the addition of some drop shadow on the tree (compared to the one posted in the plugin thread) makes it pop. Nice to see you using pdn v4 too, I look forward to seeing what other works you can come up with too.
  20. Amazing works once again Seerose, I love your colours that you use. The football looks highly realistic. Your planet is very cool too, also your comp entry.
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