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Everything posted by DrewDale

  1. Great new plugin Red, nice work Although I am not a tree hugger, after a quick play around I came up with an image to suit the weekends pilgrimage for the great un-washed
  2. Multi colour gradient / Clipwarp new / Shape 3D / Gradient.
  3. For those who don't want to upgrade, or feel they are forced into something they don't want, here is an article on winsupersite, it relates to both Windows 7 & 8 systems. How to stop upgrade for Windows 10
  4. Indeed you do have a choice, opt out of the upgrade, don't click the icon near your clock. There is also articles in the interweb regarding how you can prevent reminders to upgrade too. For my PC, I plan to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1 on the available date (July 29 I believe) As for my Laptop running Windows 7, I have no plans to upgrade that, I have my DAW software / VST's and a lot of other music related things on that, it runs pretty sweet as it is and to be fair I only connect to the internet once a month for updates (if any) My PC started life out as a Vista machine and performs fairly quick on Windows 8.1, so I don't see any issues with Windows 10 on it either, If so I will just buy more ram and perhaps a better graphics card (if needed) @pdnnoob - Again from what I have read, the install option can be either a drive wipe install or the option to keep your files / folders / settings, but this is only what I have read on non microsoft forums / websites
  5. Your 3D space art is out of this world (no pun intended) very detailed indeed. Great work on the greetings cards and the misc work too, some great use of colours all round, top work on the very groovy sig too, keep it up.
  6. Could be wrong, if so feel free to exclude it.
  7. Nice work Red, neat entry, good work from all other entrants and placers. Cheers for hoting duties Chimay
  8. Any image you save for uploading to another forum or photo hosting website, needs to be saved as a .png bmp or .jpeg (jpg) file (or .gif for animations) a paint.net file format (.pdn) is a file format only recognised by paint.net. So in short - for deviantart or any other internet hosting service - save a copy of your image as either .png / .bmp or .jpg (.png is the best format for image quality) Always keep your .pdn file incase you wish to edit it later. Welcome to the forum too
  9. What is the point in having competition rules if people won't follow them ?
  10. Nice work skullbonz, top class enties from all once more, thanks to Pixey for running the poll
  11. Well done Maximillian, top class entry indeed, well done also to the runners up too, great entries all round. Cheers for hosting Chimay
  12. Music amplifier. Stunning creation Goonfella, highly realistic.
  13. Hi alaistair, unless the image hase been also saved as a .pdn file format, then sadly there is no way to un-merge an image.
  14. I don't know if I unerstand your question completely, but you say you have used the colour picker :PaintDotNet.Icons.ColorPickerCl and now can't type text ? Are you trying to type text the same colour as the background ? or will the text tool not let you type ? If you are using the same colour for text as the background, then you won't see what you are typing, have you got an unactive layer selected ? If so hit de-select :Deselect: and type your text on a new layer.
  15. Top work Maximillian great entry. Well done also to Seerose, Cc4, nitenurse, pixey and racerx. Some class entries from all. Cheers for hosting Chimay
  16. Well done Cc4 a top class entry. Well done also to Pixed and Goonfella. Some amazing entries once again. Cheers for hosting Chimay.
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