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Everything posted by skullbonz

  1. American sidewalks can be made out of several different types of materials, concrete, stone, bricks, small rocks, dirt,etc. First you have to layout a path you want your sidewalk to take and dig it down about 4-5 inches. Then you line the sides with strips of wood and every 2-3 feet add a cross piece for a spacer in between sidewalk sections to prevent cracking. Once done with the wooden frame you fill with the material you are using such as concrete until it is flush with the top of the frame. After the concrete has hardened you remove the wood and use a concrete deburrer on the edges to round off the sharp corners. Now you push the dirt back to the edge of the concrete and apply grass seed where needed. You should be able to walk on the concrete in a day or so and with other materials immediately after finishing the project. All materials and tools can be found at the American hardware store, Home Depot or Lowes and their salesmen will be happy to give you advice and show you where everything is located. Hope this helps.
  2. Making any image for someone else is a difficult proposition because the artist has no idea what is in that person's mind. In this case one would have to read the book also. To make an eye catching image with no plugins is a tall order in itself for a nooby. I suggest looking through the tutorials and learn the program first and one day you will be able to put your thoughts in an image of your own.
  3. I don't understand why you would want to keep any unused or not visible layers when merging all the visible layers in an image. It makes no sense to me and seems a bit lazy.
  4. This time save your work at regular intervals and this would save you a lot of time and frustration. It should be your number 1 rule when making anything in pdn.
  5. Wow, I just saw this and had to update. Love it TR, great update,thanks for all you do.
  6. Sorry Red, TR has me addicted to this plugin. I used the Quadrilateral Reshape plugin to angle the front of the box and I used the ball in the Rotate/Zoom tool for the end panel of the box. I stole TR's avatar from TR.
  7. I am going to check this out when I get some time in between snow storms,lol. Five feet out there so far and more coming. Is it similar to Sony Vegas ?
  8. Ok, with the dpi set at 300 I get the correct read out for 8.5 x 11 . I asked because my problem was the same as the author of the thread,just a different measurement and I wasn't getting the right read out for print size. How do you determine what dpi you need in different applications? Is there a chart or something somewhere? Thanks for the info.
  9. If this is so then why does the UI state that for 8.5" x 11" is 2550 px x 3300px and print size is 25.56" x 34.38" ?
  10. I use the one step method,Grim Color Reaper,lol Actually what you said works pretty good with no need for GCR. Thanks Red. :0
  11. Transparency on the background color yet? I haven't downloaded an update yet from the last several updates,lol. Waiting for the dust to settle.
  12. In my experimenting I can across this cool idea. I first used Red Ochre's Facet plugin on a picture of a skull with a transparent back ground and saved it as a .png. Then I opened TR's Third Dimension and used the faceted skull image as the png for the height map. As you can see it made the facets into pyramids.
  13. Wow, thank you all so much for your comments. Thank you EER and Barbie for the Galleria entry,that one was tough to do.
  14. I can't see toe_head's, it links back to his film strip tute.
  15. The 14th update on February 14th,lol. Is this your idea of a Valentine to us?
  16. Thank you all for your comments. I would have thought for sure you all would have picked the lighter one. It seems that is how everyone else depicts their space images and I was just trying to keep up with the rest. Maybe some of the ones I discarded should have been the ones I posted,lol. All I did was add some Brightness/Contrast on the lighter one. Oh and I forgot to say that I had 27 layers before merging.
  17. I don't know what happened but I started out with three layers of your Filaments and then added some Gaussian Blur,Conditional Hue/Saturation,Dents,Bulge,Twist with Zoom,Dents again and ended up with this.
  18. Goonfella is catching up so I had to make another Nebula,lol.
  19. Welcome to the PDN world Maximillian and a nice entry for sure.
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