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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. To further clarify, for newcomers. Renders as in planetrenders.net, are out. Using Paint.NET Render effects is OK.
  2. Isn't there a checkbox for clockwise or not in the UI? Circle Text
  3. This is how I'd proceed. Open Paint.NET. Adjust the canvas size to be bigger than your finished image size. (You can crop later) In the top menu: Image > Canvas Size... ================================== In the Colors window, click on More>>. Set the primary color to what you want your border to be. Use the Paintbucket tool to fill the entire canvas with that color. ============================================== Import your existing image. Layers > Import From File... Position it with the Move Selected Pixels tool, which will automatically be in effect by having imported the image file. When positioned as you like,press Ctrl D or Esc to remove the selection that also is in effect as a result of having imported the file. =============================================== You can crop either in Paint.NET or on your blogsite where you are familiar with the cropping method.
  4. If you put the text on its own new (transparent) layer, then you can use - Layers > Rotate / Zoom Plugin
  5. Forget about the link I gave in my previous post. That was my wrong guess about what you were doing. ================================== Open your image in Paint.NET as a single layer and use the eraser. The gray-and-white Checkerboard that indicates transparency should show through. ================================== If you can provide a link to the actual image you are working on, it will help towards getting the best advice.
  6. An Export option would be simpler, I agree. ============================= To save out a PNG then return to working on the PDN file, this way works now and is a bit simpler than what was detailed in the first post. Save As.. AnyName.pdn Open a new file. From the new file, Layers > Import from File... Import the file that you just saved. Delete the bottom default white background layer. Save As... PNG.
  7. Please provide a link to the tutorial so that we can know what you are referring to specifically. =================================================== Is this what you are working on?
  8. Those came as a result of spam posts that have since been deleted by mod/admin.
  9. This isn't a universal fix for all cup designs you'll be dealing with, but in this particular case, you could cut the image in two, in the area between the top swirly pattern and the lower images. (While still in the original rectangular format.) Vary the amount of curve applied to the top part, relative to the curve applied to the bottom section. Then fill in the gaps with the white background color.
  10. slimCODE, Alpha Mask Import plugin, using the image as its own mask, with Invert Mask checked. Or Curves+, Set to Advanced Key/Black - In Alpha - Out
  11. Burninate: Click on Effects, then on Render, then on Flames. Burninate is the .dll name, but the effect shows as Flames in the menu. =================================================== Is this an item in the Effects folder? PAINTNET.3.5.4Install If so, it should be removed.
  12. You can move the files singly or as a group, but don't copy the folder itself, only the .dll files that are inside the folder.
  13. honeyrose, Boltbait's plugins should work with your version of Paint.NET. v.3.5.4 is the current version of Paint.NET.
  14. j.d.melek, Download the MadJik pack zip to your desktop. Open the zip by simply left-clicking it. Next open the folder inside the zip. Copy/paste the .dll files into the Effects folder.
  15. honeyrose, Burninate.dll shows up in the Paint.NET menu as: Effects > Render > Flames ===================================== Color Balance will show up in the Adjustments menu rather than the Effects menu. Adjustments > Color Balance ===================================== Threshold is part of the Ed Harvey plugin pack. ================================================ Your "directory tree and main folders" post is unclear to me. Any effect plugin .dll files not directly inside the Effects folder can't be expected to work.
  16. The missing effects are probably plugin effects. Many of the plugins needed to be rewritten to work with the newer versions of Paint.NET. So, update your plugins by downloading them from the plugins forum.
  17. It is here: Tutorials > Creations > Special Border Tutorial
  18. Save reminder freeware. http://www.spacejock.com/yTimer_Screens.html
  19. To use the plugins, after installing in the Effects folder, open Paint.NET and click on Effects in the top menu. (Don't try to open the plugin .dll files themselves.) If Paint.NET was open when you installed the plugin files, close and re-open it. Threshold would be found this way: Effects > Color > Threshold ===================================== Feather Object: Effects > Object > Feather...
  20. It's nice to have a functional - "Active Content" link again.
  21. I kinda' like it. The shadows are all incongruent with each other and with the sun's position as primary light source. (Perhaps that's deliberate.) Maybe give the cricketers, fruit, and dish some shadows. Give the bananas some curve.
  22. honeyrose, That sounds like the Add New Layer icon. Bottom-left in the Layers window. If the tutorial was made using an earlier version of Paint.NET, the icons may look slightly different. Layers Window Threshold is part of Ed Harvey's plugin pack, which is pinned on the first page of the Plugins - Publishing Only forum. Once installed, it will show up in Paint.NET here: Effects > Color > Threshold ================================================ Any time you have a question relating to a specific tutorial its best to include a link to the tutorial. That will help people to give the best advice/suggestions.
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