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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. Cool! I can back up what Pyrochild is saying. Was able to download from the attachment both last night and just now. Using Firefox.
  2. Yes. You can do that. Cut/copy in one file, switch to the other, paste, etc.
  3. Yeah. Just open another image. Whatever images are open will show as thumbnail tabs in the top right corner of Paint.NET.
  4. I've been working on repairing some broken links in previous posts. This forum's software insists on posting the first "W" in LayersWindow as lower-case, which results in error - 404 Not Found. Using Firefox, Opera or Safari. (Does the same to ColorsWindow) http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/LayersWindow.html http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/LayersWindow.html Just something to add to the fixit list.
  5. Alex979, There's a step missing. Magic Wand the alpha on the eyes and smile layer, then make a new layer and apply the Bevel Selection effect. Then erase around the canvas edges.
  6. For most questions, this is the right place to ask. If you get stuck while doing a tutorial, ask for help in that tutorial's thread. Don't forget that Google is our friend. http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/2564/1/1/how-to-draw-a-cartoon-cow.htm
  7. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?app=core&module=search Use the Advanced forum Search with terms like: Metallic Metal Chrome etc. Narrow the search to Tutorials. You might like the Metallize plugin. Part of dpy's plugin pack.
  8. Did you remember to press Esc after importing the .jpg? The text that you added in "Step 2" might not show at the end stage if it's hidden by the .jpg layer. Any additional text you add at "Step 4" should show.
  9. Be sure that your Transparency - Alpha is set to 255 for your primary color in the Colors window. (Click on the-More>> button) In the Layers window, be sure that there is a checkmark in the checkbox for your text layer. The text layer should be the top layer, and should be highlighted as the working layer. Oh, and you have to click once on the canvas after choosing the Text tool.
  10. Both of the links pdnnoob gave are functional. Some other distorting methods to try are making irregular Lasso selections, then stretching the selections with the Move Selected Pixels tool. Also, try Smudge with a coarse brush and its new Jitter action set to a fairly low setting. ============================================= I just downloaded both plugin packs by using pdnnoob's links as a starting point. Try a different browser, maybe? I used Firefox.
  11. Align Object http://www.ourdome.com/alignplugin/AlignPlugin.dll Plugin Installation: Posting Images:
  12. scottpaint, Quadrilateral Reshape plugin will do some skewing, it's not a duplicate of the Photoshop tool. Evan's Effects v1.7 (December 4, 2009) It's pinned in the Plugins forum.
  13. honeyrose, Click on the link on the left/near-top of this page that says: Paint.NET Forum. Then click the Newbie Playground link in the Tutorials section. Cutting Out Images is one of the pinned tutorials.
  14. jrJ0hn, Paint.NET doesn't have that tool. Try using the Lasso select tool. Set the Selection Mode to: Add (union)
  15. Okay. Try clearing your browser's cache and/or using a different browser to download the Paint.NET zip. http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache It should open with simple left-clicking. Does the driver zip that you downloaded open OK?
  16. Can you download other zip files from other sites OK?
  17. .gif won't save partial transparency. Use PNG.
  18. If the Download dialogue offers a choice between Open with... or Save File be sure that Save File is ticked.
  19. What happens if you double-left-click the zip file? Adobe Reader should have no part in this. You may need to reset your file association for .zip. What OS version do you have? (XP, Vista, etc.)
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