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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. PaintFUX, Those four errors can be ignored. The plugins don't load because they are now built-in to Paint.NET.
  2. shadohart, To a limited degree the ScriptLab plugin can do some of this. Otherwise, just Google search - Macro Recorders.
  3. jbowyer, What you have described is not possible with the Clone Stamp tool. An alternative is to select a bit of texture with one of the selection tools and copy/paste into a new layer, then reposition it. You can paste-into-new-layer/reposition repeatedly as often as you like. ------------------- If you are going to use a certain texture extensively/often, a selected area of texture can be saved as an image file, then used as a brush with the CustomBrushesMini plugin. =========================================================== pArKeL, Clone Stamp
  4. When responding to help requests in the forums, it's good to be able to link to pages in the Help file. So, if this can be fixed it would be a good thing.
  5. With Paint.NET open, the online Help file can be reached by pressing F1 on the keyboard.
  6. If you do all of them, uninstall in descending numerical order and reinstall in ascending numerical order.
  7. dixie1, Try repairing or uninstalling/re-installing the .NET Framework.
  8. Nautilus http://tinyurl.com/pdnfractal01
  9. In terms of what is currently available, this is a good start. Help File The pinned topics on this page: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/20-newbie-playground/ HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS
  10. Pastel is part of Boltbait's pack, pinned on the first page of the plugin forum.
  11. Mostly copy and paste into new layer, position, merge. To make things match up, the pasted/selected bits can be rotated, stretched, compressed using the selection adjustment nodes. When positioned right, deselect and apply feather object. Some minor brightness adjustment with Brightness / Contrast can give a smoother blend.
  12. This shows a work-around. It's not foolproof, but can save a few mouse-clicks. Make the original file a .bmp rather than a .jpg.
  13. [thumbnail] has been added. It's in the Other Styles drop-down.
  14. Klickit, Go to the first post of this topic and click the link that says: "Here is the ZIP Pack of DLLs" It is a working link. Copy/paste the Frame.dll to your Effects folder. =============================================== Many links are still broken after the recent forum move.
  15. platoon, Try running chkdsk, with the /f parameter, from the command line. chkdsk with /f parameter When the scan has completed, make a screenshot of the Command window showing the results of the scan. Upload the image to http://imageshack.us/ and post the Direct Link here. ====================================================== After the chkdsk scan, reboot your PC before running the Paint.Net installer again. ====================================================== http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/
  16. Maybe one of these? bs-Cyrl-BA bs-Latn-BA hr-BA http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb896001.aspx
  17. stillhonest, The Segment Image plugin effect, followed by the Recolor tool for color correction, may give the desired result. Segment Image Recolor
  18. aljimenez, Layers > Rotate / Zoom http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/RotateZoom.html
  19. bigstarr62, If the object is on its own transparent layer, you can select and move it in the way that you have described. Use the Move Selected Pixels tool to move the selection.
  20. In the menu at the top of Paint.NET: Layers > Rotate / Zoom http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/RotateZoom.html
  21. Part of the MadJik plugin pack.
  22. Try running PdnRepair: Program Files/Paint.NET/PdnRepair.exe Then reboot your PC. ====================================== Also, installing Service Pack 3 for Windows XP may be a good idea.
  23. I'd probably try the Grim Color Reaper plugin effect for this. Grim Color Reaper
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