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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. Utilities > View Plugin Load Errors
  2. You can start by filling a layer with whatever floor texture you want, then tilt it down with Layers > Rotate/Zoom. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/RotateZoom.html Settings - Angle ------------------0.00 Twist Angle --------90.00 Twist Radius ------60.00 This can be changed if you want more/less tilt. ====================================================================== Edit: 3D Room Tutorial
  3. mapleleafworks, Nice outcome. One thing I notice is some text at the bottom of the red smoke. If you'd like to eliminate that, make a Rectangular Selection and pull down on the bottom-center adjustment node just enough to clear the text off the bottom of the canvas. Here's a picture to show what I mean. Click for Image
  4. This tutorial shows one way of separating the two. Cutting out images
  5. mapleleafworks, A good starting point is to know what size and shape (pixel dimensions) you want the finished image to be. Also, do you want the background to be black or white, or a particular color (light or dark?) The smoke and text elements can have their black or white backgrounds removed with the Grim Color Reaper plugin. Grim Color Reaper
  6. In the top menu: Layers > Import From File... Using this will bring each image in on its own layer.
  7. Other Wand Settings In the top menu: Layers > Rotate / Zoom
  8. Brae, Just wanted to check whether you rebooted the PC after the Platform Update. Also, a new stable version of Paint.NET is now available. v3.5.5
  9. Try doing it again, just as detailed in the link I gave you above.
  10. Did you do it this way? BoltBait Zip Directions ======================================================== Also, your Paint.NET version is out of date. That might make a difference. 3.5.4 is the current version.
  11. JPEG won't preserve transparency. Use PNG if the image has transparency that you want to keep. ================================== Yes. File > Save As... click Save Save Configuration has Transparency Threshold, but it's not used with the default save.
  12. Sketchup files don't work with Paint.NET.
  13. Dae, Is this what you want? Google Image Search Textures Example
  14. This could be referred to as a collage.
  15. pat71896, Color Balance is part of BoltBait's plugin pack. Color Balance + is part of dpy's plugin pack. --------------------------------------------- Both plugin packs are pinned on the first page of the plugin forum.
  16. I guess you forgot the necroposting rule. ( Or didn't notice the date, more likely.) And did you mean to post an example image?
  17. Do both. They're both good, and each has its own distinctive feel.
  18. loopylupine, Applying this to the rectangular source image before you curve it to fit the cup template may help. Camera lens distortion correction Example After applying Camera Lens Distortion Correction, using Quadrilateral Reshape can move the sides back towards vertical. ( I didn't do that on the example image. )
  19. Okay. Let's try this. If you have an older version of Paint.NET installed still, uninstall it first. Probably should then uninstall NET 4 first, then uninstall NET 3.5 SP1. Run the Microsoft Installer Cleanup utility linked to here: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;290301 Download NET 3.5 SP1. http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/0/e/20e90413-712f-438c-988e-fdaa79a8ac3d/dotnetfx35.exe Reboot your PC. Install NET 3.5 SP1. Reboot again. Install the current stable version of Paint.NET. v.3.5.4 (Not the beta)
  20. Looks like NET Framework problem. NET 3.0 Go to: Control Panel > Programs and Features Position things so that all Microsoft NET Framework versions are visible. Post a screenshot. Will probably need to repair/re-install NET Framework. ===================================================== Also, want to be sure that you have seen this thread.
  21. Maybe. If not, please start a new topic with full details on the problem.
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